Impact of gender inequality in education

123 views 9:14 am 0 Comments June 28, 2023

Article 2
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Klasen, S., & Lamanna, F. (2009). The impact of gender inequality in education and employment On economic growth: new evidence for a panel of countries. Feminist gonomie,s, 15(3), 91-132. I 0A—A.

In this article, Klasen & Lamanna develop/ the topic on the impact of gender disparity in education and employment on economic expansion. The article 144a-jefty focuses on investigating the extent to which gender inequity in education has reduce economic advancement. The
authors principally hold that inequality in education and especially female education has ck.._
t../z significanecAon the creation of human capital and ‘e fertility and thus efforts to lower the gender disparity will stimulate economic growth. The article concludes by illustrating that reduction of the current inequality in the education will propel not only economic development but also
further other essential and valuable goals such as child mortality, fertility, and under-nutrition.
The article is informative for …V gender variation in education. It would particularly be helpful in assessing the impacts that gender discrimination in education has had and still has)T the socio-economic phenomenon. The
F-en-the cause and effect of
article is limited in the sense that it fails to analyze other valuable goals beyond economic growth, yet it suggests that gender variation in education has impacts in other valuable development goals. This article will form the foundation of my paper thus; will be used as a

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