Informational control systems

127 views 8:35 am 0 Comments July 10, 2023

Q35 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires that CEOs and CFOs must fully reveal off-balance-sheet finances and vouch for the accuracy of the information revealed

a True

b False

Q36 Informational control systems are concerned with which of the following?

a Is the organization doing things right?

b Is the organization doing the right things?Marketing Research and Data Analysis

c Are rules and regulations being followed as information is processed?

d Is the environment of the organization a necessary and sufficient condition for success?

Q37 Lack of a clear understanding of organizational goals and objectives is a probable cause of _____________

a productive behavior

b counterproductive motivation

c counterproductive behavior

d motivated self-interest

Q38 Research has shown that executives who have large holdings of stock in their firm were more likely to have diversification strategies more consistent with shareholder interests, like increasing long-term return

a True

b False

Q39 Individual rationality ______________ organizational rationality

a is a good indicator of

b will ensure

c is often the opposite of

d does not always guarantee

Q40 It is generally argued that the takeover constraint deters management from _____________

a engaging in opportunistic behavior

b considering acquiring other companies

c declaring dividends

d increasing the level of borrowing of a firm

Q41 Most successful organizations minimize the need for explicit rules, regulations, and other boundaries by _____________

a posting written statements of the organizational goals and objectives

b discouraging the formation of subcultures that isolate work groups

c designing effective reward systems

d encouraging employees to see themselves as free agents

Q42 PepsiCo leads Coca-Cola in the Indian market Why?

a PepsiCo entered the market before Coca-Cola

b PepsiCo formed a joint venture with two Indian companies to introduce its products under their label

c Coca-Cola promoted too many products

d Coca-Cola created too much direct employment in the beginning of its operation

Q43 Which of the following is a disadvantage of a transnational strategy?

a less ability to realize cost savings through scale economies

b limited ability to adapt to local markets

c unique managerial challenges in fostering knowledge transfer

d single locations may lead to higher tariffs and transportation costs

Q44 Rivalry is intense in nations with conditions of __________ consumer demand, __________ supplier bases, and __________ new entrant potential from related industries

a weak; weak; high

b strong; strong; low

c weak; weak; low

d strong; strong; high

Q45 Countries with a strong supplier base benefit by adding efficiency to downstream activities

a True

b False

Q46 A domestic corporation considering international expansion for the first time typically will follow which of these paths?

a It will start off by implementing a wholly owned foreign subsidiary in order to maintain standards identical to those at home

b It will license or franchise its operations

c It will implement a low risk-low control strategy such as exporting

d It will form a joint venture with a reputable foreign producer

Q47 Which of the following is a reason for the rise in regional expansion?

a increase in the number of trading blocs and free trade zones

b decrease in the number of trading blocs and free trade zones

c increasing national trade restrictions

d increasing local taxes and tariffs

Q48 If a company is considering optimizing the physical location for every activity in the value chain, which of the following is not a possible strategic advantage for that decision?

a Performance enhancement

b Cost reduction

c Political risk reduction

d Life-cycle enhancement

Q49 The difference between a franchise contract and a licensing contract is that ___________

a a franchise contract is more specific and usually longer in duration

b a franchise contract must include a foreign government

c a licensing contract covers more aspects of operations

d a franchise contract involves less control and less risk

Q50 According to Michael Porter, firms that have experienced intense domestic competition are ________________

a unlikely to have the time or resources to compete abroad

b more likely to demand protection from their governments

c most likely to design strategies aimed primarily at the domestic market

d more likely to design strategies and structures that allow them to successfully compete abroad

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