199 views 8:26 am 0 Comments November 19, 2023

Question 1. Frequency distribution
Using the frequency distribution method, provide an arrangement or by using a table that groups raw data into intervals or classes and records the number of observations (frequency) in each class. The information given would be as follows:

A class Science test was recently conducted. We have obtained the raw marks. The class test result which is now recorded, and the marks are given below:
94 42 313 49 194 212 19 140 16 120
105 116 29 58 167 163 29 88 302 101
187 155 106153 69 105 20 88 97 64
49 202170 217 19 313 307219 113 74
45 141 44 293 104 82 25 84 43 86
100 29 212 28 10 15 25 157 209 28
a). Provide the answer with your solution given.
b) Using the Frequency Distribution method, calculate and present your answer to demonstrate how marks are obtained.

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