Independent Critical Analysis Project

174 views 8:09 am 0 Comments July 4, 2023
ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEFHuman Computer Interaction
Subject Code and Title IAP607BM Independent Critical Analysis Project
Assessment Group Presentation of Preliminary Findings
Individual/Group Group
Length 10-minute presentation and 10-minute Q&A (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following Subject Learning Outcomes:   Critically review and synthesise the literature as it applies to the hotel research project.Apply business research methods in undertaking the hotel research project.Collect and synthesise data using appropriate tools and techniques as it corresponds to the research objectives.Critically reflect upon and interpret information to reach meaningful conclusions and make recommendations.Articulate the research findings using audience-specific language and structure
Submission Due by 8:00am ACST/ACDT/AEST/ADST – Week 9 Day of presentation
Weighting 30% Part A: 10% groupPart B: 20% individual
Total Marks 100 marks


The Group Presentation of Preliminary Findings assessment aims to equip you with the ability to effectively communicate details of your research process and the preliminary findings of your research in response to an identified business problem. This assessment task will provide you with the opportunity to interpret, report and articulate the findings of your research to peers, members of faculty and/or industry partners.

Task Instructions:

For this assessment, you will present the preliminary findings of your research to an industry audience in a 20-minute presentation. The presentation will comprise a 10-minute presentation followed by a 10-minute Q&A session to address questions from the audience.

To successfully complete this task, you will be required to create and deliver a presentation targeted towards industry practitioners or the business to which your research relates. You are free to use any visual material(s) of your choice – e.g., a poster, infographic, PowerPoint Prezi, or Canva, to name a few. Your presentation should incorporate the following:

1.      Overview of the research problem and background

Highlight the reason(s) why your business problem was chosen as a significant problem for hotels to address and as an original/not-duplicated problem from previous studies. Effectively communicate the impact of your research on the management of hotels. Also, demonstrate background knowledge to the business problem and its context.

2.      Overview of methods

This section should outline details of the research methods used to conduct your research by addressing the following:

  • recruitment strategy and data collection method(s)
    • research population, sampling method, sample size
    • summary of questions asked in the survey/interviews/focus groups
    • respondents’ profile

3.      Preliminary findings and implications for industry

Provide details on the discoveries made from your research in accordance with the research objectives. The purpose is to justify the significance of your findings and subsequent implications for the business or industry. You should also explain any new understandings or fresh insights about the problem that can advance past studies.

4.      References

Provide relevant in-text citations in your presentation material(s) and delivery. A reference list is not needed for this assessment. However, ensure each in-text citation corresponds to a source in the reference list provided in Assessment 3.

During the presentation, you must comply with the following expectations:

  • Be well-groomed
    • Be on time and ensure all necessary technology is functioning
    • Be concise and do not go over the time allotment assigned
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