Managing a Transition to Practice Issue

149 views 7:01 am 0 Comments July 3, 2023

In this task, students are required to demonstrate knowledge relating to understanding and addressing a transitional issue that can affect new graduate nurses. Using evidence from current scholarly literature (i.e., less than seven (7) years old), students must address two parts in this assessment related to their allocated contemporary transitional issue:

  • A self-care guide presented on two (2) A4-size pages (approximately 800 words) in the form of a brochure or leaflet. The brochure/leaflet should provide educational information that will help new graduates learn about the issue, including ways to address the issue, so that it does not detrimentally impact the new

graduate nurses’ personal or professional life. The brochure/leaflet must address information related to the following points:

  1. An outline of what the transitional issue is and why it occurs
    1. How to identify the signs related to this issue
    1. What resources are available to address the issue and where to locate them
    1. Self-help strategies
    • What to do if these resources/strategies do not work (i.e., where can an individual go to seek additional support/guidance)
  2. Written discussion on the transitional issue and evidence used to support the development of the brochure or leaflet (approximately 1200 words). The written discussion must address information related to the following points (approximately 400 words each):
    1. Why new graduate nurses experience this transitional issue (i.e., why is it important to understand?)
    1. The ramifications of this transitional issue on the individual and the nursing profession
    • The impact this issue has on the ability to adhere to the nursing codes/Standards and delivery of safe, high quality patient care

This assessment is designed to assess students’ understanding of contemporary transitional factors as they apply to nursing. It will also allow students to demonstrate their ability to find and review literature, then apply the knowledge learnt to produce a self-care guide to assist themselves and their peers in managing transition to practice.

The brochure/leaflet can be developed using any creative design program of your choosing (i.e., Microsoft office suite, Canva, Adobe – this list is not extensive). For students who are less confident in creative design programs, three Word templates will be provided for the development of the brochure for students to choose from – please note that only these templates should be used if you are going to use a Word template. You will be able to access these in the Assessment Task 2 Template folder in the course Moodle shell.

Please note the following:

  • A selection of brochures/leaflets will be collated and provided to all students in the course as a graduation gift after marking has been completed and results released
  • Students need to cite at least ten (10) current academic references (i.e., peer-reviewed literature no more than seven (7) years old). Note that you can use the same references in the brochure and the written discussion
  • Citations are required within the self-care brochure/leaflet, Vancouver (numbered) referencing is acceptable in the brochure/leaflet only. The reference list on the brochure can be in a smaller font and located anywhere within the brochure
  • Referencing in the written discussion is to be according to APA 7th edition guideline
  • Both documents are to be uploaded as one single PDF file via the Moodle/Turnitin assessment submission link with the file names as follows: NURBN3032_Managing Transition_[student ID]. For example: NURBN3032_Managing Transition_12345678
  • Spacing and font size for each document should be as follows:
    • Self-care guide brochure/leaflet: There is no specified line size formatting or font requirements for the self-care guide however students need to adhere to the page limits and ensure that the information on the pages remains visibly appealing and readable (i.e., appropriate spacing and choice of font and font size).
    • The written discussion document is to be spaced at 1.5 and the font can be Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri and at the size of 11 or 12 point. Headings are acceptable.
  • Avoid copying templates (other than those supplied), or using information directly copied from the internet
  • Use Turnitin to check and correct your task similarity
  • To avoid the risk of contravening copyright students should use following free image repositories in the development of the self-care guide (these don’t require attribution)

To combine all documents into one single PDF file, you will first need to save each document as a PDF and then combine them into one. If you don’t already have the ability to combine PDFs, there are a number of free online PDF merging programs that can be used to assist with this

Students will be allocated one (1) of the following contemporary transitional factors after census date (week 5):

  • Incivility
  • Work-life balance
  • Personal expectations vs professional reality

During the marking process, lecturers will provide feedback on students’ ability to critically analyse and identify factors relating to the transitional issue, how to recognise it and how to address/overcome the issue. Additional feedback will be provided on presentation, readability, and use of resources.

To successfully complete this task, students will need to complete the relevant course Moodle lessons and class- based activities and attend the tutorial sessions that provide further instructions on the requirements for each component of this task.

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