MGMT7029 Organizational systems Assignment

183 views 8:34 am 0 Comments November 3, 2023

Question 1:
Companies succeed because of their culture, they decline because of their culture and if there were to be any single reason advanced for the failure of two thirds of mergers and acquisitions, it would probably be the incompatibility in the culture of the business” Hilton, A. ‘Hearts and Minds’, Chartered Secretary, April 2011, p. 14.
Discuss and evaluate this statement, including organizational examples where relevant, evidencing approaches that could support increased success in such mergers and acquisitions.

Question 2:
“A happy and engaged workforce is widely acknowledged to outperform one where negativity and office politics thrive” Clifton, K. ‘Values Added’, Manager, Autumn 2012, p. 14
Identify and describe an example that, in your opinion, has developed a happy and engaged workforce, noting its impact on organizational performance.

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