MGMT Course Assignment

150 views 7:41 am 0 Comments July 4, 2023
  1. This is a statistics course and the goal of this     assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the whole course. When you are reviewing your work, ask yourselves “are we demonstrating our understanding of relevant topics?”
  2. Related to 1, though the rubric is in the middle of the document, it is the most important part of the assignment as it specifically tells you what you are being grade on. As you complete each step, ensure that you have checked your work against the rubric to make sure you are maximizing your grade. Also it indicates where to put most of your effort (i.e. the portion of the assignment that is worth the most should be where you put most of your work).

General Information

  • This assignment has four parts, which involve utilizing multiple analysis techniques to explore a human resources problem.
  • The overall goal of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the key topics in this course and that you can apply them in a real-world situation.
  • Worth: 15% of total mark for the course
  • Due: Friday, December 17 by 11:59pm
  • Late submissions will not be accepted.

Outside sources

NOTE: If you directly use an outside source (e.g., paraphrase or quote), you still need to do a proper APA citation. What is described below is only for outside sources that you looked at for help and not for directly writing your     work.

As I am absolutely convinced that most of you are using outside sources and failing to cite them, let us make it easy. If you look at a website outside of the class (i.e. not our textbook or from BB), insert the URL in the table below, state which part of the assignment you used it for (1, 2, 3 ,4), and very briefly how you used it. In the first row, I’ve provided an assignmentple of what I’m expecting. Please delete it before submitting.

URL Part How used
2 Read about r and how to interpret it.

If you claim you used no outside sources OR you directly used all outside sources, instead of submitting the above table, include the following sentence in your     work (see submission guidelines for where):

“I, [insert full name], solemnly swear that I did not use any outside source (except those properly cited using APA referencing) to complete this assignment. I understand that failure to indicate outside sources is an act of academic misconduct and could result in getting 0 on this assignment.”


The Craybill Instrumentation Company produces highly technical industrial instrumentation devices. The company has 45 sales regions, each headed by a sales manager.

The human resources (HR) director has the business objective of improving recruiting decisions concerning sales managers. The HR director determined that the primary method of evaluating the effectiveness of recruitment is the hire’s resulting “sales index” score, which is the ratio of the regions’ actual sales divided by the target sales. The target values are constructed each year by upper management, in consultation with the sales managers, and are based on past performance and market potential within each region.

At the time of their application, candidates are asked to take the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory Test and the Wonderlic Personnel Test. The former test measures the applicant’s perceived interest in sales, while the latter measures their perceived ability to manage. For both tests, the higher the score the better.  Due to the time and money involved with the testing, some discussion has taken place about dropping one or both of the tests.

The HR director decided to use regression modelling to predict the sales index (Sales) of the sales managers. To start, the HR director gathered information on each of the 45 current sales managers, including years of selling experience (Experience), and the scores from both  the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory Test (SCIIT)  and the Wonderlic Personnel Test (Wonder).  The attached Excel file contacted information on the 45 current sales managers.

Your goal is to perform analysis to determine: Can the sales index be predicted by the variables chosen by the HR director? If so, which variable or combination of variables is the most effective predictor.

What you need to do

To answer the above question, follow the instructions below. You will submit all of the tables in each of the parts and your Excel file with your completed work. See Submission Guidelines for more details.

Part 1 – Exploratory data analysis

Prior to doing the regression analysis, the HR director wants to get a sense of the quality of sales managers Craybill currently has. To do this, run an exploratory data analysis of the sales index and determine what story you want to tell about the sales managers. Then choose the visualization or numerical summaries (or both) that best support the story you want to tell. Insert them below. Then explain the story.

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