How smartphone impact our health

146 views 8:33 am 0 Comments August 5, 2023

My topic is how smartphone impact our health?Write your literature review based on the references you’ve identified this semester during your literature research. Take insights identified during the Annotated Bibliography as a basis to build your Literature ReviewThe key feature of a Literature Review is the organization and comprehensive analysis and synthesis of these six references. As discussed in the Literature Review Resource document, analyzing individual articles presented as individual analyses is not the goal. A Literature Review requires you to synthesize these analyses under some guiding organizational pattern.emember, make this first draft as complete, professional, accurate, and free of errors as you can make it,emember, this document is (in theory) written to the decision maker you will write the proposal to. Be sure to remember to include their name on the Cover page (as target reader).

Assignment Instructions

Include these required elements (the entire document must follow current APA Style guidelines):

APA Formatted Title PageLinks to an external site.

Abstract Page (Do not exceed 250 words; include keywords.)

Main Body Sections: Introduction, Body, Conclusion (Use specific headings, though, that align with your content, not these general headings.)

Subheadings may be used in the Body section

APA Formatted References PageLinks to an external site. (All references listed must be cited in the Literature’s body review, and all citations in the Literature’s body review must be listed on the References page.

Use 11 pt. Arial or Calibri font style

Use headingsLinks to an external site. in the paper (APA Level 1 is bold/centered on a line; APA Level 2 is bold, aligned, and left on the page). Allow white space between the heading and text.

Use double-spaced lines

Use 1-inch margins on all sides

Length 3-4 pages (does not include Title, Abstract, and References pages)

Include a minimum of 6 scholarly articles on the References page

Austin, L., Sharp, C. A., van der Veer, S. N., Machin, M., Humphreys, J., Mellor, P., … & Dixon, W. G.
(2020). Providing ‘the bigger picture’: benefits and feasibility of integrating remote monitoringTrifan, A., Oliveira, M., & Oliveira, J. L. (2019). Passive sensing of health outcomes through
smartphones: a systematic review of current solutions and possible limitations.JMIR mHealth
use the source that i provider or look for requirement to make sure source fit the criteria,this must done micrsoft word.
and uHealth,7(8), e12649.
from smartphones into the electronic health record: findings from the Remote Monitoring of
Dixon, W. G., Beukenhorst, A. L., Yimer, B. B., Cook, L., Gasparrini, A., El-Hay, T., … & McBeth, J. (2019).
How the weather affects the pain of citizen scientists using a smartphone app.NPJ digital
medicine,2(1), 105.
Hicks, J. L., Althoff, T., Sosic, R., Kuhar, P., Bostjancic, B., King, A. C., … & Delp, S. L. (2019). Best practices
for analyzing large-scale health data from wearables and smartphone apps.NPJ digital
medicine,2(1), 45.
Lapierre, M. A., Zhao, P., & Custer, B. E. (2019). Short-term longitudinal relationships between
smartphone use/dependency and psychological well-being among late adolescents.Journal of
Adolescent Health,65(5), 607-612.
Panova, T., Carbonell, X., Chamarro, A., & Puerta-Cortés, D. X. (2020). The specific smartphone uses
and how they relate to anxiety and depression in university students: A cross-cultural

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