Key Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

159 views 9:17 am 0 Comments July 19, 2023

Key Symptoms Of Schizophrenia As Evidenced By GeraldMarketing Research and Data Analysis

1.  As discussed in our class, the symptoms of Schizophrenia include:  Delusions, Hallucinations, Disorganized Speech, Disorganized Behavior.  As you watch the video, Gerald shows symptoms of each of these.  Give a specific example of each. What does Gerald do or say that would indicate the following:



Disorganized Speech:

Disorganized Behavior:

2.  Gerald’s psychiatrist states that Gerald is a “textbook case” of schizophrenia and shows all of the major features of Schizophrenia in one patient.  Give two examples of these major features as described by the Psychiatrist.

3.  How does the psychiatrist describe Gerald’s voices?  What are they like?

4.  What are your impressions of Gerald’s mother?  What did you think about her? 

5.  When Gerald and his mother were discussing her visitation, did you feel that they were communicating with each other?  Did they understand each other? Why or Why not?

6.  What did you think about the way that the psychiatrist talked to Gerald in the meeting? Was the psychiatrist sensitive or cold?  Elaborate on your answer.

7.  Summarize the psychiatrist’s thoughts about the families of patients with Schizophrenia.

8.  When did Gerald’s mother feel that someone should have seen Gerald’s illness?

9.  What were your thoughts about Gerald’s father?  

10.  Why did Gerald’s father agree to do the video?

11.  What were your impressions of Gerald?  What did you think about him? 

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