Individual Self Reflection

161 views 10:11 am 0 Comments June 28, 2023

BIT371 Capstone Experience 1
Individual Self Reflection

Due Date:
Assessment Value:
Type of Assessment:
Word Length:
Week 14
800 – 1200 words

You must use the template provided. Download it from the Assessments Section on Moodle
Before outlining the details let me make the follow important points:
The first, and most important point, is that this is an individual assessment. It is not a
group activity.
The second point is that your work will remain with me or your supervisor. I will not
show it to anyone else. If I am required to show moderators sample work, I will
ensure that no names are released. You can be assured that what is said by you
remains with me or your supervisor and will not be discussed.
This is not a Project Journal, that is, dates when you met and what you did. It is not
‘tick the box” stuff. Your writing should show me the ways you have done things, the
problems you have faced, your reflection on how things might have been done
differently and any other thoughts you have had about the project and subject.
Remember it is about you reflecting on what you have done and the learning you
have gained from that.
You will submit it to Turnitin via the subject Moodle web site. On a negative point, any
significant copying and you will not be awarded marks. That is, you do not use
someone else’s ideas or writing whether that be from the group, friends or the
internet. I will be absolutely ruthless on this point.
You will get 0/20 if you copy.
Technical Skills (or Technical Competency)
Every degree in any institution should aim to build specific technical knowledge and skills in
students. For example, you complete systems analysis, design and implementation as well
as project management. These are areas often specific to the information technology area
and are often called technical competencies.
Moreover, in this subject there were specific Student Learning Outcomes as outlined in the
subject guide:
work individually and collaboratively to define and propose solutions to solve complex
business problems within a problem solving framework and apply problem solving
use appropriate project management tools and techniques to manage a complex
business problem;
critically evaluate your own technical and generic skills in relation to those required
by your chosen profession or employer
communicate a project implementation/strategic plan using oral and written skills in
on a complex business issue
explain and critically analyse the social, cultural, political, economic and legal
dimensions of the business environment

Professional Ready Skills (such as Leadership, Peer/Group, Personal Skills, and so
In addition, all institutions have what are called Graduate Attributes. The final two Capstone
Experience subjects aim to make you professionally ready, that is, to re-inforce the following
four (4) graduate attributes:
The academic skills and attributes necessary to undertake research, comprehend
and evaluate new information, concepts and evidence from a range of sources
the ability to review, consolidate, extend and apply the knowledge and techniques
learnt, including in a professional context
communication and problem-solving skills
a foundation for self-directed and lifelong learning
the interpersonal and teamwork skills appropriate to employment and/or further study
You are to write a reflective piece of approximately 800 – 1200 words. Specifically, you are to
cover the two broad areas in the subject along with suggested improvements. You are to
use the template and write under each heading.
Firstly, make sure to read through and understand the specific subject outcomes and
graduate attribute from a completed degree as outlined above before you write your self
reflection. Remember, the aim of this assessment if for you to reflect on these outcomes and
attributes and to outline what you have done.
Finally, you are then to outline what you would do differently and how you could improve
next semester in each of these two broad areas. This may also include suggestions for
changes to the content and/or teaching of this current subject.

The structure of your submission
Using the following headings complete the following
Technical Competency
As a guide you should write approximately 400 – 500 words
Reflect back on your knowledge (competency) of the technical area you are studying
including your understanding of project management [which is also a technical competency].
How would you assess your skills and understanding of the technical competencies at the
beginning of the subject and at the end of the subject? You should outline how you believe
you have progressed.
Your response should provide
reasoned and convincing evidences. Specifically you should
outline examples and experiences in the subject/group that have impacted on your
knowledge of IT and project management. In other words I am expecting you to demonstrate
how it is that you have progressed in these competency not just that you believe you have
Professional Learning
As a guide you should write approximately 400 – 500 words)
Reflect back on the core Graduate Attributes. If in any doubt read them again in the Subject
Guide on the web site. How would you assess your professional skills at the beginning of the
subject and at the end of the subject? Have they changed? You should outline how you
believe you have changed or progressed.
You should examine issues such as leadership, working in groups, your written and verbal
skills, attendance, listening skills and so on.
Your response should provide
reasoned and convincing evidences. Specifically you should
outline examples and experiences in the subject that have improved your professionally
ready skills. In other words I am expecting you to demonstrate
how it is that you have
progressed not just that you believe you have progressed.
(As a guide you should write approximately 200 – 300 words)
Reflect on the learning that has taken place and how this has been done in the subject. Ask
yourself, “If I could start over again this semester, what would I do differently”. Thinking
about this, how do you think your learning could have been improved in the subject? In what
ways could you have done things differently? How could things have been done differently in
the subject that could have improved your learning? What is, say, one thing you liked in the
subject and one thing you disliked in the subject? If you could change

My final words of advice
Treat the activity seriously as it is worth 20% of your assessment.
This is your own work; a time for you to think about what you have done and learnt.

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