144 views 7:50 am 0 Comments July 3, 2023

I.        Executive Summary

The executive summary is a synopsis of the overall marketing plan and easier to write last, after the entire marketing plan has been written.

II.       Environmental Analysis

  • The External Environment

Micro Analysis:

                    Competitive forces (Five Force Analysis)

Who are our major competitors?  What are their characteristics (size, growth, profitability, strategies, target markets)?

What are our competitors’ key strengths and weaknesses?

What are our competitors’ key marketing capabilities in terms of products, distribution, promotion, and pricing?

What response can we expect from our competitors if environmental conditions change or if we change our marketing strategy?

Is this competitive set likely to change in the future?  If so, how?  Who are our new competitors likely to be?

Macro Analysis.

                    Economic growth and stability

What are the general economic conditions of the country, region, state, and local area in which our firm operates?

Overall, are our (potential) consumers optimistic or pessimistic about the economy?

What is the buying power of (potential) consumers in our target market(s)?

What are the current spending patterns of (potential) consumers in our target market(s)?  Are they buying less or more of our product and why?

                    Political trends

Have recent elections changed the political landscape within our domestic or foreign markets?  What type of industry regulations do newly-elected officials favor?

What are we currently doing to maintain good relations with elected officials?  Have these activities been effective? Why or why not?

                    Legal and regulatory factors

What changes in international, federal, state, or local laws and regulations are being proposed that would affect our marketing activities?

Do recent court decisions suggest that we should modify our marketing activities?

Do the recent rulings of federal, state, local and self-regulatory agencies suggest that we should modify our marketing activities?

What effect will changes in global trade agreements have on our international marketing opportunities?

                    Changes in technology

What impact has changing technology had on our customers?

What technological changes will affect the way we operate or manufacture our products?

What technological changes will affect the way we conduct marketing activities, such as distribution or promotion?

Do current technologies exist that we are not using to their fullest potential in making our marketing activities more effective and efficient?

Do any technological advances threaten to make our product(s) obsolete?

                    Cultural trends

How are society’s demographics and values changing?

What effect will these changes have on our:

market offering:


physical distribution:

marketing communications:



physical evidence

What problems or opportunities are being created by changes in the cultural diversity of our consumers and employees?

What is the general attitude of society about our industry, company, and product(s)?  Could we take actions to improve this attitude?

What consumer or environmental groups could intervene in the operations of our industry or company?

What ethical issues should we address?

          B.      The Customer / Consumer Environment

                    Who are our potential customers?

Demographics characteristics: sex, age, income, occupation, education, ethnic background, family life cycle, etc.

Geographic characteristics: location, density, etc.

Psychographic characteristics: attitudes, motives, interests lifestyles

Do the purchasers of our products differ from the users of our products?

Who are the major influencers of the purchase decision?

Who is financially responsible for making the purchase?

                    Where do our customers purchase our products?

From what types of intermediaries are our products purchased?

How does electronic commerce have an effect on the purchase of our products? Will this effect change in the future?

Are our customers increasing their purchasing from non-store outlets such as catalogs, home shopping networks, or the Internet?

                    When do our customers purchase our products?

Are the purchase and consumption of our products seasonal?

To what extent do promotional events affect the purchase and consumption of our products?

Do the purchase and consumption of our products vary based on changes in physical/social surroundings, time perceptions, or the purchase task?

                    Why (and how) do our customers select our products?

What are the basic benefits provided by our products and our competitors’ products?

What are the customer needs that are fulfilled by the benefits delivered by our products and our competitors’ products?

How well do our products and our competitors’ products meet the needs of our customers?

How are the needs of our customers expected to change in the future?

What methods of payment do our customers use when making a purchase?

Are our customers prone to developing close long-term relationships with us and our competitors, or do they buy in a transactional fashion (primarily on price)?

                    Why might potential customers not purchase our products?

What are the features, benefits, or advantages of competing products that cause non-customers to choose them over our products?

IV.      Marketing Goals and Objectives

          A.      Marketing Goal A:

Objective A1: Specific and measurable outcome and Time frame:

Objective A2: Specific and measurable outcome and Time frame

          B.      Marketing Goal B:

Objective B1: Specific and measurable outcome and Time frame:

Objective B2: Specific and measurable outcome and Time frame:

Etc. etc.

V.       Marketing Strategies

          A.      Target Market(s)

Target market(s) Profile(s):

Demographic characteristics:

Geographic characteristics:

Psychographic characteristics:

Basic needs and benefits sought:

Purchasing/shopping characteristics:

Consumption/disposition characteristics:

Justification for selection:

Etc. for all other targeted markets…

          B.      Marketing Mix

Product [Good or Service]

Description of major features and benefits:

Differentiation relative to competing products:

Brand name and packaging:

Pricing – Pricing objectives and policy:

Physical Distribution – General distribution strategy:

Intermediaries and channels to be used:

Marketing Communications

Summary of overall M.C. strategy:

Basis for product / company positioning:

Advertising objectives & campaign:

Personal selling objectives & campaign:

Sales promotion objectives & trade sales promotion (push):

Elements of consumer sales promotion (pull):

Relevance of additional Service Marketing Mix elements? People, Physical Evidence, Process.

C.      Key Consumer and Competitor Reactions

What are the likely consumer and competitor reactions to marketing mix A? B? etc.?

How does marketing mix A, B, etc. give us a competitive advantage in serving the needs of target market A, B, etc.?

Is this competitive advantage sustainable? Why or why not?


At a minimum this should include:

  • Detailed minutes of ALL your group meetings.
  • Marketing materials.
  • Results of your market research.
  • Projected Profit and Loss Account / Income Statement
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