102 views 10:50 am 0 Comments August 10, 2023
  • Perform descriptive statistics central tendency, and standard deviation to analyze each of the main variables provided in the dataset, presenting the data in a table form.
  • The CHRO proposed that the firm should hire more employees below the age of 35, however, the CTO worries that this would be a trade-off creating a scarcity of experienced professionals. Perform a hypothesis test to find out if employees below the age of 35 are more innovative than those above 35. Use CLAGE for AGE, MEANINNOVATION for innovation.
  • The company has been struggling to innovate. To enable more innovation, the CHRO has proposed several networking events in the firm to stimulate interdepartmental connections. The CTO, however, is skeptical. Perform a hypothesis test to determine whether there is a significant association between networking behavior and innovation.
  • The CHRO is interested in other predictors for innovation. She asks you to analyze all the key concept in the engagement survey in an exploratory analysis. This kind of analysis is used to discover significant relationships without a pre-defined hypothesis. Explain how to conduct such analysis along with the associated risk of such analysis.
  • Conduct an exploratory analysis using all the variables. Identify with reasons, which variables could potentially predict innovation?
  • In the quest for innovation, the CHRO is looking into critical factors that the company should focus on when they hire new recruits. Create the strongest regression model to predict innovative behavior. Evaluate the model.
  • Create the strongest regression model to predict performance. Evaluate the model.
  • Create the strongest regression model to predict engagement. Evaluate the model.
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