121 views 7:06 am 0 Comments August 2, 2023

YOUR TASK IS TO IMPLEMENT A JAVA APPLICATION WHICH WILL FUNCTION AS A TYPE OF STUDENT REGISTRATION DATABASE WHICH WILL ENABLE AN ADMINISTRATIVE USER TO EITHER CREATE OR DELETE A STUDENT ACCOUNT IN THE DATABASE IN ORDER TO STORE THE FOLLOWING DETAILS:- (1) THE STUDENT’S NAME, (11) THE STUDENT’S ID NUMBER, (III) A LIST OF THE COURSES WHICH THE STUDENT HAS TAKEN ALONG WITH THE CORRESPONDING GRADES FOR THESE COURSES. NOTE: WHEN THE VALUE-1 IS ENTERED, THE APPLICATION WILL TERMINATE. A TYPICAL EXAMPLE OF THE PROGRAM’S INPUT AND OUTPUT IS SHOWN BELOW: Enter “1” to print out the full name & ID of every student in the database, “2” to enter the course codes and grades for a specific student’s ID, “3” to retrieve the courses and grades for a specific student’s ID or, “4” to register a new student to the database or “-1” to quit the program: 1 The full name of student #1 is: Mariam Baksh, ID: 201910077 The full name of student # 2 is: Noora AlBeloushi, ID: 201810010 The full name of student #3 is: Ali AlEkabi, ID: 201910075 Enter “1” to print out the full name & ID of every student in the database, “2” to enter the course codes and grades for a specific student’s ID, “3” to retrieve the courses and grades for a specific student’s ID or, “4” to register a new student to the database or “-1” to quit the program: 4 Enter new student’s UoF ID: 201912345 Enter new student’s first name: Ahmad Enter new student’s last name: Hantoobi Enter new student’s age: 26 Registration Successful, the new student is Ahmad Hantoobi, UoF ID: 201912345 Enter “1” to print out the full name & ID of every student in the database, “2” to enter the course codes and grades for a specific student’s ID, “3” to retrieve the courses and grades for a specific student’s ID or, “4” to register a new student to the database or “-1” to quit the program: -1 Application will now exit, goodbye! NOTE: THE JAVA APPLICATION WHICH YOU WILL DEVELOP SHOULD INCORPORATE THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONALITY: SOME OPERATION TO RETRIEVE THE STUDENT’S NAME IF THE USER PROVIDES AN ID NUMBER (AND SUCH AN ID NUMBER CANNOT EVER HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED TO ANOTHER STUDENT OR BE RE-ASSIGNED TO A FUTURE STUDENT) SOME OPERATION TO DELETE A STUDENT RECORD ALONG WITH HIS/HER ID AND ASSOCIATED COURSES AND GRADES, THIS WOULD THEN CAUSE A RE-ORDERING OF ARRAY SLOTS TO MAKE SURE THAT NO EMPTY SLOTS ARE LEFT AFTER A RECORD HAS BEEN DELETED. SOME OPERATION TO ENABLE THE REPLACEMENT OF AN EXISTING GRADE ONLY WITH A BETTER GRADE FOR A GIVEN STUDENT … AND NOTE THAT THE SAME COURSE CODE CANNOT BE LISTED TWICE FOR THE SAME STUDENT.

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