Module Learning Outcomes

191 views 10:22 am 0 Comments July 20, 2023

PPLD Module (BUSI49681)

Assessment BriefSample Page

Element 1: (Summative) A 3500 word Reflective Practice Report with supporting personal development plan (PDP). This is worth 60% of your overall grade.

Due Sunday 16th July 2023 by 11:00pm.

Module Learning Outcomes.

Identify and justify appropriate theories, frameworks and concepts to underpin your personal, professional and leadership development.

Critically evaluate your increased levels of self-awareness through conducting a personal audit of your strengths and weaknesses using diagnostics and self-evaluation tools.

Critically evaluate your personal audit and link to your continual professional development through the creation of a personal and professional development plan (PDP) focusing on the development of leadership competencies which support your future career planning.

Critically reflect and extract meaning from critical incidents as evidence of your practice as a responsible leader who leads with purpose, leads by example and leads in a context of uncertainty, complexity and constant change.

Critically assess and evaluate and provide evidence of how your increased levels of awareness of impact on others and leading with and through others has been used for organisational impact.

Present and respond to questions at an appropriate senior leader level using personal presence and storytelling to evidence an understanding of leading responsibly through interpersonal excellence related to your practice as a senior leader with a sense of purpose and strategic intent.

Element 1 assesses learning outcomes A – E.

Element 1 – 3500 Reflective Report with supporting Personal Development Plan (PDP)

The assessment requires completion of a reflective practice report which should take the form of a critically reflective review of your learning whilst on the programme. This will draw on a personal audit which should include diagnostics and self-evaluation tools which you then need to critically evaluate to evidence an understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses in the context of your overall leadership development. Your report should also draw on critical incidents which you need to critically reflect on to evidence an understanding of your responsible leadership. These incidents can draw upon direct personal experience and/or organisational practice. You also need to consider and critically reflect on your leadership impact on others and /or the wider organisational context. You should aim to evaluate and interrogate your leadership actions in situations to craft themes and contradictions which can be interrogated and explored in depth.

You also need to use your personal audit to produce a personal development plan (PDP) related to the development of leadership competencies. Your PDP needs to have well defined SMART goals and objectives and targeted development activities that evidence growth whilst on the programme.

The report is in essence a review of your personal and professional leadership development through the programme including:

your starting point supported by an evaluation of your personal audit evidence supporting your assessment of your strengths, weaknesses and areas of improvement in the form of feedback or diagnostics

critical reflection on your senior leadership development on the programme with reference to learnings from critical incidents and experiences with reference to the actions and behaviours demonstrated

a consideration of your leadership impact on others

a personal development plan outlining the development you will complete to attain these aspirations.

This assessment is intended to assess learning outcomes a – e.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The focus of the report should be on a reflection of your own personal and professional leadership development. You should not directly reference by name, any fellow students, tutors or clients. This is to protect the anonymity of others and ensure confidentiality. You need to use module unit theories and concepts to provide an academic underpinning to your narrative.

Please ensure you remain within the word limit and please state the word count on the front page of your report.

Guidelines, hints and tips.

The reflective practice assignment should be in the form of a report, which should include:

ο‚· An Executive Summary

ο‚· A Contents Page to include section numbers, page numbers, references and appendices.

ο‚· An Introduction to set the context. An explanation of what you hoped to gain from the programme at the start. What was your rationale for joining? How did you feel it would enhance your ongoing career development? What did you see as your personal and professional development needs?

ο‚· You should use models and methods from the module to structure your reflections indicating why these specific methods or models were chosen.


What were the critical incidents/defining moments which were significant learning experiences for you through the programme?

What were the key development opportunities for you and how did you maximize these?

How did you learn from your mistakes?

How were you able to use your strengths?

How did your actions, decisions and leadership behaviors impact others in the wider team and organisation?

What key things made a difference to your effectiveness and performance?

What did you learn about your ongoing development needs?

How has the programme supported you in preparing for the next steps in your senior leadership development?

ο‚· Conclusion to draw together the findings from your reflection, linked to theory, methods and models of reflective practice. How has your capability improved through your development?

ο‚· Recommendations for ongoing leadership development in the form of a personal development plan, linked to your career aspirations with SMART actions.

The word limit for your reflective report is 3500 words. Please state the word limit on the front of your report.

Your Personal Development Plan (PDP)

Reflecting on your starting point for the programme you need to draw the results of your personal audit to create a personal development plan that details your ongoing personal development priorities.


Your personal development plan should include reference to the following:

Your specific development goals – what do you want to develop in the short, medium and long term?

When do you want the development to be complete by?

What actions do you need to complete in order to achieve your development outcomes?

What obstacles to you perceive and how could you navigate these?

What resources do you need to support you?

You may find it useful to use the acronym SMART (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant, Timed) in relation to each of your development goals. You should include short term and medium term goals and longer term strategic career aspirations and development needs.


Your assignments need to be strengthened by the appropriate use of academic material. However, this material must be properly attributed or referenced. In addition to providing a comprehensive bibliography of all sources used, you must reference your material throughout your assignments. Standard Nottingham Business School practice is to use the Harvard Referencing Method. Details of this approach can be obtained in a leaflet entitled β€œCiting References”, which was provided at your Induction.

The NTU Library and Learning Resources department has a guide on how to use Harvard referencing via their website. Go to, click help and support in the menu to the left of the screen, then choose referencing and plagiarism. Scroll down to the third paragraph and click on citing references a guide for users.

Assignment submissions

You must submit assignments on or before the due date indicated. Please ensure that your assignments are clearly marked with your name, the module and programme details and the word count for your assignment. All assignments should be submitted electronically to the relevant module learning room in NOW via the Dropbox. In the event of any problems with this please contact your course administrator who will log your assignments and forward them to the module leader at NBS for marking. Please also note that the Dropbox will only accept one submitted document, therefore please ensure any appendices you include are contained within the body of your assignment. Please put your name, N number and Professional Leadership Development as the header/ footer.

We aim to return marked assignments within three weeks of submission. However, this may not always be possible if, for example, staff are teaching at remote sites or are unavailable on other university business. In such instances, the programme team will advise course members of when to expect returned work.

NBS Feedback Form for Postgraduate Coursework – Element 1 Reflective Report with supporting personal development plan (PDP)


Professional Leadership Development BUSI49681

Student Number and Name


Assessment Element (as stated in the assessment brief)

Element 1

Element 2

Element 3

Element 4

Tutor name (s)


Assessment submission date

Please refer to the Module Learning Room Dropbox Folder for the date you were due to submit.

Date Feedback Uploaded

Please refer to the Dropbox folder for the date on which your feedback was uploaded.


Identify and justify appropriate theories, frameworks and concepts to underpin your personal, professional and leadership development.

Critically evaluate your increased levels of self-awareness through conducting a personal audit of your strengths and weaknesses using diagnostics and self-evaluation tools.

Critically evaluate your personal audit and link to your continual professional development through the creation of a personal and professional development plan (PDP) focusing on the development of leadership competencies which support your future career planning.

Critically reflect and extract meaning from critical incidents as evidence of your practice as a responsible leader who leads with purpose, leads by example and leads in a context of uncertainty, complexity and constant change.

Critically assess and evaluate and provide evidence of how your increased levels of awareness of the impact on others and leading with and through others have been used for organisational impact.

Present a critically reflective review of your personal, professional and leadership development to evidence the senior leader narrative of your overall leadership development.

Element Grade

The overall grade for the work is based on a holistic assessment and is determined by how well the criteria have been met overall and not the sum of the individual aspects of the work.

In the matrix below, grades awarded against each criterion indicate that the relevant aspect of the work can be more readily associated with that category than any other. Allocation of a grade does not indicate that work exactly matches the associated description.

Exceptional Distinction

High Pass

High Commendation

High Distinction

Mid Fail

Mid Pass

Mid Commendation

Mid Distinction

Low Fail

Marginal Fail




If a zero grade, select the appropriate comment below:

NS – No work submitted or submitted > 5 working days after deadline

NK – Work submitted and is in moderation

NE – Work is not yet submitted, and student has an Extension

NN – Student did not attend for an exam

Component, and learning outcomes


Marginal Fail




Report presentation, structure, style & referencing. (10%)






resulting in a

confused and

illogical report.

Badly written and

with little or no


Presentation is of

an insufficient

standard. The

structure is not

logical which

makes it difficult to


Some poor use of

grammar and

spelling, again

making the

arguments difficult

to follow.

Significant errors

in referencing. Not

entirely fit for


Good structure.


standard of


Good use of





Very good structure, with very

good standard of



Very good clear



language. Very

good referencing.

Excellent style/

structure, with very

high standard of



Clear concise,






Use of literature and understanding & application of module theories, models and concepts. (15%)

No evidence given to support or demonstrate the understanding or application of any relevant theories or concepts.

A very limited attempt is made to engage with the module theories, models and concepts but the links are unclear and under-developed. Selected sources are limited in terms of depth or appropriateness and poorly linked to the discussion.

Good levels of engagement with module theories, models and concepts. Good levels of application are evidenced to support the discussion although some key areas may be missing or require development.

A very good level of engagement with the module theories, models and concepts.

Clear and compelling consideration of their application in practice is demonstrated.

An excellent level of engagement with the module theories, models and concepts.

Relevant academic models and theories have been skilfully and critically evaluated. Excellent critique of their practical implications is provided.

Self-reflection on practice

Has critically reflected on actions, decisions and development through the programme using theories and concepts of reflective practice. Understands how to build on strengths, address weaknesses and learn from success and mistakes. (25%)

Has not reflected on their actions, decisions or development through the programme. Has not identified strengths or weaknesses. Does not evidence learning from success and failure.

Little or no critical reflection on actions, decisions and development. Gaps in understanding of strengths, weaknesses and learning from success and failure.

Critical reflection on actions, decisions and development evident although may be limited. Logical assessment of strengths and weaknesses. Understands the causes of success and failure.

Very good critical reflection on actions, decisions and development. Is able to understand own strengths and weaknesses and how these can be used/developed. Understands causes of success and failure and demonstrates learnings from these.

Excellent reflection on own actions, decisions and development. Clearly articulates own strengths and how these can be used and has identified and addressed areas of weakness for further development. Excellent articulation of learnings from success and failure evidencing the transferable nature of this development.

Awareness of impact on others. Critically reflects on the impact of behaviours and actions on others and on wider organisational issues. (25%)

Has not demonstrated any critical reflection on their development or considered the impact of their leadership practice on others and/or the wider organisational context.

Little evidence of any critical reflection on development or to consider the impact of their leadership practice on others and/or the wider organisational context.

There has been some attempt at critical reflection on their development to consider the impact of their leadership practice on others and on the wider organisational context.

Very good critical reflection on development and considers the impact of their leadership practice on others and on the wider organisational context.

Excellent critical reflection on development and considers the impact of their leadership practice on others and on the wider organisational context.

Conclusions & Recommendations for ongoing personal and professional leadership development (10%)

No conclusions, recommendations present.

Conclusions and recommendations present but does not flow from the body of the report.

Conclusions drawn are a summary of the preceding discussion. Recommendations may be

little too general but are broadly logical and practically relevant.

Conclusions and recommendations are insightful, distinguished and flow logically from the discussion.

Conclusions and recommendations are very insightful and well-reasoned and are based on the preceding arguments in the discussion.

Personal Development Plan. Student evidences the ability to use diagnostic tools and/or other alternative self-evaluation tools to examine their strengths and weaknesses, producing an appropriate PDP to develop themselves. PDP has well defined SMART goals and objectives and targeted development activities. (15%)

The PDP has no structure. Little thought has been given to how important elements of the PDP should be presented. As a result, key elements are missing. The PDP overall does not make sense.

Goals set are arbitrary and ill defined. SMART is not used to identify the development objectives needed to attain the goals such that it is unlikely these will be attained.

The development activities are not identified.

The PDP is poorly structured and unclear. There is no flow between the goals set and the development needed to attain them. Headings used make it difficult to interpret the PDP.

An attempt has been made to set goals and to use SMART but some elements are missing such that it is unclear how the goals can be achieved.

An attempt has been made to identify development activities but these are ill defined and unclear.

There is a basic structure for the PDP. The presentation is adequate and overall the intent of the PDP can be understood.

Goals have been set, although these may not be completely clear. SMART has been used in a basic format. The goals seem achievable.

Development activities have been identified, however these might be somewhat superficial.

The PDP is well structured and clearly presented. The key elements are easy to identify and interpret.

Goals are well defined. SMART objectives provide a clear line of sight to how the goals will be achieved such that there is evidence of a clear plan of action.

Development activities are well defined and realistic taking into account any potential challenges in completing these activities.

The PDP is very well structured. The headings used ensure the PDP is clear and concise. All the elements of the PDP relate well to each other to ensure a convincing PDP.

Goals are well thought through and supported by well defined SMART objectives. There is a convincing line of sight between the goals and the SMART objectives such that there is confidence the goals will be achieved.

Development activities are well selected and highly relevant. Challenges in completing these have been carefully considered such that the development is realistic and achievable.

What you did well in this coursework.


What you can do to improve your future coursework.


Below, if applicable, are highlighted some additional online resources that are maintained by the NTU Library, and that you can access via your NOW Student Help Learning Room. Engaging with these resources and the feedback provided above can also support you to enhance specific aspects of your work.


Managing your time


Presentation skills

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