Marking Guide

159 views 9:03 am 0 Comments July 6, 2023

BCO6603 ERP Systems – Assessment Three Marking GuideHuman Computer Interaction

Minimal Somewhat Acceptable Good Excellent
*e.g. Opening paragraph
describes why the report has
been written, what it contains
and defines key terms
Introduction was
unclear/invalid /omitted
key definitions/did not
introduce the topic*
Introduction was
unclear/invalid in part/
omitted key definitions/did
not introduce all aspects of
the topic *
Introduction was generally clear,
included some referenced
definition/s and introduced the
topic to an acceptable standard*
Introduction was clear and
introduced the topic using clear,
good quality referenced
Introduction was very clear
and introduced the topic using
high quality referenced
definitions. Writing is of a
professional standard*
/Critical Analysis
^e.g. Provide a clear,
structured discussion and
analysis (compare and
contrast the literature) of the
topic. Cite quality journal
articles and texts to underpin
every point in your report. Use
relevant business case
studies to illustrate key points.
Little evidence of critical
analysis and
s and case studies are
omitted/not used^
Some evidence of
understanding and analysis
communicated/ unclear in
part/some of the aspects of
the topic are not
references are incomplete,
of poor quality or
summary/little or no analysis
of the literature/case studies
not present, of poor quality
or incomplete^
Depth of understanding and
reflection is acceptable/the
discussion is generally clear/a
coherent analysis of the literature
is presented. Most aspects of the
topic are covered. Most key points
are supported with Harvard
citations and corresponding
Harvard references demonstrating
research. Relevant case studies
are present and support most key
points. ^
Depth of understanding and
reflection meets
expectations/the discussion is
clear/a coherent, critical analysis
of the literature is presented. All
aspects of the topic are covered.
Most key points are supported
with quality Harvard citations
and corresponding Harvard
references demonstrating
research. Several relevant,
quality case studies support
most key points.
Depth or understanding and
analysis is of a professional
standard/the discussion is
clear and relevant/ a high
quality, critical analysis of the
literature is provided. All
aspects of the topic are
covered. All relevant
information is presented with
Harvard citations and
corresponding high quality
Harvard references
demonstrating research. High
quality case studies support all
key points. ^
#e.g. Closing paragraph/s
summarise the key points
presented in the report #
Conclusion was
unclear/invalid / did not
summarise the key
topics discussed #
Conclusion was
unclear/invalid in part/did not
summarise the key topics
discussed #
Conclusion was generally clear
and summarised the key topics
discussed #
Conclusion was clear and
summarise the key topics
discussed #
Conclusion was of a
professional standard and
summarise the key topics
discussed #
-e.g. Professional, consistent
format that is free of errors –
meaningful headings and sub
headings are used.
References and citations are
provided in Harvard format.
The file name, cover page and
footer are present and match
the assessment instructions.
There are major issues
with length, consistency,
layout, headings, use of
font, spacing, Harvard
format citations,
references or structure –
There are some issues with
presentation in terms of
length, consistency, layout,
headings, use of font,
spacing, citations
/referencing or structure –
Presentation is mostly consistent
with only minor issues evident in
terms of layout, headings, use of
font, spacing, citations/referencing
and structure –
Presentation is consistent with
only one or two minor issues
evident in terms of layout,
headings, use of font, spacing,
citations/referencing and
structure –
Presentation is of a
professional standard. The
work is consistent and
professional in length, layout,
headings, use of font, spacing,
citations/referencing and
structure –
Penalties Up to 100%
Dependent on the level
copied material
Late submission
10% of the total possible
mark per day late

Note that performance indicator descriptions are indicative only and are provided as a general guide. In some cases only part of the indicator description may apply for mark
allocation. In cases where indicator descriptions are varied, additional feedback will be provided.

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