Hospitality Services Management

117 views 6:52 am 0 Comments July 1, 2023

Our group will adhere to contingency and communication plans and enforce penalties if not done so, and by signing this contract we each all agree to this statement.

The rules pertaining to working as a team and showing team members respect have also been agreed to by all members signing this contract.

Completing tasks by the deadline has been agreed on by all group members by signing this contract.

For the standard of the academic work submitted we will each use Grammarly and make sure all are using the same text, font, size etc. This is all agreed on by all signing this contract.

All group decisions will be made by everyone giving their opinion and whichever one is agreed on most will be used and this is agreed on by all when signing this contract.

If a group member is having difficulties completing work or meeting any deadlines we agreed that the person should let the group know that they are struggling and then we will all help with the workload to meet the deadline. This is agreed on when all signed the contract.

Communication Plan:

Meetings with all group members will take place at the Hotel School, after class on a Tuesday from 3:30 onwards. This is agreed on and signed by all members.

All group members will come together weekly to work on assignment, this is agreed on by all when the contract was signed.

The forms of communication that our group will use to communicate with one another will be Whatsapp, Zoom, Email and the Wiki.

The role of the group meeting coordinator is to organise where and when to meet as a group to work on assignment.

Contingency Plan:

If a group member/s leaves the group mid-session their tasks will be divided among the group equally so we all have the same workload. This was agreed on when signing the contract.

If a group member does not submit their work by the required date their work will be equally divided among the other group members and this was agreed on when signing the contract.

If personality clashes and arguments occur amongst the group, the problem will be brought forward to the group and it will be solved with the persons involved, if that does not work Jorn will be informed and go on from there. This was agreed on when all signed the contract.

If communication meetings are not attended by group members they will be updated on what occurred during the meeting via email. This was agreed on when signing the contract.

Penalties that will be used if anything occurs will be a peer grading in assessment submission and whoever caused the penalty has to shout a round of drinks at the bar.

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