Introduction to Business Studies

100 views 9:09 am 0 Comments August 11, 2023

Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the role of HR, Marketing, and finance functions within organisations.

2. Develop an understanding of collaborative working practices.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of the main factors, both internal and external, which impact businesses.

4. Demonstrate knowledge of the role of financial management and reporting within the organisation.

Detailed Guidance on the Four Tasks:

Task 1: Poster – individual work

1. Choose a business or an organisation. Produce a poster to demonstrate one of the 4 P's that make up the marketing mix:
Price, Promotion, Place or Product

2. Choose a current UK based business and research on it’s marketing strategies to help with making your poster (do not use a
future/imaginative business)

3. One slide of PowerPoint, as a poster (do not convert to pdf)

4. It must have the following elements.

a. Colourful/Attractive (background, boxes, different coloured fonts

b. Images (relevant to the topic)

c. Information – relevant to the business and marketing mix chosen.

5. Not to be submitted on blackboard separately

6. To be submitted on Blackboard By 18th August 2023 – 2.00pm (together with the other 3 tasks, in one word document file)

Task 2: Group Presentation

1. Groups of 3-5 students – Write names and BNU ref numbers of all students in the group on the first slide.

2. A maximum of 10 (minimum 8) slides on the main internal and external factors that affect businesses. Each student must prepare and present at least 2 slides.

3. Use SWOT/PESTLE analysis/Porters 5 forces models.

4. You can choose the same UK based company as you did with the poster or select a different one.

5. Not to be submitted on Blackboard separately.

6.To be submitted on Blackboard by 18 th August 2023 by 2.00pm (together with the other 3 tasks, in one word document file)

Task 3: HR: Case Study/Report – individual work

1. 1000-word essay (minimum words 900 – maximum 1100 words)

2. Case study: You have been appointed as an HR Officer, and have been requested by the Director to discuss the role of HR managers in:

motivating employees or recruiting employees or culture of the organisation or orientation/training of employees. You only need tochoose one of these four areas of HR (not all of them).

3. Describe the theories of HR and your chosen subject within HR (i.e. motivation or recruitment or culture or orientation)

4. To be submitted on Blackboard by 18 th August 2023 by 2.00pm (together with the other 3 tasks, in one word document file)

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