
118 views 9:15 am 0 Comments June 28, 2023

I foinclessocsh o ‘newton’. in hultottrilli.Cli country h;tettss the cause tout effect of itontelastonefitt in one inclurstrialtzed country. 1. In many developed count w homelessness has become an area of significant comer’, 1,,,United Staterxrber of youth without families anci,7;nniment home d increasingday-by-th► According to alidin. GaMm, Hunter and Karnik (2012) there about 1.6-2 million homeless youth living on the street or in other temporary accommodation ikbnited States Youth homelessness has becon,,major social problem itxUnited state,This essay will discuss .9)eyouth homelessness in U.S.A resulting from dysfunctiontriLi1Xabackgrounl and physicarand sexual GUM abuse iv., , • cc;tk44,,,S 4 and then discuss the effecAhomelessness oi),,mental health ancksexua ransmirdisease aniongthc.„ *42_ -^ homeless youth States. JJJ

“tka-One of the main causof youth homelessness ii),United Statlis family background history. In +t’eir US many youth choose to live n the street because oRdysfunctional famaitt or use/ of • substancbyAtamily member. Fergusun (2009 states that many youth becor,nmeless because of home instability, insecurity and use of drugs by family members or caregiver. In these type5 familiesAdemal’of children were not fulfilkby the parentS because they themselves were fighting 7if(mental illness or substance abuse as a result children have to in limited control in environment which resulifhildren/lealthis fami(l!…Fetjusun (2009) also explains that „ essnesc-physical abandonment of parents ultimately leads to leave-the-home. He states that the family
,–where youth were abandoned they were likely to leave home due to the lack of support from the kome.le_cS family member. Nearly half the perportion ofiyouth in U.S. reported that family history of using , • alcohol and drugs was the reason 7) nckup on the street. Parental drug abuse is linIceet with

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