Introduction To Programming

176 views 10:44 am 0 Comments June 5, 2023

.11 4G IN ))Summative assignment
COSC2452 Introduction To Programming Assignment 1
Assessment Individual assignment (no group work). Marks are awarded for meeting requirements as closely as Type possible. Clarifications/updates will only be made via official announcements and Canvas—>Discussions->Assignment 1 forum. Must follow submission instructions in this document.
Please always refer to the up-to-date deadlines given under Canvas-hAssignments. Deadlines will not be advanced but they may be extended.
Late submissions: The late submission period lasts for 1 week from the deadline. A 10% late penalty will apply for each day late after the deadline. After this period, submissions will not be accepted (unless special consideration has been granted.) Extensions: For new extensions, please apply directly via the RMIT Special Consideration online application page; Getting in touch with your instructor/tutor will lead to delays. If you already have special consideration (e.g. an Equitable Learning Plan) please only contact Gayan using only your official RMIT student email account.
Marks 10 + bonus marks
1. Expectations
There is no book containing the music to every song that will be written. There is no book containing the answers to every mathematical calculation that we will need to perform. Similarly, there is no book, set of lecture slides, video, etc. that will give a programmer (you) the solutions to every programming problem.
In this assignment, you are awarded marks for demonstrating your ability to meet the requirements given in this document using no more than the concepts and approaches taught in Introduction To Programming compulsory weekly live lectures in a justifiable way to code and debug a working Java program.
Consider the simplest solution that meets the requirements as the best solution (Occam’s razor principle). There are functional requirements, code justification requirements and documentation requirements that must be met to receive the full mark for this assignment.
Develop this assignment in an iterative fashion (as opposed to completing it in one sitting). You will not need code concepts after if-statements but you can and should get started now as there are concepts from the week 1 lessons that you can incorporate from now itself.
2. Learning Outcomes This assessment is relevant to the following Learning Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts, syntax and control structures in programming 2. Devise solutions to simple computing problems under specific requirements 3. Encode the devised solutions into computer programs and test the programs on a computer 4. Demonstrate understanding of standard coding conventions and ethical considerations in programming.
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