High school graduation rates

161 views 7:55 am 0 Comments June 29, 2023

High school graduation rates
What information do you have on public high school graduation rates?
This Fast Fact examines the percentage of U.S. public high school students who graduate on time, as measured by the adjusted cohort graduation rate
(ACGR). In this Fast Fact, the United States includes public schools in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. State education agencies calculate the
ACGR by identifying the “cohort” of first-time 9th-graders in a particular school year. The cohort is then adjusted by adding any students who immigrate from
another country or transfer into the cohort after 9th grade and subtracting any students who transfer out, emigrate to another country, or die. The ACGR is
the percentage of students in this adjusted cohort who graduate within 4 years with a regular high school diploma. The U.S. Department of Education first
collected the ACGR in 2010–11.
The U.S. average ACGR for public high school students increased from 79 percent in 2010–11 to 86 percent in 2018–19. In 2018–19, the ACGR ranged from
69 percent in the District of Columbia to 92 percent in Iowa and Alabama.
2 Forty states reported ACGRs from 80 percent to less than 90 percent.3
Adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students, by state and categorized into specific ranges: 2018–19
NOTE: The ACGR is the percentage of public high school freshmen who graduate with a regular diploma within 4 years of starting 9th grade. The U.S.
average ACGR is for the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The graduation rates displayed above have been rounded to whole numbers.
Categorizations are based on unrounded percentages. The Alabama State Department of Education has indicated that their ACGR data for some years was
misstated. For more information, please see the following press release issued by the state:
In 2018–19, the ACGRs for American Indian/Alaska Native4 (74 percent), Black (80 percent), and Hispanic (82 percent) public high school students were
below the U.S. average of 86 percent. The ACGRs for White (89 percent) and Asian/Pacific Islander
5 (93 percent) students were above the U.S. average.
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Across states, the ACGRs for White students ranged from 79 percent in New Mexico to 95 percent in New Jersey, and were higher than the U.S. average
ACGR of 86 percent in 37 states and the District of Columbia. The rates for Black students ranged from 67 percent in New Mexico to 90 percent in Alabama.
Texas, Delaware, West Virginia, and Alabama were the only four states in which the rates for Black students were higher than the U.S. average ACGR. The
ACGRs for Hispanic students ranged from 60 percent in the District of Columbia to 91 percent in Alabama and West Virginia, and they were higher than the
U.S. average ACGR in six states (Delaware, Florida, Missouri, Texas, Alabama, and West Virginia). For Asian/Pacific Islander students, ACGRs ranged from
83 percent in Vermont to 97 percent in New Jersey,
6 and they were higher than the U.S. average ACGR in 47 states and the District of Columbia. Vermont,
Nebraska, and Hawaii were the only three states in which the rates for Asian/Pacific Islander students were lower than the U.S. average ACGR. The ACGRs
for American Indian/Alaska Native students ranged from 51 percent in Minnesota to 94 percent in Alabama, and were higher than the U.S. average ACGR in
eight states (Texas, Virginia, Louisiana, Tennessee, Connecticut, New Jersey, Alabama, and Kentucky).
Although a relatively new graduation rate measure, the ACGR is considered the most accurate measure available for reporting on-time graduation rates.
For more information, see Seastrom, M., Chapman, C., Stillwell, R., McGrath, D., Peltola, P., Dinkes, R., and Xu, Z. (2006).
User’s Guide to Computing High
School Graduation Rates, Volume 2: Technical Evaluation of Proxy Graduation Indicators
(NCES 2006-605). U.S. Department of Education. Washington,
DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from
2 Throughout this Fast Fact, interpret Alabama data with caution. The Alabama State Department of Education has indicated that their ACGR data for some
years was misstated. For more information, please see the following press release issued by the state:
3 Throughout this Fast Fact, counts of states are based on unrounded graduation rates.
4 Estimated assuming a count of zero American Indian/Alaska Native students for Hawaii.
5 Reporting practices for data on Asian and Pacific Islander students vary by state. Asian/Pacific Islander data in this indicator represent either the value
reported by the state for the “Asian/Pacific Islander” group or an aggregation of separate values reported by the state for “Asian” and “Pacific Islander.”
“Asian/Pacific Islander” includes the “Filipino” group, which only California and Hawaii report separately.
6 The ACGR for Asian/Pacific Islander students was 95 percent or higher in West Virginia. This value has been “blurred” to protect student privacy.
7 Discussion of ACGRs for American Indian/Alaska Native students excludes data for the District of Columbia, Hawaii, and Vermont. The American
Indian/Alaska Native data are suppressed for the District of Columbia and Vermont to protect student privacy and are unavailable for Hawaii.
8 The ACGR for American Indian/Alaska Native students was 90 percent or higher in Kentucky. This value has been “blurred” to protect student privacy.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2021). The Condition of Education 2021 (NCES 2021-144), Public High
School Graduation Rates
Related Tables and Figures: (Listed by Release Date)
2021, Digest of Education Statistics 2020, Table 219.10. High school graduates, by sex and control of school; public high school averaged freshman
graduation rate (AFGR); and total graduates as a ratio of 17-year-old population: Selected years, 1869–70 through 2029–30
2021, Digest of Education Statistics 2020, Table 219.46. Public high school 4-year adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR), by selected student
characteristics and state: 2010–11 through 2018–19
2021, Public high school 4-year adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR), by race/ethnicity and selected demographic characteristics for the United
States, the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico: School year 2018–19
2020, Public high school 4-year adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR), by race/ethnicity and selected demographic characteristics for the United
States, the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico: School year 2017–18
2019, Public high school 4-year adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR), by race/ethnicity and selected demographic characteristics for the United
States, the 50 states, and the District of Columbia: School year 2016–17
2017, Public high school 4-year adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR), by race/ethnicity and selected demographic characteristics for the United
States, the 50 states, and the District of Columbia: School year 2015–16
2016, Public high school 4-year adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR), by race/ethnicity and selected demographics for the United States, the 50
states, and the District of Columbia: School year 2014–15
2015, Annual diploma counts and the Averaged Freshmen Graduation Rate (AFGR) in the United States by race/ethnicity: School years 2007–08
through 2011–12
Other Resources: (Listed by Release Date)
2020, NCES Blog: New Report Highlights Progress and Challenges in U.S. High School Dropout and Completion Rates
2020, Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates in the United States: 2019
2018, Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates in the United States: 2014
2018, Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates in the United States: 2018

2017, NCES Blog: What is the difference between the ACGR and the AFGR?
2016, Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates in the United States: 2013
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