For this assessment you are asked to identify, appraise and critically evaluate a range of EBP and EIP resources presented by organisations and individuals to inform educational practice.
The report is expected to be analytical, rather than descriptive and essay style, and asks you to reflect on and analyse the use of evidence to inform teaching practice.
– 2,700 words 60% weightage
Prepare a report in which you:
Identify, compare and contrast educational EBP and EIP resources.
Discuss the types of educational evidence these resources make available to practitioners, and the strengths and limitations of each type.
Identify potential barriers that educators face in translating such research evidence into their teaching.
Consider and recommend what is needed to overcome these barriers and bridge the gap between research and practice.
Evaluation Criteria
Report format provides a cover page, contents section, headings and page numbers | |
Report provides a short introduction and descriptive narrative of EBP and EIP resources used in educational settings | |
Report identifies, appraises and critically evaluates a range of resources used in EBP/EIP. | |
Report identifies what types of evidence are available, which resources are most favourable to an education setting, how they compare with other fields and the barriers to using research evidence. | |
A summary section brings together the key points and relates them to course objectives (3) and (4). | |
The discussion draws conclusions about the value of EBP/EIP in an educational setting. | |
Bibliographic references are listed at the end of the essay. Appropriate UniSA Harvard style referencing as indicated in the Course Outline | |
Correct use of academic conventions – relating to grammar, spelling and consistency. | |
Examples of Resources:
What Works Clearinghouse Website
Best Evidence Encyclopedia
Campbell Collaboration
The Iris Centre
Do your own search to find other resources (knowledge mobilisation organisations) in the education field
Examples of evidence types that a resource (organisation) may provide to the public
meta-analysis studies
systematic reviews
peer-reviewed article
Etc. (You need to navigate the investigated sites to identify what type/s of evidence they provide and then discuss the strength and limitations of each evidence)
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