Management Research Perspectives

149 views 7:04 am 0 Comments July 4, 2023


  • All assignments are to be submitted on 17th March 2023
  • APA 7th edition referencing guidelines needs to be followed.
  • Any Assignment submission extension request must come to Azra Fatima (Head: Examination | Academic) – [email protected] 5 days before the date of submission with a valid reason and supported documentary evidence.
  • Similarity between student’s work is strictly not accepted, any student found with similar work will be graded Zero and fail for the course. However, Plagiarism is an academic offence and will not be tolerated.
  • Any reevaluation request should come in 5 days of grade release. Any late request will not be obliged. (Form and other details shall be shared based on request)
  • Reevaluation cannot be requested for plagiarized assignments as the assignment stands as an academic misconduct.
  • If a program participant submits the assignment late, but within 1 week after the submission date a 20% penalty will be applied
  • Re-evaluation request is NOT applicable for any failed courses provided the mark range from 59 to 69. Any grade which is below the range is however not applicable for this request.
  • Any rescheduling request can be fulfilled within one week after the actual date of the assessment. Any late request will not be obliged.
  • Assignment once submitted to exam board is final for marking.
  • Second extension cannot be provided without supporting documentary evidence.
  • Program participants are strongly advised to keep a copy of their work in case the submitted copy should go astray.
  • Total 90 marks. 10 Marks for Class Attendance. Final marks will be

converted to 90 marks.

Total Marks                      / 90


Plagiarism is a form of cheating, by representing someone else’s work as your own or using someone else’s work (another student or author) without acknowledging it with a reference. This is a serious breach of the Academic Regulations and will be dealt with accordingly. Students found to have plagiarized can be excluded from the program.

Plagiarism occurs whenever you do any of the following things without acknowledging the original source:

  • Copy information from any source (including the study guide, books, newspapers, the internet)
  • Use another person’s concepts or ideas
  • Summarize or paraphrase another person’s work.

How do I avoid plagiarism?

To ensure you are not plagiarizing, you must acknowledge with a reference whenever you:

  • use another person’s ideas, opinions or theory
  • include any statistics, graphs or images that have been compiled or created by another person or organization
  • Paraphrase another’s written or spokenword.

What are the penalties?

The penalties for plagiarism are:

  • Deduction of marks,
  • A mark of zero for the assignment or the unit, or
  • Exclusion from the program.

Plagiarism is dealt with on a case-by-case basis and the penalties will reflect the seriousness of the breach.

Please note claiming that you were not aware of need to reference is no excuse.

Module 1 -Assessment

Write a 5,000-word paper that critically discusses (with appropriate reference to literature) ‘The Potential of Applied Research in Business Today’. Address the following areas:

  • Introduction – Strategic Focus & Research Rationale: Critically analyze the context of business today with reference to macro trends, your role, vision and values as a manager, indicating how your aspirations to make a difference informs your interest in applied research. (1000 words)
  • Research Aim – Problem Solving: Identify and frame a key business problem that if addressed, could add value to your company or organization. Discuss your working assumptions (hypothesis), research question and a new intervention that could be evaluated as part of your research. Identify proxy indicators at the level of self, staff, stakeholders and system (organization) by which you might evaluate project impact. (1000 words)
  • Literature Review: Critically review relevant business, management & research methodology literature that has helped you to contextualize and conceptualize your research focus and its potential contribution to new knowledge or knowhow (1000 words).
  • Methodology & Methods: Critically discuss the theory and processes of design thinking as a relevant research methodology for addressing ‘wicked problems’ of practice with reference to your intended research. Briefly review other research methodologies such as ethnography, case study or anthropology and their benefits. Critically consider the merits of mixed methods research. (1000 words)
  • Management Research Perspectives – Reflection on the Journey: Critically reflect on your journey in learning over the course of this module and outline key insights derived from doing this assignment, participating in the lectures and all your reading. How will you apply this learning going forward? (1000 words)
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