Identification and description of caring behaviours

135 views 9:28 am 0 Comments July 31, 2023


Exemplar elements

MARKS (20)

20 – 17

16 – 15

14 – 13

12 – 10

> 10

Section 1

Identification and description of caring behaviours based on NUR1100 patients

Student was able to clearly able to identify and describe caring behaviours given discrete examples within the case videos.

Very clear descriptions could be differentiated between nursing care and caring behaviours, within the context of holistic nature of care (supported with relevant literature)

Student may be showing some ability to consider interlinking of nursing care and caring.

Student demonstrated an ability to group /categorise similar caring behaviours together as part of the description.

At least 5-10 behaviours were identified and were described at a high level, and considering various types of behaviours.

Student was able to clearly able to identify and describe caring behaviours given discrete examples within the case videos.

Descriptions could be differentiated between nursing care and caring behaviours.

Student demonstrated an ability to group /categorise similar caring behaviours together as part of the description.

At least 5-10 behaviours were identified and were described at a high level.

Overall a good number of behaviours were identified and described (approx. 5).

May have had some difficulty in considering what might be nursing care and caring behaviours.

Student is able to write a satisfactory description having identified a few behaviours in the case study. Description is quite basic and does not provide many details. Student was notMarketing Research and Data Analysis able to identify what would be considered caring behaviours.

Did not relate behaviours to one of the case videos.

To gain higher marks in this section students should focus on:

Identifying clear examples of nursing care and caring behaviours

Descriptions should include clear details of how the nurses were providing care and caring.

Identifying a range of behaviours and descriptions of behaviours are based on nursing literature.

MARKS (20)

20 – 17

16 – 15

14 – 13

12 – 10


Section 2

Description of how the caring behaviours may relate to concepts of caring and relationship with patient experience.

A very good understanding of the behaviours in relation to the 6C’s of caring. Student may show initiative in showing a deeper level of understanding and breadth of knowledge by relating to other literature about the 6 C’s beyond the textbook. Use of several references to support key concepts.

Student was able to demonstrate a high level of thinking in relation to which behaviours linked with the 6C’s.

Makes excellent articulate links between caring and patient-centred care and provides evidence to support how the types of caring behaviors can positively impact on the patient experience.

A very good understanding of the behaviours in relation to the 6C’s of caring. Student may show initiative in showing a deeper level of understanding and breadth of knowledge by relating to other literature about the 6 C’s beyond the textbook.

Makes very good links between caring and patient-centred care and provide evidence to support how the types of caring behaviors can positively impact on the patient experience.

A good understanding of the behaviours in relation to the 6C’s of caring.

Makes an attempt at describing and explaining the links between caring and patient-centred care. May have limited supporting evidence.

A satisfactory demonstration of understanding of the behaviours and how they might relate to the 6 C’s. Limited linking of these behaviours in relation to the patient experience. Mainly a basic description with no evidence of higher levels of thinking. Limited or no demonstration of understanding of the behaviours and the 6C’s. Was not able to support any description with supporting evidence and could not consider why or how these behaviours might enhance the patient experience. To gain higher marks in this section students should focus on:

Ensuring clear links between the behaviours and aspects of the 6 C’s.

Demonstrating a good understanding of the different aspects of the 6 C’s. This also can show evidence of broader reading.

Links good quality examples from the literature about those behaviours and the patient experience.

MARKS (20)

20 – 17

16 – 15

14 – 13

12 – 10


Section 3

Identifying and describing an element of caring from a nursing caring theory and how this might be applied to practice.

Student is clearly able to identify a nursing caring theory and can demonstrate an excellent level of understanding of key aspects of the theory at a beginner’s level. The student shows an ability to demonstrate understanding of the theory by utilising a number of sources of literature.

Student describes one key idea that directly relates to a key aspect within the theory, and also demonstrate an ability to link this idea as an important aspect with other supporting literature. Student is clearly able to explain the key idea and how this would apply with nursing care.

Student is clearly able to identify a nursing caring theory and can demonstrate a very good understanding of key aspects of the theory at a beginner’s level. The student shows an ability to demonstrate understanding of the theory by utilising a number of sources of literature.

Student describes one key idea that directly relates to a key aspect within the theory, and also demonstrate an ability to link this idea as an important aspect with other supporting literature.

Student is clearly able to identify a nursing caring theory and attempts to describe this.

A good attempt at identifying one key idea as a focus point. May have some integration of literature, but limited.

May have a basic idea of how this could be linked to nursing practice.

Some attempt at describing a nursing caring theory, but may not be able to clearly describe key aspects.

May link to one key idea but is not well supported by any literature and may not consider well how this might be applied to nursing practice.

Student was not able to identify and describe a nursing care theory. Could not identify and describe any key aspects.

Idea appeared to be unrelated to the theory and nursing practice.

To gain higher marks in this section students should focus on:

Identifying and describing a nursing caring theory (there are some examples provided in the textbook).

Show evidence that you have extended your reading of the theory and key aspects beyond the textbook.

Show evidence of reading in relation to a one key aspect of interest broader from the textbook and from quality academic sources.

Can show evidence of a beginning knowledge of nursing practice and how this one key idea could be incorporated. This is also supported by relevant academic literature.

MARKS (20)

20 – 17

16 – 15

14 – 13

12 – 10

> 10

Academic Writing: structure, APA referencing expression /grammar

Referencing will contribute to 10 out of 20 marks.


Word limit: Adhered to word limit +/- 10%


High standard of academic presentation. Expressed ideas clearly, concisely & fluently

Very few, if any spelling or grammatical errors


Well-constructed paragraphs, main points linked to the question. Introduction and conclusion and sections.


Correctly cited sources both within text & reference list

No or limited mistakes in citation or referencing format using highly relevant literature

Word limit: Adhered to word limit +/- 10% Expression

Sound academic structure and presentation

Expressed ideas clearly and concisely. Very few spelling or grammatical errors


Well-constructed paragraphs, clearly expressed & linked main points, introduction, conclusion and sections


References to literature are well supported

Word limit: Adhered to word limit +/- 10% Expression

Expressed ideas clearly, however not concisely & fluently

Some spelling and grammatical errors


Provided paragraphs with main points however not clearly expressed


References to literature are satisfactory

Word limit: Adhered to word limit (+/-10%


Limited clarity of expression

Errors in spelling & grammar


Provided paragraphs but either main points were inappropriate or they were not linked key content areas.


Reference to literature is present but not strong

Word limit: Not adhered to


Used incorrect terminology

Numerous mistakes in spelling and/or grammar


No or limited structure


Literature not appropriate or insufficient

Incorrect referencing

To gain higher marks in this section students should focus on:

Using scholarly, credible academic sources of information to support your writing

Using correct APA referencing style – (see USQ library for guide)

Spelling, grammar and punctuation checks

A clear logical layout to the assignment e.g. formatting requirements

Use of in-text references

A reference list in APA 7 style

Use of 5 – 10 scholarly references (can include texts, peer-reviewed journal articles)

Logical order of ideas

LATE PENALTY* (Please circle) Marks Deducted Marks Not Deducted FINAL MARK:


N.B. If marks are deducted this will be*5% of total marks available for the assessment item per business day deducted from total mark gained
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