119 views 10:56 am 0 Comments June 27, 2023




You are advised to commence work on your assessment from week 1 and all tasks must be submitted by the due dates provided.

All assessments must be completed and delivered individually. Where an assessment involves group discussions, you should consider the input of your group but submit an individual assessment to your trainer.

Please read all instructions on completing each assessment. Instructions for completion are provided at the beginning of each assessment.

All written answers must be typed in a word document using Arial font, 12 size and single spacing if similar instructions are not provided in the assessment.

Your trainer will not be able to assist you in answering questions. However, your trainer will address any issues concerning questions requiring further explanation.

You may refer to your student learning resources or any other relevant resources when completing your assessment.

Assessments are due for submission as specified in the assessment schedule. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved by your trainer prior to the due date for submission.

You have access to computers which are equipped with Microsoft suite of products or any other relevant software and printing facility.

Use assessment templates if provided, to complete relevant sections of the assessment. You can also create your known templates for assessment evidence.

You must achieve a satisfactory result for all tasks to achieve competency in this unit.

All assessment answers should be submitted to the trainer in required format (soft or hard copy) as per trainer instructions with completed assessment cover sheet (if required).

Assessment Schedule


Due Date

Task 1, Task 2

Week 1

Task 3

Week 2

Task 1: Review programs, systems and processes

Performance objective

To demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to review, evaluate and analyse programs, systems and processes.

Assessment description

Based on the case study provided, you will write a report in which you outline a performance and sustainability review strategy, evaluate the strategy, analyse performance reports and trends, and describe how you would seek advice from specialists to identify technological solutions.


Read the case study ‘A. C. Gilbert’ in Appendix 1.

Analyse the information provided and prepare a report addressing the following six (6) points.

Describe the key systems and processes used by A. C. Gilbert:

supply chain

operational systems

product/service delivery.

Analyse the three key systems and processes and develop the elements of your review strategy. Applying your knowledge of quality management and continuous improvement theory, develop performance and sustainability measures, assessment tools and techniques that you would use to evaluate the effectiveness of the three key systems and processes.

In your report, include if applicable:

lists of key result areas (KRAs)

lists of key performance indicators (KPIs)

a description of performance review processes

a sample service level agreement.

Using the data provided for results up to 1966, for each of the three key systems, describe how each of your measures, assessment tools and techniques would monitor performance. Include specific examples or hypothetical cases to test the effectiveness of the elements of your review strategy. Write an evaluation of the effectiveness of your review strategy. Suggest improvements to your strategy. Refer to quality management and continuous improvement theory.

Using the data provided for results up to 1966, analyse the variances from plans and targets for the key result areas (KRAs). Include discussion on performance with regards to:

quality – design/manufacturing



supply chain performance (delivery)

business growth – staff and management performance and/or turnover.

Discuss trends relevant to the organisation. What trends did A. C. Gilbert fail to identify in the late 1950s? Consider the strengths and weaknesses of the A. C. Gilbert Company prior to 1960. Discuss the following in your report:

market share





ability to adapt to change

customer service standards


employee performance

production and manufacturing.

Apply creativity skills to identify missed opportunities to improve business performance. Describe at least one missed opportunity in detail. Include an action plan for implementing the improvement in your report.

Imagine the company did not close in 1967 and has somehow managed to continue operations until today. Discuss the possible use of advice from specialists. What specialists could be consulted to advise on and identify new technology or electronic commerce opportunities? Consider:

internal – engineers, production staff, manufacturing staff, sales personnel, human resources personnel

external – marketing consultants, advertising experts, engineers or designers, IT consultants.

Submit your report to your assessor as per the specifications below. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.


You must provide:

a written report submitted within agreed timeframe.

Your assessor will be looking for:

reference to, and application of, quality management and continuous improvement theories in review strategy

reference to and application of sustainability practices in review strategy

analytical skills to identify improvement opportunities

demonstration of creativity skills to think laterally and identify improvement opportunities.


Case Study – A. C. Gilbert

Task 2: Develop options for continuous improvement

Performance objective

This assessment task is designed to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop options for continuous improvement.

Assessment description

Based on the case study provided, you will develop a performance improvement strategy, brief a team of peers on the strategy, develop the strategy and encourage innovation within the group session, and incorporate results of consultation into strategy. You will develop risk and cost-benefit analyses which you will submit to your assessor for approval.


Read the case study ‘A. C. Gilbert’ (Appendix 1). Assume no improvements have been made and the company is still operating in the same way today as when it closed in 1967.

Consider the following scenario:

Your manager, as per organisational processes for continuous improvement, has asked you to develop a performance improvement strategy, brief the management team, develop the idea with the team, seek the team’s approval and seek final approval from your manager.

Develop a one-page performance improvement strategy related to competitiveness. Include:

strategic goals

description of proposed process or amendment to current process

brief explanation of how proposal will improve performance and competitiveness

KRAs, KPIs, targets.

Prepare to deliver a 20–30 minute management team briefing and consultation session:

distribute your proposed strategies to team (team members may be other learners, or other group approved by assessor)

ask team to consider strategy, including:

pros and cons

changes or improvements to strategy

preparing to discuss changes or improvements at team briefing and consultation session.

agree on a time for session (agree on time with assessor to ensure assessor can observe session).

Lead session:

discuss options and work through group suggestions

use creative techniques to generate or develop ideas

work through implications of suggestions to trial them

encourage group to point out issues or potential problems during trialling

if and when applicable, accept failure of ideas and recognise successful ideas.

Summarise results of session and seek group’s approval for amended strategy.

Incorporate results of session into revised strategy.

Develop a risk analysis for strategy.

Develop a cost-benefit analysis for strategy.

Arrange a time to meet with assessor (in role of your manager) to discuss strategy, risk and cost-benefit analyses. Explain costs and benefits. Seek approval for strategy.

Submit documents to your assessor as per the specifications below. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.


You must provide a:

one-page performance improvement strategy

20–30 minute team briefing and consultation session (team members may be other learners, or other group approved by assessor)

revised one-page performance improvement strategy

written risk analysis

written cost-benefit analysis.

Your assessor will be looking for:

application of quality management and continuous improvement theories in improvement strategy

demonstration of creativity and innovation theories in group consultation

application of organisational learning principles

demonstration of cost-benefit analysis

demonstration of risk management

analytical skills to identify improvement opportunities

demonstration of creativity skills to think laterally and identify improvement opportunities that come from group

demonstration of learning skills to develop options for continuous improvement

demonstration of teamwork and leadership skills to lead group session.

Task 3: Implement innovative processes

Performance objective

This assessment task is designed to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to implement innovative processes.

Assessment description

Based on part 1 of the case study provided (see Appendix 1), you will develop an implementation plan to embed a new process. Based on part 2 of the case study (see Appendix 1), you will need to amend your plan to ensure success.


Turn to the case study ‘Implement an innovative process’ (Appendix 1).

Review ‘Part 1 – Implementation’. Examine all aspects of the new process to be implemented.

Develop action plans for 1) transition, and 2) communication. In each action plan, include:

activities, objectives, measures (KPIs), timeframes

activities to promote the process and sustainability

activities to reduce any negative impact on people.

Develop at least two contingency plans related to possible implementation issues you foresee in relation to activities in your action plans.

Review ‘Part 2 – Follow up’. Examine implementation issues and failures.

Amend your action plans and contingency plans to address implementation failures.

Develop a schedule for evaluation and continuous improvement. Include regularly scheduled:

evaluation activities, regularly repeated over a suitable timeframe

evaluation activities to capture learnings from all work activities

activities to embed learning into work processes.

Submit documents to your assessor as per the specifications below. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.


You must provide:

action plans for transition, communication

two contingency plans related to transition and communication action plans

amended action plans and contingency plans based on data in part 2 of the case study

evaluation and continuous improvement schedule.

Your assessor will be looking for:

application of quality management and continuous improvement theories to planning and scheduling activities

application of creativity and innovation theories to scheduling evaluation and continuous improvement

application of organisational learning principles to continuous improvement planning

application of sustainability practices to planning/revising plans

analytical skills to identify improvement opportunities based on data in case study

demonstration of creativity skills to think laterally and identify improvement opportunities to revise activities based on data in case study

demonstration of learning skills to develop options for continuous improvement from data in case study.


Case Study – Implement an innovation process

References / recommended resources

Manage innovation and continuous improvement – BSBMGT608, 2015, 1st Edition, Version 1, Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd Australia, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Recommended reading

Some recommended reading for this unit includes:

Bridges, W., 2009, Managing transitions, 3rd edn, Da Capo Press, Philadelphia.

Harvard Business School Press, 2009, Innovators toolkit: ten practical strategies to help you develop and implement innovation, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.

Kotter, J., 1996, Leading change, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.

Liker, J., 2004, The Toyota way: fourteen management principles from the world’s greatest manufacturer, McGraw Hill, New York.

Rath & Strong, 2006, Six sigma pocket guide, 2nd edn, Rath & Strong Inc., Massachusetts.

Ruffa, S., 2008, Going lean, Amacom, New York.

Slater, P., 2007, A new strategy for continuous improvement, Industrial Press Inc., New York.

Toyota Australia, ‘Toyota production system’, viewed August 2015, <>.

Printed resources

Deakin University, 1995, Managing information, Topic 7 report writing, Deakin Australia, Geelong.

Kotter, J., 1996, Leading change, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, pp. 21.

Rath & Strong, Six sigma pocket guide, 2001, Rath & Strong Inc, Massachusetts.

Online resources, ‘Environmental management systems’,, viewed August 2015, <>.

Group of 100 Incorporated, 2003, Sustainability: a guide to triple bottom line reporting, viewed August 2015, <>.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, ‘Operational systems vs. data warehousing’, viewed August 2015,

Toyota Australia, ‘Toyota production system’, viewed August 2015, <>.

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