Human Resource Management

165 views 10:31 am 0 Comments July 15, 2023

Human Resource ManagementHuman Computer Interaction


Kingsley Ibe Uche

Task 1

A definition of human resource management (HRM)

An analysis of the context, role, and objectives of HRM

An analysis of the influences on the development of HRM as a theory and management function

Task 2

Evaluate the interface between HRM and strategic management

Analyse models of strategic HRM

Evaluate the extent to which strategic HRM influences business performance

Task 3

Identify the role and objectives of human resource planning

Examine the process of HRP

Identify different types of HR plans

Evaluates the difficulties of effective HRP implementation in a specific organisation which you have researched or worked in

Task 4

Identify the objectives of recruitment and selection in organisations

Analyse the recruitment and selection processes as a system

Task 5

Identify the context of HRD in organisations

Analyse models of HRD

Examine learning theories

Describe the role of continuing professional development (CPD) and lifelong learning

Task 6

Identify the ways in which performance of individuals can be managed

Evaluate the ways in which performance of individuals can be measured

Explain strategies for rewarding employees in organisations.

Task 4

Explains the different types of formal contractual arrangements which exist between individuals and organisations

Examines the role of the psychological contract in organisations

Identifies the importance of equality of opportunity and managing diversity in the employment relationship

Explains how the organisation deals with conflict situations through complaints, discipline, and grievance procedures.

Word Count



28th August 2021

Human Resource Management


S. No. Description Page No

Understanding the Context and Role of Human Resource Management (HRM) 3

a definition of human resource management (HRM). 3

an analysis of the context, role, and objectives of HRM. 4

an analysis of the influences on the development of HRM as a theory and management

function. 5

Understanding the Nature of Strategic Human Resource Management 5

evaluate the interface between HRM and strategic management. 5

analyse models of strategic HRM. 6

evaluate the extent to which strategic HRM influences business performance. 6

Understanding the Role of Human Resource Planning (HRP) in Organisations 6

identify the role and objectives of human resource planning. 6

examine the process of HRP. 7

identify different types of HR plans. 7

identify the objectives of recruitment and selection in organisations. 8

Understanding the Process of Recruitment and Selection 8

analyse the recruitment and selection processes as a system. 8

evaluates the difficulties of effective HRP implementation in a specific organisation

which you have researched or worked in. 9

Understanding the Context of Human Resource Development (HRD) 9

identify the context of HRD in organisations. 9

analyse models of HRD. 9

examine learning theories. 10

describe the role of continuing professional development (CPD) and lifelong learning. 10

Understanding the Context of Human Resource Development (HRD) 11

identify the ways in which performance of individuals can be managed. 11

evaluate the ways in which performance of individuals can be measured. 11

explain strategies for rewarding employees in organisations. 12

Understanding the Context of the Relationship between the employee and the Organisation 12

explains the different types of formal contractual arrangements which exist between

individuals and organisations. 12

examines the role of the psychological contract in organisations. 12

identifies the importance of equality of opportunity and managing diversity in the

employment relationship. 13

explains how the organisation deals with conflict situations through complaints, discipline

and grievance procedures. 13

References 14

Activity 1

Nature and Context of Human Resource Management

The management of workers in any organization is a composite and diffuse undertaking than managing any other resources. Human resource management (HRM) is an essentially ethical action. Employees’ nature is dynamic and changes over time because it is governed by various disciplines, for example, psychology, legal, sociology, anthropology, and occupational. Notably, these disciplines are interdependent. This reliance introduces complexity in the process of worker management because the action needs the manager to be aware and alert in the daily institutional activities. An HR manager is responsible for worker relationship management. The nature of an institution and the manner it is controlled comprises the direct setting within which the organization’s HRM is rooted. A firm’s management and nature are the source of the issues that HRM practices, policies, and strategies try to handle. Essentially, HRM receives optimal attention every time. HRM undergoes notable transitions over time as it is meant to perceive the totality of an organization (Ali, Lei & Wei, 2018). The management focuses on socio-economic development and enhancing the quality of life of employees by developing their full potential. Through HRM, workers maintain cooperative associations at the particular levels of the firm. Additionally, HRM is the basis of any organizational success as it helps in goal attainment by maintaining a motivated and competent workforce.

Context, Role, and Objectives of HRM

HRM context encompasses the strategies and practices that revolve around the human resource factor of administration positions, such as screening, training, appraising, and rewarding. The major objective of HRM is availing a competent workforce while enhancing the aspirations, needs, values, and dignity of workers. The concern here is socio-economic issues of the community and country in general. HRM objectives are affected by the existing social, personal, and organizational goals. Institutional objectives include development and expansion, getting profits, change, and stability. These objectives are attainable through a good and competent workforce, and it’s the role of HRM to ensure the employees perform to meet the firm’s aims. On the social aspect, HRM handles the challenges, demands, and needs of the social setting of the organization. Every resource in the organization should be controlled and utilized for the advantage and interest of the underlying social order (Ali, Lei & Wei, 2018). HRM should therefore be ready to act in line with the set laws and legal limitations set by society. On organizational objectives, HRM acts by preparing a human resource plan for recruiting, selecting, training, developing, and appraising employees. These activities are geared towards the attainment of the set institutional objectives. The functional roles of HRM include ensuring that departmental practices are properly performed by the organizational workforce in a timely manner. The personal objectives of HRM are to help workers attain their specific goals, for example, job gratification, higher salaries, and a better working environment.

Influences on the development of HRM as a theory and management function

The administration of work and individuals towards wanted closures, is an essential movement in any association wherein people are utilized. It isn’t something whose presence should be intricately advocated: HRM is an inescapable outcome of beginning and growing an association. While there are a horde of varieties in the belief systems, styles, and administrative assets drew in, HRM occurs in some structure or other. It is one thing to scrutinize the general presentation of specific models of HRM specifically settings or their commitment to upgraded authoritative execution comparative with other hierarchical ventures, like new creation advancements, publicizing efforts, and property acquisitions. These are significant lines of examination. It is very something else, in any case, to scrutinize the need of the HRM cycle itself, as though associations could by one way or another endure or develop without trying to arrange work and overseeing individuals. To wish HRM away is to wish away everything except the extremely littlest of firms.

Understanding The Nature of Strategic HRM

Connection Between HRM and Strategic Management

The relationship between strategic management and HRM exist since employee management aligns with the organizational objectives. HRM ensures efficiency by maintaining an institutional culture that supports origination and flexibility. These actions enhance competitiveness for the organization, and this is the root for meeting the set goals and objectives.

Models of Strategic HRM

Strategic HRM consists of four major models with different functions of each. The Fombrun model maintains that the HR system and institutional structure should be controlled in a way that corresponds to the organizational strategy. The concern is on the functions of HRM in the selection, rewarding, development, and appraisal of employees. The Harvard model is concerned with interests, situational aspects, stakeholders, HRM policies, HR results, and the lengthy consequences. The guest model suggests that HR managers have particular strategies to follow in order to realize better results. The outcomes revolve around finances, behaviour, and performance. The Warwick model concentrates on the specific organizational forces, HRM context and content, and business approach content.

Influence of Strategic HRM on Business Performance

The performance of any organization improves through strategic management of HR. This enhances the attainment of the set institutional objectives. In addition, through strategic HRM, an organization becomes competitive; thus, making the tool essential for organizational growth.

Activity 2

Role and Objectives of Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning (HRP) is mandated to ensure the best employee-job fit by preventing surplus or shortages. HRP is a segment of the overall organizational planning system. The main objective of HRP is to avoid any uncertainties in matters of employee acquisition, growth, and placement in the organization. HRP ensures the right workforce is available in the correct numbers and enhances optimal use of the human resources for attaining the organizational goals. The HRP makes estimations of future institutional needs in matters of the workforce while considering factors like qualifications, age distribution, and salary bracket (Fogarassy, Szabo & Poor, 2017). Every job analysis in aspects of specification and description in an organization is the role of HRP.

The HRP Process

Human resource planning involves various steps. First, the existing human resource capacity is assessed in terms of numbers, age, experience, titles, compensations, and performance ratings. Feedback is sought on the necessary changes and the current issues. Second, a prediction is made regarding future organizational needs. Here, the HR managers consider the market trends, possibilities for automating various processes, and the industry scrutiny to gauge forthcoming requirements. Thirdly, there is the identification of the HR breaches. This is for maintaining a balance between supply and demand (Fogarassy, Szabo & Poor, 2017). Fourth, an HR manager decides whether to upskill the existing employees or employ other qualified workers with the skills that meet the organizational needs. Finally, there is the inclusion of the plan to the overall organizational strategy. Collaboration and financing are the resources required to implement the plan and ensure its functionality in the organization.

Types of HR Plans

There are two major types of HR planning. Hard human resource planning is based on a quantifiable investigation and considers whether the correct number and sort of people are available in the organization. Soft human resource planning considers that the available personnel have the right obligation, attitudes, and inspiration to the organization.

Objectives of Selection and Recruitment in an Organization

Recruitment and selection aim at hiring the best fir candidate for an available position in the organization. The process helps create a pool of qualified persons from where the HR managers can decide on the best people to align with the institutional culture and help attain the set goals. Selection and recruitment are a way of enhancing diversity where a person is employed based on merits and how they correspond with a company’s values and goals. In addition, the process is a good way to maintain the good reputation of an organization by the use of reasonable, actual, and unbiased appointment practices.

Selection and Recruitment Processes as a System

It might appear like an easy process but acquiring the best-fit personnel for various positions in an organization requires practice and skills. Essentially, it is a process that makes use of strategic planning. When there is a job opening, a reference is made to the recruitment plan. The correctness of the job is confirmed by the use of questionnaires. A description of job requirements and specifications is formulated. A bidding system is put in place to consider qualifications for the current employees for the purposes of promotion. The best hiring strategies are determined, and finally, implementation of the approach will enhance the recruitment of the best-fit personnel for the position.

Difficulties in Implementation of HRP

Various challenges occur in the process of enacting human resource plans. I once worked in a health ministry, and these problems were evident. First, there was the need to systematize the employee information. Second, to attract and retain the best personnel, there is a need for incentives based on the performance of various employees. This is a solution to the challenge of worker de-motivation and poor remuneration. Third, there was inadequate training and resources for acquiring the best personnel at the ministry, which was a barrier to enacting the HRP.

Activity 3

Context of HRD in an Organization

Human resource development involves the organizational training undertaken to enhance employees’ familiarity, skills, capacities, and education. In addition, HRD helps workers develop personal fulfilment, which helps in attaining the set organizational goals (Akdere & Egan, 2020). HRD can be official, for example, classroom education, training at higher-learning institutions, or an institutional strategic transition effort.

HRD Models

There are several frameworks that exist in the process of human resource development. The strategic HR model uses HR practices to create vital institutional abilities that enhance the attainment of organizational goals. The model provides tools for identifying how an organization can improve its HR practices. The integrative model specifies three approaches for business success. These are; enhancing worker satisfaction, creating organizational capabilities, and shaping shareholder and customer gratification. The human capital assessment framework uses a matrix to show the five parts of human assets control. They are; recruitment, rewarding, career growth, institutional structure, and social investment enablers. The HRD scorecard model argues that for an HR practice to have the best effect on business, it must be mature in matters of HRD systems, business links, culture, and competencies (Akdere & Egan, 2020). Finally, the people asset maturity model focuses on software firms and guides enhancing organizations to attract, motivate, retain and organize best talents.

Learning Theories

Learning is the personal development that results from an association with other people. The major learning theories are; behaviourism, which gives the idea that learning is a behaviour change due to responses acquired and applied from a person’s environment. Constructivism considers learning as a process of constructing knowledge rather than acquiring it. Cognitive psychology argues that people are not response collectors like viewed by the behaviourist but rather information processors. Social learning philosophy is that learning is a social aspect and people learn through imitation, demonstration, and observation (Akdere & Egan, 2020). Socio-constructivism theory suggests that learning arises from social discussions and involvements.

Role of Continuing Professional Development

Continuing professional development (CPD) assists one to improve and maintain knowledge and skills for delivering professional services to a given society. It is a way of staying relevant and updated on particular matters of importance in career and personal development. In addition, a person becomes informed of the transitions and directions related to their profession.

Managing Individual Performance

There are several approaches to manage personal performance. First, one can effectively communicate the organizational objectives to the employees. Second, performance management software can be used to ensure that the firm runs smoothly throughout. Third, frequent feedback to employees at all levels helps them gauge performance and improve at an individual level. Third, peer reviews can be applied where workers appreciate the performance of their colleagues. Fourth, a regular meeting can be set to converse the results of the team. Finally, pre-emptive management can be applied where every employee will be aware of what is expected and liable for any company’s personal faults.

Measuring Individual Performance

Employee performance is gauged using several ways. The 360-degree response is a recognized method that makes use of colleague feedback. Opinions and feedback are fetched from the other team members, and the data is used to measure the performance of a particular employee. Self-evaluation gives employees the chance to personally gauge their performance and mostly entails the use of multiple-choice questions. Graphic assessment scales can be used to examine a worker’s relative performance at particular levels. The scales are mostly used to gauge behaviours aspects. Finally, checklists can be used to recognize particular workers who have deficits in several performance sections.

Strategies for Rewarding Employees

Reward strategies are policies designed to attract and maintain a quality and effective workforce in an organization. A firm must pay for the effort, skills, and time received from its employees regarding wages and allowances. A reward may be in the form of benefits, for example, provision of medical covers. In addition, a company may decide to improve the worker’s skills through training to enhance personal development. Maintaining a positive workplace is another approach that ensures workers feel appreciated and motivated.

Activity 4

Formal Contractual Arrangements Between Individuals and Organisations

A formal contract requires a signed document to complement the oral agreement (Johnson, Rubery & Egan, 2021). There must be a witness, or else the contract is notarized. The common types of formal contracts are; business agreements, for example, purchase orders, warranties, security agreements, and bills of sales.

Role of the Psychological Contract in Organisations

Personal psychological agreements allow organizational workers to recognize their values and roles in the business. In situations where an individual and organization have unrealistic expectations of each other, the contract comes in to solve any form of conflict. In addition, the agreement forms a platform for making required amendments through the use of regular and effective communication.

Importance of Equality of Opportunity and Managing Diversity in the Employment Relationship

Equality and diversity in the workplace environment enhance work culture and helps workers attain their potential by contributing their best in the organization. Talent is considered more essential than stereotypes. In addition, diversity and equality improve organizational performance by enhancing efficiency and productivity.

How the Organisation Handles Conflict Through Complaints, Discipline and Grievance Procedures

The ministry I worked in used the grievance procedure to handle conflict situations. The process involved a conversation between an employee and the employer to help get a solution. If the conflict was not solved, the employee forwards their concerns in the form of writing to the next supervision level (Johnson, Rubery & Egan, 2021). If the conflict persists, the ministry review committee handles the matter where a solution to the conflict is attained.


Akdere M and Egan T. (2020) Transformational Leadership and human resources development.

Ali M., Lei S., and Wei X.Y. (2018). The mediating role of the employee relations climate in the relationship between Strategic human resource management and organizational performance in Chinese banks.

Fogarassy C., Szabo, K., and poor J. (2017). Critical issues of HR Planning, performance evaluation and long-term development on the central region and non-central areas.

Johnson M., Rubery J., and Egan M. (2021). Raising the bar. The impact of the UNISON ethical care campaign in UK domiciliary care.

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