7004MKT Marketing for Social Change – Marking Criteria for Learning Portfolio (70marks) |
Criteria |
Excellent |
Very Good |
Good |
Satisfactory |
Unsatisfactory |
Marketing knowledge Ability to understand, create, communicate and deliver a social marketing campaign 30 marks |
Social marketing campaign (component) is well organised and highly appropriate to address the campaign objectives. Demonstrates excellence in undertaking a Social marketing campaign. 26-30 marks |
Social marketing campaign (component) is generally well organised, appropriate to address the campaign objectives. Demonstrates competence in undertaking a Social marketing campaign. 25-23 marks |
Social marketing campaign (component) is organised, however it is not completely clear if it is appropriate to address the campaign objectives. Some inconsistencies are evident. Demonstrates a sound ability to undertake a Social marketing campaign. 24-20 marks |
Social marketing campaign (component) is satisfactory but can be confusing or unclear, Social marketing may be somewhat ineffectively used, and may not the optimal way to address the campaign objectives. Demonstrates a satisfactory ability to undertake a Social marketing campaign. 19-15 marks |
Weak social marketing. Demonstrates limited or no ability to undertake a Social marketing campaign. 0-14 marks |
Audience attraction and engagement 20 marks |
Social marketing campaign (component) is used extremely effectively to attract and engage the target audience. 18-20 marks |
Social marketing campaign (component) is reasonably effective in attracting and engaging the target audience. 15-17 marks |
Social marketing (component) is able to attract people but does not sufficiently engage the target audience. 12-14 marks |
Social marketing campaign (component) has a limited ability to attract people and does not seek to adequately engage the target audience. 11-10 marks |
Social marketing campaign (component) is not able to attract people nor does the campaign sufficiently engage the target audience. 0-9 marks |
Campaign organisation 10 marks |
Campaign content is thorough, clearly organised and well structured 9-10 marks |
Campaign content is complete in all sections, well organised and structured. 7-8 marks |
Campaign content is mostly complete, with generally good organisation and structure. 5-6 marks |
Attempt at organising content is evident but incomplete. Organisation present but awkward; some aspects out of place. 3-4 marks |
Many errors in content. Organization is lacking or confusing; lacks proper structure. 0-2 marks |
Quality of communication 10 marks |
Excellence is demonstrated throughout. Communication is of an extremely high standard in all sections. Social marketing campaign is convincing and persuasive. 9-10 marks |
Very good quality of communication. Social marketing campaign is persuasive. 7-8 marks |
Good quality of communication. May contain some factual errors. 5-6 marks |
Social marketing campaign is not convincing or persuasive. May contain irrelevant information. 3-4 marks |
Poorly presented; factual errors present. 0-2 marks |
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