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Preview Rubric: Case study Based Written Assignment – Rubric Updated 2023 – (HNB3004) Nursing For Chronic Illness and Contin…

Case study Based Written Assignment – Rubric

Updated 2023

Course: (HNB3004) Nursing For Chronic Illness and Continuing Care – ORT


FullMarks HD D C P


Introducti on

Full Marks

Excellent, creative, clear, insightful, specific context and background, scope, statement of purpose.

Clear introduction with specific statement of purpose and direction for the essay.

Introduces topic and provides background &a statement of purpose.

Nonspecific introduction in need of further developmen t

No clear introduction .

Analysis of scenario incorpora ting theoretica l concepts and principles, and the relationsh ip to the diagnosis. (Patient informati on and Risk factors)

Full Marks

Comprehens ive analysis of scenario incorporatin g theoretical concepts and principles, and the relationship to the diagnosis

A broad critical analysis of scenario incorporatin g theoretical concepts and principles, and the relationship to the diagnosis

An adequate analysis of scenario incorporatin g theoretical concepts and principles, and the relationship to the diagnosis

A brief analysis of scenario incorporatin g theoretical concepts and principles, and the relationship to the diagnosis

An extremely limited analysis of scenario incorporatin g theoretical concepts and principles, and the relationship to the diagnosis



Word count 2000

Case study:  John is a 45-year-old male who weighs 110 kg and 172 cm tall. He works as a truck driver and lives with his wife and two children in their house with a substantial mortgage. John enjoys a bottle of wine with his wife over dinner every evening and a few social beers at the weekend. He doesn’t smoke. John’s father lives nearby and he need some assistance from John in relation to his medical conditions (CCF, BP(Hypertension) and type 2 diabetes).

John worries about his job since it is not regular lately and he is not able to pay his bills in a timely manner. John’s wife is not able go to work because someone needs to be around to manage school pick up and drops. John has gained a bit of weight over the years, but he is too busy to go to gym due to the nature of his work. John’s BP was 150/90 mm of Hg in the last GP visit. The doctor advised John start taking medication for high BP and said he is at risk of CVD.



• Introduction
• Analysis of scenario and risk factors (10%)
• Discuss the impact of disease on the person living with the illness and their family (You need to consider all aspects of life). (30%)
• Formulate a person-centred health promotional activities to maintain the quality of life of someone living with this condition. (30%)
• Discuss the evidence-based advantage of two medications that are used to manage this condition (for blood pressure- select two medicines (not the drug class) that will be beneficial in this scenario) (10%)
• Conclusion



To get started on your assessment task, please follow the below instructions.


1. Use high-level quality contemporary evidence-based literature to inform the discussion and critical analysis, date of evidence within ten years;
2. Minimum of 15 references are required to complete this task. Please follow APA 7th edition for an in-text citation and reference list. ( opens in new window)
3. You need to write this assessment by using academic writing skills. This means you will be writing this in third person (not I or me) and include the following structure: an introduction, body (relevant headings) and conclusion.
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