Introduction to Business Operations and Management

145 views 8:48 am 0 Comments July 25, 2023
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of business operations and management
  2. Explain the role and scope of business management
  3. Contextualise knowledge within a real businessAdditional Case Information

This first assignment comprises of the development of a portfolio of knowledge that draws on real life examples or situations. The portfolio will be a series of smaller “bite size” tasks or activities that will build in to the overall portfolio and you will have to complete these tasks in a set number of weeks through the initial part of the module. These weeks are 3, 5, 7, 9 and 10. During these weeks there will be some time set aside in class to discuss these tasks and be able to review with your individual tutor your progress to date and you are encouraged to complete these as soon as possible when they are issued. All tasks must be completed in order to secure a pass in this assessment.

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