139 views 7:28 am 0 Comments July 3, 2023

Progress: What is going on well

  • Values and ethics (supervision, AASW Code of Ethics)
  • Professionalism
  • Organisational context (top management support, communication, achieving goals i.e., intake shifts/one-off art for happiness session and looking into scheduling two more sessions, Mindfulness group for adults)
  • Use of theory in practice
  • Research (developing resources for group therapy programs)
  • Communication & interpersonal skills
  • Developing my own reflection skills
  • Observe multidisciplinary setting


  • Balancing placement and personal life
  • Social isolation: it takes courage and being intentional to reach out because that’s not the natural me, so I am struggling a bit to build relationship outside of work into my daily routine.
  • Lack of a proper routine: When the meetings/ sessions on my calendar has been done, I sort of struggle to know what else to do. It has really been a struggle for me. I understand that people that go to the clinic face-to-face might not have to struggle with what else that can be done to make up for that time.
  • Time management: I find myself not able to tell a client my time is up, was a bit worried not to offend the client and not come as being rude.


  • Critical thinking (improving my ability to analyse information objectively and be able to critically think without prejudice to help me to be able to make informed decisions.
  • Improving my professional commitment to social work values and ethics: this can be done by learning more on how to prioritise client’s needs, I must be able to identify when structures and organisations are being oppressive, and how the values of social work can be used to combat this situation. For instance, the govt says everyone is protected and treated with respect but there are discourses that has been a concern for inclusion and equality. Getting conversant with the Human Rights Act can be really helpful around this.
  • Constantly raising questions to assist with self-reflection that will develop best practices.


  • Empathy: the ability to empathise, by verbally expressing to the clients that I can understand what they are going through. It helps client know that they are not alone
  • Passion: This stems from personal experiences and a love for helping others who are experiencing difficulties in some areas of their lives.
  • Communication and Interpersonal skills: active listening, verbal and non-verbal communication (self-aware about professional and personal values, emotional resilience
  • Teamwork


  1. Focusing on the service learning project for the Domestic and Family Violence recovery group for women
  2. Researching on strategies that can be used in the recurring mindfulness group sessions
  3. Developing other social work skills
  4. Developing a good understanding of working in a dynamic team setting (multidisciplinary teams and the role of social work in this context.)

MULLER, 2014

The power of story

Song line and dreaming tracks

Defining knowledge, theories, and purposes: The most significant part was likened to a snake whose tail was cut off, and it had to regrow. Colonization/invasion has cut off the tail (Indigenous culture and knowledge), it however didn’t kill it.

ORTON, 2014


Systems theory: helps us have a complete view of a person’s situation within their social environment. To give the best practice intervention, this is applied in situations where many issues connect, and they influence one another in various ways. Examples: observing interactive patterns in a family, used to discover dysfunctional patterns, then to encourage change rather than blaming others.

Feminist theory: helps us to use critical gender analysis. This is done by identifying the missing elements in the operation of existing services & also being able to discern client’s needs. For DFV recovery group, gender analysis can help to develop specific therapeutic intervention and organisational change (this can be done by working through power relations/ increase the autonomy of client’s: traditional practices of therapy are based on the principle of professionals leading the process of recovery. The organisation can create opportunities for personal autonomy & self-determination, which is a significant form of therapy)

Anti-oppressive theory: removing organizational obstacles. For instance, there are some ridiculous predefined criteria that is put in place that one must meet to receive social welfare services. So many times, these criterions are obstacles to meeting their needs. I’ll say to a very large extent we are practicing the anti-oppressive theory, because as we know this is a student training clinic, and the clinic is very much open to almost everyone, except in rare cases where the situation is too complex for students. Rules here are used in flexible ways that we adapt them to the context of client’s real lives.

GAINSBURY, 2017 (Culturally Responsive theory)

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD): Cultural competence models of therapy assume that treatments must be compatible with a client’s cultural needs and therapists must have an awareness of culture and apply this knowledge to effectively achieve optimal outcomes. This also helps me improve my ability to build rapport and positive rapport is associated with better client outcomes. Cultural competence is explicit in goal. Culturally competent therapy helps me to be mindful of my own biases and I’m also able to understand client’s worldview and intervene in an appropriate manner.

It is important that I understand a client’s cultural background and identity and its impact on mental issues.

Questions (APA 7 Referencing style, 850 words)

  • Describe your experience of the liaison visit including what went well and what could have gone better?
  • How will you utilise your strengths and skills moving forward?
  • What will you do during the second half of placement to further develop the skills, knowledge, and practice, particularly those you identified for your areas of improvement? Be specific, including readings you will review and summarise, skills videos or skill development opportunities you will utilise or additional tasks you will undertake.
    • Reflect on the theory that you discussed in your mid placement review and briefly summarise the theory in your own words and why you used this theory. Name and briefly describe two other theories specific to your placement field of practice that will be useful for you to utilise during the remainder of your placement.
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