Learners Assessment Guide

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Assessment Guide
Implement and monitor workSample Page
health and safety practices
Assessment 1
Assessment Coversheet
Student ID:
Email Address:
Unit name:
Unit Code:
Assessment name:
Student Declaration
I declare that –
a. The evidence I have submitted for assessment is my own work, and
b. The evidence I have submitted for assessment has not been shared with other students,
and I have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure that my work cannot be accessed
by other students that may seek to submit my work as their own, and
c. All of the sources of information used to prepare my work have been, or may be
accurately cited, and
d. I retain a copy of all my original for my own records, or for resubmission if required by
Academia Australia, and
e. I have read and understood Academia Australia’s policy regarding plagiarism, and I
accept the right of Academia Australia to investigate suspected plagiarism, and to act in
accordance with the policy and procedure I have read.
Student Signature: __________________________________________
Date of Submission: ___ / /20

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Assessment 1 Page 1 of 4
©Copyright Academia International 2022 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E
Assessment Information
You must achieve a satisfactory outcome for each of the required criteria of this assessment to be
deemed satisfactory for this assessment. You must achieve a satisfactory result for the
assessments for this unit of competency to achieve a competent result for the unit. If one or more
of the assessment results are not satisfactory, you will be
Not Yet Competent for this unit.
You may follow the Assessment Appeals process in the Student Handbook
www.academia21.com) if you are not satisfied with:
o the assessment result; or
o the way an assessment was carried out by your trainer; or
o the conditions or structure of the assessment
The student handbook has the steps for reassessment if you receive a
Not Yet Competent mark and
do not want to appeal.
Reasonable adjustment for assessment
Where students have highlighted Language, Literacy and Numeracy issues reasonable adjustment to
the assessment can be made. Should you receive a ‘Not Yet Competent’ or ‘Resubmit’ result for the
assessment you will be given the opportunity to re-submit your assessment work with any
amendments requested by your trainer.
The adjustment may include actions such as:
• Student demonstrating knowledge through verbal discussion to identify correct answers
• Student demonstrating knowledge through applied skills
• Allowing additional time relating to disability
• Through consultation amending assessment timeframes
• Assistance in the form of the training location to allow easier access
• Accessing relevant equipment or aids to assist the student
• Adjustments to the assessment methods to cater for any special needs (without effecting the
integrity of the outcome)
If a student requests or is identified as requiring reasonable adjustment to the training and
assessment process a detailed training and assessment plan including timetables, notes regarding
the required adjustments, and any related communications regarding the adjustments must be
maintained in the students file.
The RTO Manager must review and authorise any request for ‘reasonable adjustment’ to ensure that
any adjustments and resulting outcomes are not affecting the integrity of the training and assessment
Location of and completion timeframes for assessment
The location of the assessment will depend upon the nature of the assessment. Direct observation of
student’s skills will be assessed in the practical commercial kitchens/simulated restaurant at
Academia, the timeframes for these assessments will be related to the scheduled times of the
practical classes. Other assessments such as; role plays, in class activities, presentations and written
tests will be conducting in the classroom. The timeframes and due dates for these assessments, as
well as any reports, projects or research assignments, are documented in the stage outlines. Stage
outlines are handed out at the beginning of each term.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Assessment 1 Page 2 of 4
©Copyright Academia International 2022 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E
Assessment 1 – Report
Your Task:
Using the steps of Hazard Management, a hazard analysis is required to be carried out in a simulated
industry environment or industry workplace in the TH&E industry.
Students are required to conduct a Hazard analysis by first of all finding the hazard in the workplace
Use the checklist to do this find as many Hazards as you can and provide information on them
Choose 10 hazards that you have found (2 from each of the 5 categories) i use the Risk matrix to
evaluate the hazard , how dangerous is it ? how often could it happen ?
Rate the hazard from the most risk to the least risk, put them in order on the Action plan from most
risky to least
Work out how to reduce the risk from each hazard by using the hierarchy of controls, remember you
can use multiple controls together ie training and PPE
Then decide on what action will be taken to reduce the risk to an acceptable level . Who will do it
and when will it be done
Finally, after you have applied these controls was ir successful? is the hazard reduced or
eliminated? if not what else must be done
Hazard Management:
Step 1: Find It – Look for potential hazards or any know with staff
Step 2: Assess it – Use a risk matrix to assess hazard
Step 3: Fix it – Hierarchy of control, implement controls
Step 4: Review it – Evaluate and review
Report of five (5) hazards from five (5) different categories. Must be presented in a professional format,
with a title page that is easy to read and understand.
I. Introduction: Explain why OHS is important in this scenario. Identify the current Victorian
legislation and the state government body that regulates OHS. Furthermore, clearly outline the
legal requirements in relation to hazard management. This must be included in your reference

II. Body: Use a checklist to identify multiple hazards in your workplace and then select two (2)
hazards from each of the
five different categories e.g. physical, chemical, biological,
physiological, ergonomic hazards
(Step 1: Find It)
Hazard analysis matrix – level of risk. Likelihood (L) X Consequence (C) to assessing existing
risk of the above hazards identified in you simulated workplace Hotel.
(Step 2: Assess it)
Identify and describe the hierarchy of controls to reduce the risk, risk score after corrective
action (hierarchies of control) actions are in place.
(Step 3: Fix it)
Filled out you action plan when implementation strategies, what action will be done to control the
risk, whom will do it, the due date and date completed.
(Step 4: Review it)
Conclusion: Recommend staff training in a WHS consultation meeting, why is this needed?

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Assessment 1 Page 3 of 4
©Copyright Academia International 2022 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E
Templates to be used

Basic Workplace Inspection Checklist
/ / 2022 Next Review Date :
Inspection Site:
Inspection Date:
Workplace Inspection Team
Name Name

S denotes satisfactory U denotes unsatisfactory

Office Safety S U Comments
Chair type and sitting posture
Office space and design
Ergonomic layout – twisting, bending,
Stack and storage
Persons protected from sharp objects
Housekeeping S U Comments
Floors – cleanliness and condition
Windows – cleanliness
Tidiness – work areas
Tidiness – tea making/ rest areas
Provision of waste disposal
Indoor Environment S U Comments
Adequacy of ventilation
Adequacy and suitability of lighting

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Assessment 1 Page 4 of 4
©Copyright Academia International 2022 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

Glare levels satisfactory for tasks
Temperature range comfortable
Access/Exit S U Comments
Passageways – free from obstructions
Exits – accessible, signposted
Adequacy of traffic flow
Fire Safety S U Comments
Fire equipment serviceability
Fire equipment adequacy
Fire equipment accessibility
Storage of flammable materials OK
Fire Escape facilities and evacuation
plans and procedures in place
First Aid and Hygiene S U Comments
First aid kits near and accessible
Nearest First aid officers listed with
contact numbers
Wash basins – adequacy
Supply of running water, soap towels,
Area for clothing storage
Emergency Procedures S U Comments
Site emergency plan readily available
Emergency equipment available. E.g.
eye wash bottles or deluge showers
Warden contact details readily
Emergency checklists readily available
(bomb-threats, chemical, radiation,
Emergency evacuations/ drills practice
Electricity Safety S U Comments
Serviceability of light fittings
Serviceability of power outlets

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Assessment 1 Page 5 of 4
©Copyright Academia International 2022 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

Adequacy of power outlets (qty &
rating) No double adaptors, or
Serviceability of power leads including
tagging information
Accessibility of circuit breakers, fuses
and main switches
Labeling of fuses, circuit breakers and
main switches
Tools S U Comments
Correct types being used
Serviceability and conditions
Condition of air, electrical lines &
Machinery S U Comments
Adequacy of guards
Operating controls protected from
inadvertent operation
Hazard areas clearly defined
Personal Protective Equipment S U Comments
Eye protection
Hearing protection
Face shields
Safety shoes
Protective clothing
Storage Areas S U Comments
Defined areas
Condition of lifting and stacking aids
Labeling of substances. Provision
Cleaning Areas S U Comments

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Assessment 1 Page 6 of 4
©Copyright Academia International 2022 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

Storage of cleaning fluids
Storage of disposal waste
Condition of air hoses and fittings
Availability of Safety Procedures
Escape routes available
Use of non-slip surfaces
Lifting Devices S U Comments
Serviceability of lifting devices
Record books and licenses
Labeling of load rating
Serviceability of trolleys, handcarts, etc
General S U Comments
Adequacy of policies and procedures.
E.g. anti-bullying, EEO, code of
conduct, Privacy Act
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
on workplace set up
Is the workload too heavy
Lack of clarity on job role and tasks
Are deadline unrealistic

Summary of Unsatisfactory Items

Checklist Items Unsatisfactory aspects

Inspection Team Leader ……………………………………………………..
Signature: ……………………………………………………………

Risk Analysis matrix – Level of risk

Identified Hazards Risk Assessment Risk
Risk Level Action
L x C
The doughnut mixer is not guarded
and the mixing bowl could be
accessed when the machine was
Frequent use
3×3=9 Catastrophic Indicates unacceptable level of risk.
Controls must be immediately
implemented or the risk eliminated
(i.e. cease activity)
Substitution or Engineering


Likelihood L Score Consequence C Score Risk Score
(L x C)
Hierarchy of Risk Controls
Rare (Monthly) 1 Minor – e.g. small cut,
first aid treatment only
1 Elimination is a permanent solution and should be attempted in the first instance.
2 Moderate – e.g. sprained
ankle, one day off
2 Substitution involves replacing the hazard or environmental aspect by one of lower
Frequent (Daily) 3 Major – e.g. loss of limb
or bodily function
3 Engineering controls involve physical barriers or structural changes to the
environment or process.
Constant (Hourly) 4 Catastrophic – e.g. fatality 4 Administrative controls reduce hazard by altering procedures and providing
Personal protective equipment last resort or temporary control.

Using this LEGEND
Minor/no risk (risk score 1-2) – is acceptable. No further action on risk control measures is necessary
Moderate risk (risk score 3-4) – indicates conditional acceptability. Further risk control measures should be considered and existing controls monitored
Major risk (risk score 5-6) – indicates unacceptable level of risk. Controls and measures must be developed and implemented in the short to medium term
Catastrophic risk (risk score 7-16) – indicates unacceptable level of risk. Controls must be immediately implemented or the risk eliminated (i.e. cease activity)
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Assessment 1 Page 1 of 4
©Copyright Academia International 2022 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Assessment 1 Page 2 of 4
©Copyright Academia International 2022 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

**** Multiple controls may be used
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Assessment 1 Page 3 of 4
©Copyright Academia International 2022 Version 3 Approved by: B. Wade
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E
Hazard Management – Action Plan

Business name Completed by
Business location Date completed
Work are Scheduled review


Assess the risk Control the risk
What is the
What might go wrong?
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you
already doing to
control the risk?
Existing risk
Priority or risk
level (low, med,
high) *
What else do you
need to do to
control the risk?
Risk score after
hierarchy of
Action by
Action by
Date completed

*The level of risk will increase as the likelihood of harm and its severity increases.
https://online.academia21.com/LMS/mod/scorm/player.php – OH& amp;S Priority Area Checklist
Image of Hierarchy of controls https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchy_of_hazard_controls
Marking Guide

Report Comments
0 1 2 3
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Report has an introduction, body and conclusion.
Five hazards are identified and assessed with the use of a
checklist and Hierarchy of control to prioritise an action sheet.
Hazard one risk minimisation strategy identified.
Hazard two risk minimisation strategy identified.
Hazard three risk minimisation strategy identified.
Hazard four risk minimisation strategy identified.
Hazard five risk minimisation strategy identified.
Report ensures that the legal requirements regarding OH&S
are understood, including references to specific parts of OH&S
Conclusion recommends staff training/consultative meeting and
explains why this is needed.
Total Marks out of 27

Student is satisfactory for this assessment task: Yes Not Yet

Trainer’s Signature
___ / ___ / _____


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