Introduction to Business Analytics

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Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Assessment 3 Information

Subject Code: DATA4000
Subject Name: Introduction to Business Analytics
Assessment Title: Individual Report and Individual Presentation
Assessment Type: Report and Presentation
Word Count: 1800 words 10% for Part A (report)
8 – 12 slides for Part B (presentation)
Weighting: 40 % (25 + 15)
Total Marks: 40
Submission: TurnItIn and in class
Due Date: Part A due Tuesday Week 12, 23:55pm AEST through TurnItIn
Part B video presentation due Tuesday Week 13, 23:55pm AEST
through MyKBS link.

Your Task
Consider below information regarding the National Australia Bank data breach.
Read the case study carefully and using the resources listed, together with your own research,
Part A (Industry Report) Individually by Tuesday 23: 55pm AEST Week 12
Part B (Application for data access presentation) submitted in Tuesday Week 13 at 23:55
AEST, as an individual video upload.

Page 2 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Assessment Description
“Europe’s largest bank just
got hacked – HSBC”
“HSBC Bank, the seventh-largest banking and financial services organizations in the
world and the largest in Europe, has been breached by hackers. The bank is now
sending letters to an undisclosed number of customers notifying them that hackers have
their data.
In a notification template submitted to the California Attorney General”s Office, HSBC
said it became aware that online accounts were accessed by unauthorized parties
sometime between October 4 and October 14, 2018.
“When HSBC discovered your online account was impacted, we suspended online
access to prevent further unauthorized entry of your account,”
the notice reads. “You
may have received a call or email from us so we could help you change your online
banking credentials and access your account. We apologize for this inconvenience.
HSBC takes this very seriously and the security of your information is very important to
HSBC adds (emphasis ours), “The information that may have been accessed
your full name, mailing address, phone number, email address, date of birth,
account numbers, account types, account balances, transaction history, payee account
information, and statement history
where available.”
The bank provides no details of the breach, such as how the attackers managed to
infiltrate its systems and then exfiltrate customer data. It does say, however, that its first
action after containing the breach was to enhance the authentication process for HSBC
Personal Internet Banking. This suggests the breach may have involved credential
stuffing (where large numbers of previously-breached credentials are “stuffed” into login
forms until they are potentially matched to an existing account), or a vulnerability in the
bank”s two-factor-authentication (2FA) process.
On a slightly more positive note, customers are told HSBC is offering a complementary
year of credit card monitoring via Identity Guard, which monitors and protects credit data,
but also alerts users to activities that could indicate identity theft. Customers must sign
up for the freebie within 90 days, or they won”t be eligible after that window is closed.

Page 3 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
According to Wikipedia, HSBC”s assets total US $2.374 trillion, as of December 2016,
with annual revenue in the tens of billions. Last year alone, it raked in $51.445 billion, or
45.1 billion euros. Considering the sheer number of potential European clients and the
amount of personally identifiable information compromised, HSBC stands to incur a
stinging fine under the recently introduced General Data Protection Regulation. The
GDPR”s penalties for such data breaches are calculated at up to 20 million euros, or 4%
of the company”s annual turnover, whichever is greater. Needless to says, EU legislators
won”t have too hard of a time making that calculation”.
As an analyst withinHSBC, you have been tasked with considering ways in which customer data
can be used to further assist HSBCwith its marketing campaigns.
As a further task, you have been asked to consider how HSBC could potentially assist other
vendors interested in the credit card history of its customers.

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Assessment Instructions
Part A: Industry Report (1800 words, 25 marks) – Individual
Based on your own independent research, you are required to evaluate the implications of the
European legislation such as GDPR on HSBC’s proposed analytics project and overall business
Your report can be structured using the following headings:
Data Usability
Benefits and costs of the database to its stakeholders.
Descriptive, predictive and prescriptive applications of the data available and
the data analytics software tools this would require.
Data Security and privacy
Data security, privacy and accuracy issues associated with the use of the
database in the way proposed in the brief.
Ethical Considerations
The ethical considerations behind whether the customer has the option to opt in
or opt out of having their data used and stored in the way proposed by the
analytics brief
Other ethical issues of gathering, maintaining and using the data in the way
proposed above.
Artificial Intelligence
How developments in AI intersects with data security, privacy and ethics,
especially in light of your proposed analytics project.
It is a requirement to support each of the key points you make with references (both academic and
“grey” material)
Use the resources provided as well as your own research to assist with data collection and data
privacy discussions.
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Part B: Presentation (5 minutes, 15 marks)
You are required to prepare a presentation of 6 – 12 PowerPoint slides.
You are an analyst at HSBC.
You have identified a way in which you can use customer data to inform customers of bank offers
and offers from other vendors, based on their credit card spending history.
Although it’s HSBC’s own data, regulators and legislators are becoming increasingly concerned
about the way in which certain types of analytics projects can infringe on privacy, individual rights
and potentially be in contravention of the GDPR and other legislation.
Create a presentation of approximately 5 minutes in which you discuss how HSBC plans to use this
data and the broad implications involved.
Discuss the issues below, and imagine you are communicating this presentation to government
(regulators and / or legislators) as your primary audience.
1. Why you want the data and the resulting benefits to your customer base;
2. How the data can be sourced ethically and securely;
3. How you will keep the data safe from the type of attack on customer data outlined in
the article above.
4. How you will use your analytical findings in an ethical way.

Page 6 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Important Study Information
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences
of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct
What is academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?
Click here for answers to these questions:
Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point
at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the
resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click
here for this information.
Page 7 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Assignment Submission
Students must submit Part A via TurnItIn on Tuesday of Week 12 at 23:55pm AEST.
Part B to be submitted by Tuesday of week 13 at 23:55pm AEST.
The files must be submitted as a Word or PowerPoint document to avoid any technical
issues that may occur from incorrect file format upload. Uploaded files with a virus will not
be considered as a legitimate submission. TurnItIn will notify you if there is any issue with
the submitted file. In this case, you must contact your lecturer via email and provide a brief
description of the issue and a screen shot of the TurnItIn error message.
Students are also encouraged to submit their work well in advance of the time deadline to
avoid any possible delay with TurnItIn similarity report generation or any other technical
Late assignment submission penalties
Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with Kaplan
Business School’s Assessment Policy.

Number of
1* – 9 days 5% per day for each calendar day late deducted from the student’s total
10 – 14 days 50% deducted from the student’s total marks.
After 14 days Assignments that are submitted more than 14 calendar days after the
due date will not be accepted and the student will receive a mark of zero
for the assignment(s).
Note Notwithstanding the above penalty rules, assignments will also be given
a mark of zero if they are submitted after assignments have been
returned to students.

*Assignments submitted at any stage within the first 24 hours after deadline will be
considered to be one day late and therefore subject to the associated penalty.
If you are unable to complete this assessment by the due date/time, please refer to the
Special Consideration Application Form, which is available at the end of the KBS
Assessment Policy:
Page 8 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Assessment Marking Guide

Assessment 3
Part A1: Individual Report – Evaluate the data usability, security and ethics associated with creating a
data repository for diverse stakeholders and consider software requirements, supported by
0-8 9-15 /15
Has demonstrated limited achievement:
Little or basic description of data usability and
security issues associated with creating the
Limited consideration of software capabilities
Has achieved all or most of:
Clear evaluation of key data usability and
security issues associated with creating system
Well-supported consideration of the feasibility
of data usability given current software
Part A2: Individual Report – Produce a report which is well-researched, correctly referenced,
professionally presented, logical, well-structured and addresses the relevant issues
0-5 6-10 /10
Has demonstrated limited achievement:
No or partially referenced evaluation of issues,
without a logical structure and acknowledgement
of some sources from limited research
Has achieved all or most of:
Well-referenced, engaging and logical
evaluation of relevant issues with correct
acknowledgement of extensive sources and
evidence of comprehensive research
conducted into the topic

Page 9 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline

Part B1: Presentation – Construct a business case outlining the benefits of using and storing the data,
while addressing the relevant ethical and security issues and concerns, supported by references
0-5 6-10 /10
Has demonstrated limited achievement:
Little or a limited description of the benefits of
using the data for research purposes is made and
very few of the ethical and security draw-backs are
Has achieved all or most of:
An effective business case for using the data
for research purposes is made by convincingly
articulating the benefits this would provide for
society, and expertly analysing the ethical and
security draw-backs
Part B2: Presentation – Effectively and clearly communicate an argument to use the data for research
purposes while considering the audience and their motivations
0-2 3-5 /5
Has demonstrated limited achievement:
No or brief listing of how the data can be used for
research in a way that is understandable to most
Has achieved all or most of:
Effective communication and convincing
justification of the use of the data for research
in a way that persuades a target audience

Page 10 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Assignment Submission
Students must submit Part A via TurnItIn on Tuesday of Week 12 at 23:55pm AEST.
Part B to be submitted by Tuesday of week 13 at 23:55pm AEST.
The files must be submitted as a Word or PowerPoint document to avoid any technical issues that may occur from incorrect
file format upload. Uploaded files with a virus will not be considered as a legitimate submission. TurnItIn will notify you if there is
any issue with the submitted file. In this case, you must contact your lecturer via email and provide a brief description of the
issue and a screen shot of the TurnItIn error message.
Students are also encouraged to submit their work well in advance of the time deadline to avoid any possible delay with
TurnItIn similarity report generation or any other technical difficulties.
Late assignment submission penalties
Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with Kaplan Business School’s Assessment Policy.

Number of
1* – 9 days 5% per day for each calendar day late deducted from the student’s total
10 – 14 days 50% deducted from the student’s total marks.
After 14 days Assignments that are submitted more than 14 calendar days after the
due date will not be accepted and the student will receive a mark of zero
for the assignment(s).
Note Notwithstanding the above penalty rules, assignments will also be given
a mark of zero if they are submitted after assignments have been
returned to students.

*Assignments submitted at any stage within the first 24 hours after deadline will be considered to be one day late and therefore
subject to the associated penalty.
If you are unable to complete this assessment by the due date/time, please refer to the Special Consideration Application Form,
which is available at the end of the KBS Assessment Policy:

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