
165 views 8:57 am 0 Comments July 29, 2023

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Assessment 1 resource folderMarketing Research and Data Analysis
Assessment 1: Short Essay (30%) (Word count 1200 words + or – 10%)
You are to write two short essays of 600 words each. Unlike traditional essays, these short essays will have a very small introduction and a very short conclusion (one or two sentences).
Short essay 1: The term ‘multiliteracies’ is preferred by some educationalists over the term ‘literacy.’ Explain what ‘multiliteracies’ means and how this differs from traditional ideas of literacy.
Short essay 2: Identify why a student may benefit from being taught in such a way in classrooms. In your response, consider how this may support students from different language and social class backgrounds.
Word count includes all text (headings, in-text citations, captions and direct quotes). It excludes the Reference List.
Further details will be provided via Blackboard and sessions.
How to present your work:
• Give your work a title (s). Title each essay • Add a reference list at the end • Number your pages • Put your name and student ID in the header or footer

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