Long Walk to Water PowerPoint Project

147 views 8:50 am 0 Comments September 5, 2023

A Long Walk to Water PowerPoint Project

Step 1:

First, read the directions below for the A Long Walk to Water PowerPoint Project.

Step 2:
Once you have reviewed the directions and understand the goal of this assignment, begin the Outline for this assignment, which is due the week before your PowerPoint Project.

Click this link for the Outline directions. Submit your Outline to its link in Module Six.

Step 3:
Submit your PowerPoint Project to its link in Module Six.

DIRECTIONS for your PowerPoint Project

The format I share with you below is standard for visual presentations in college and at company meetings or for job proposals. The essential elements of a visual presentation include: an opening, an introduction of a focused topic, examples of that topic, a conclusion of the topic, and a slide with sources called a Works Cited (when applicable). College students should master this basic technological presentation skill upon graduation. PowerPoint is a basic visual presentation format. There are more advanced visual presentation software products available. If you can master the basic mechanics of PPT, you can master any visual presentation software.

Must follow the format provided below

7 slides total

An image is required on slides 1 through 6 (how to insert an image: click here)

Slide seven must follow MLA format

Proofread your work on your slides. Grammar and punctuation errors are more noticeable in this type of format. Avoid extremely tiny fonts. Use a font style easy to read, such as black font on a white background. Don’t use odd colors for your font (avoid red/yellow/pink/orange). Don’t make your presentation unnecessarily flashy.

Focus for your PowerPoint Project’s Topic:

Your project will display your understanding of a theme from A Long Walk to Water.
A theme is an idea or meaning you identify from Salva’s story.

There are many options for themes to explore in Salva’s story.
What does his story make you think about humanity?
Is there a lesson to be learned from reading Salva’s story?
What one specific theme will you focus on for this presentation?

Want more information about themes? Click here for a video about identifying themes in literature.

PowerPoint Format for this Project

**You will choose the TEMPLATE style.**
Click this link for a video on how to choose a template style in PowerPoint.**

SLIDE 1, The Opening

Must Include:

Presentation Title

Keep it short and simple. Think of this like the title of an essay. Your presentation is about a theme from A Long Walk to Water.

Writing Tip: You may find it helpful to actually craft your thesis first and THEN come back to the title slide. Check out the tips for the thesis in slide 2.

Image of the book

Image of Salva Dut

Your Name
[created by ____ ______ ]

SLIDE 2, Introduction of Focused Topic
Must include:

One image related to the story of Salva Dut

Options: a landscape / image of his hometown / another image of him / or something else related to the theme of your presentation

Style Tip: place your image on the right or left side of the slide


Your thesis for this project is your opinion statement about your focused topic. Consider these questions to compose your thesis:
What theme about the human experience can readers connect with after reading Salva Dut’s story in
A Long Walk to Water? (What does his story inspire in readers?)

A thesis is one sentence. See your Outline for more thesis tips on slide 2.

SLIDE 3, An Example to Support Your Focused Topic
Must include:

One image related to the story of Salva Dut

Options: a landscape / image of his hometown / another image of him / or something else related to the theme of your presentation (should be a different image from slide 2)

Style Tip: place your image on the right or left side of the slide

Text to support your Thesis from Slide 2

Text on a slide should be kept brief. Two to Three sentences is sufficient. Each word should be important. Avoid “fluff” or filler words/phrases.

Describe an example from the book to support your thesis from slide 2.

SLIDE 4, Another Example to Support Your Focused Topic
Must include:

One image related to the story of Salva Dut

Options: a landscape / image of his hometown / another image of him / or something else related to the theme of your presentation (should be a different image from slide 3)

Style Tip: place your image on the right or left side of the slide

Text to support your Thesis from Slide 2

Text on a slide should be kept brief. Two to Three sentences is sufficient. Each word should be important. Avoid “fluff” or filler words/phrases.

Describe an example from the book to support your thesis from slide 2.

SLIDE 5, Another Example to Support Your Focused Topic
Must include:

One image related to the story of Salva Dut

Options: a landscape / image of his hometown / another image of him / or something else related to the theme of your presentation (should be a different image from slide 4)

Style Tip: place your image on the right or left side of the slide

Text to support your Thesis from Slide 2

Text on a slide should be kept brief. Two to Three sentences is sufficient. Each word should be important. Avoid “fluff” or filler words/phrases.

Describe an example from the book to support your thesis from slide 2.

SLIDE 6, Conclude Your Presentation
Must include:

One image related to the story of Salva Dut

Options: a landscape / image of his hometown / another image of him / or something else related to the theme of your presentation (should be a different image from slide 5)

Style Tip: place your image on the right or left side of the slide

Text to conclude your presentation

Text on a slide should be kept brief. Two to Three sentences is sufficient. Each word should be important. Avoid “fluff” or filler words/phrases.

For your conclusion, consider what you want to leave your audience with at the end of your presentation. Do you want your audience to be inspired? To be optimistic? To be grateful? Some other emotion or call to action?

Consider including a quote from Salva Dut here. You are welcome to explore any of his available online presentations to locate a quote from him outside of the book.

SLIDE 7, Work/s Cited

Follow MLA format for slide 7.

Do not include an image on this slide. This is only to share a work cited or works cited in the presentation and/or to share links for resources for your audience.

Your “works” are the sources you referenced and/or quoted from in your presentation.
If you only referenced the book in your presentation, this is perfectly fine.
Title it a Work Cited (no “s”) for only using one source.

Resources could be links to websites or videos you think would be helpful for your audience to explore after viewing your presentation.

At a minimum, you must cite the book, A Long Walk to Water in MLA format on slide 7.

Follow this guide for how to cite a book in MLA format.

Optional: include links to other resources under your citation.


Grade of A:

follows directions

met all assignment requirements

thesis clearly states a theme

written information on each slide effectively supports the thesis

no grammar and/or punctuation errors

images are appropriate, effective, and sized proportionally on each slide

font choice easy to read

Grade of B:

follows directions

met almost all assignment requirements

thesis clearly states a theme

written information on each slide effectively supports the thesis

very little or no grammar and/or punctuation errors

images are appropriate, effective, and sized proportionally on each slide

font choice easy to read

Grade of C:

missing portions of the assignment requirements

thesis does not address a theme

written information may at times not be clearly related to the thesis

many grammar and/or punctuation errors

images may be missing or duplicated or not relevant to the presentation

font choice may be difficult to read

Grade of D:

does not follow directions

missing any one or more of the required seven slides

thesis may be missing or unclear

written information may at times not be clearly related to the thesis

many grammar and/or punctuation errors

images may be missing or duplicated or not relevant to the presentation

font choice may be difficult to read

Grade of F:

does not follow directions

significant errors present

incomplete submission

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