Network Design

146 views 9:34 am 0 Comments July 6, 2023

Marketing Research and Data Analysis

Network Design
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In this venture various alternatives for the system configuration is to be examined and each choice are broke down with upsides and downsides. At that point the best choice for the system configuration is to be resolved and recorded. The equipment and programming prerequisites of the systems administration gadgets and UI are most significant issues of the system structure, so these ought to be examined in subtleties and best alternatives must be picked according to the necessity of the association/customer. Extraordinary framework arrangement is a system by which an incredibly baffling and nonlinear structure is conceptualized. Without a doubt, even the most experienced framework modeler should initially conceptualize a noteworthy picture and after that develop the point by point structures of the parts. The framework configuration addresses that enormous picture and should be made by making a space that alters the necessities of the customers with the limits of framework progressions and the work power that will run and keep up the structure.

Project hardware Requirements




Routers: TP-Link TL-SF1048,

Cost – $148.82.


Wireless device: EAP120

Cost – $ 120.00



Layer 3 switch:Cisco Catalyst 3650-24TS-S Switch

Cost – $ 2200.00



















User devices




Processor – Intel core i5

Ram – 4 GB or higher

ROM – 1 TB

Operating system – windows 8.1 or higher /MAC

NIC – network interface card

WIFI adapter

As per the user requirements


IP Planning



department Network ID Host ID Subnet mask Default gateway(given by ISP) No. of hosts
First 254
second 254


Network design


The customer server stream model is at present the most by and large material model. This model has both directionality and progressive system. Streams in this model are bidirectional, among customers and the server, as solicitations and reactions. This stream model is customer server in that the streams are topsy-turvy and progressively engaged close to the customer. In this way, demands will in general be little in respect to reactions. Depending on the sort of utilization, the streams might be considered practically unidirectional, from the server to the customers. Since the streams in the customer server model are hilter kilter, with the prevalent or on the other hand significant streams toward the path from the server to the customers, the server can be viewed as an information source, and the customers are information sinks. The server would be appeared as an information source on the prerequisites map, with streams producing from it to its customers on different territories of the guide. Since the transcendent or significant streams are from the server to the customers, these are the basic streams for this model. At the point when there is a prerequisite to transmit data to numerous customers simultaneously, multicasting at some layer in the system must be considered to enhance streams for this model. This model is the conventional perspective on customer server tasks, exemplified by ERP applications, for example, SAP, and online business applications. Applications, for example, these are very subject to organize execution when they are designed to work crosswise over huge separations, as when an organization is scattered over various areas, crossing urban communities, states, or nations. In the event that the system does not appropriately bolster customer server applications, the client must hotel to circulating the customer server engineering (e.g., appropriated ERP), which can be costly. Video altering embodies a customer server stream model. A video server can store video to be altered, and customers make demands to that server for video to alter. The server passes video to the customers, which might be sent back up to the server upon finish, or might be sent somewhere else for all the more preparing. Another perspective on customer server streams is with Web applications. While the early Web began with distributed streams from applications, for example, FTP and telnet, this use advanced to turn out to be more customer server-like with the utilization of FTP servers, pursued by applications, for example, gopher and Archie. Presently, with the far reaching utilization of Web applications, numerous streams in the Internet are between Web servers and their customers. As TCP/IP expect more system working framework (NOS) jobs, print and document benefits crosswise over big business systems and the Internet will turn out to be more customer server arranged. For instance, in the good ‘ol days, an individual who needed to get to data from an association would have utilized the application FTP to a realized webpage to download data. At that point this changed into getting to a FTP or on the other hand gopher server, and afterward to getting to a Web server. Today an individual may get to huge amounts of data from an association while never entering that association’s system, through getting to outside Web servers.


Topology of the Network



Configuration/simulation in Cisco software:




Router configuration

Adding IP address on the interface as shown in the topology



2)Dynamic Routing protocol (OSPF)



Dynamic routing Working in Routes







Security configuration in switch/routers





PC and server configuration





Ping Test of the network

Between client and router interface in same network

Between client and router interface in other network



Client and remote router interface



Between PC of one network to PC of other network (PC3 to PC5)


Ping between client and server: (PC3 to server 2)


Configuring Network services:

DHCP configuration

DHCP request by the PCs





DNS server







Web server:









The project deals with the practical implementation of computer network and service configuration. The design flow starts with the requirement of the project, which is well described in the report, as hardware and software requirements. As the project requirement the routers, switches, and the user devices are configured and tested in Cisco packet tracer. The service configuration includes DHCP ,DNS firewall configuration in servers etc. In this project two routers are used to interconnect with each other and the network address for client and servers are different so , OSPF routing protocol is being used in the router .


Todd Lammle, Cisco Certified network associate study guide (Wiley Publishing Inc., 2007).

.H. Kantowitz and R.D. Sorkin,R.D, ”Human Factors:Understanding People-System Relationships”, 1st Edition, New Jersey, Wiley,1983

J. Rasmussen, and W.B. Rouse, ”Human Detection and Diagnosis of System Failures”, Volume 15 of Nato Conference Series / III Human Factors, Springer, 2012.

Data Communications and Networking, Fourth Edition , Behrouz A. Forouzan

C. E. Shannon. “A Mathematical Theory of Communication.” Bell System Technical Journal 27 (July, October 1948)

A. Lender. “The Duobinary Technique for High Speed Data Transmission.” IEEE Transactions on Communication and Electronics 82 (May 1963)



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