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HI6005 Group Assessment Cover Page

Unit Details

Assessment Details

Group Student Details

Group Submission Declaration

Year, Trimester

Due Date and Week

Student ID

Integrity Declaration

Management and Organisations in a Global Environment HI6005
2023 Trimester 2

Group Assignment
Friday of Week 10 (22 September 2023)

First Name

Family Name

Full Name

Work Contribution

Submission Date

Student ID

We have read and understand academic integrity policies and practices and our assessment does not violate these.


Academic Integrity Information

Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding academic integrity. All assessment must comply with academic integrity guidelines. Important academic integrity breaches include plagiarism, collusion, copying, impersonation, contract cheating, data fabrication and falsification. Please learn about academic integrity and consult your teachers with any questions. Violating academic integrity is serious and punishable by penalties that range from deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment.

Format Instructions

  • Assessments must be in MS Word format with no spacing, 11-pt Calibri font and at least 2cm margins on all four sides with appropriate section headings and page numbers.
  • You must name your file with the Unit Code and Group Number (e.g. “HI6005 Group 4”).
  • Check that you submit the correct document as special consideration is not granted if you make a mistake.
  • Student IDs need to be indicated on the cover page. Non-contributing students do not receive marks.


  • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date and time along with a completed Assessment Cover Page. Late penalties apply.
  • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Holmes Institute Adapted Harvard Referencing. Penalties are associated with incorrect citation and referencing.

Weight Total Marks Word limit

40 % of the total assessments 40
2500 words

Group Assessment writing Guidelines and Specifications

This assignment aims at ensuring that students have familiarised themselves with a general framework of at least one management related topic. Students will be required to apply relevant theoretical concepts with the use of practical examples in most cases in a written research paper. Please choose from one of the following topics from the list (see below). Research on the broad topic is a group activity and each student must contribute to that work. Each student in the group will then research, in depth an individual component drawn from the broad research topic.

Group Research paper written report including appendix – worth 40% of your final grade and must be submitted on Friday of Week 10 at 11:59pm. The written report should begin with the broad research topic which is then followed by each individual component identified by the individual student who prepared it.

You should form in a group of 4 students. Please use self-enrolment tool in BB. Note that once you do so, your group members are fixed and cannot be changed. The group size should be 4 only. It is essential that every member makes a significant valid academic contribution to the team result.

Your report is to be written as a business report. It must include:

  • Executive summary
  • Table of contents
  • Section headings
  • Paragraphing
  • Page numbers
  • Reference list at the end of the report
  • Appendix (use below table as template)Select one topic according to your group number

    List of Topics (per group):

    1: Job Attitudes and Learning (Group 1-10)
    Explain the effect of perception and attitude on employee performance Individual components

  1. Concepts of Symbolic Processes and its integration in employees
  2. Evaluate the Social Learning theory and demonstrate how you would apply Self-control andVicarious Learning
  3. Thorndyke’s Law of effect
  4. Positive reinforcement vs punishment

2: Individual Characteristics and Cultural Differences (Group 11-20)
The Manager’s role in ensuring each employee contributes in a diverse workforce Individual components

  1. Evaluate the 6 dimensions of culture
  2. Apply the basic incongruity theory to Analyse the effects of personality on employeeexpectation from their organization.
  3. Analyse the challenges of managing a multi-cultural institution
  4. Evaluate the benefits of inclusion

3: Motivation and Performance Management (Group 21-30)
Examine the various theories of work motivation and performance management and think of a real-world situation where you would apply each motivational theory.

Individual components

  1. Operant conditioning theory
  2. Equity theory
  3. Goal theory
  4. Expectancy theory

4: Groups and Teams (Group 31-40)
Analyse the emergence of teams as a key feature of the modern workplace and trace its origins in the context of the changes in thinking associated with the development of schools of management thought.
Individual Components

  1. Outline Tuckman’s stages in team development identifying the leader’s role at each stage (Use examples).
  2. Apply insights from the study of managerial decision making to decision making inteams.
  3. Give examples of interdependence designed to facilitate intergroup cooperation.
  4. What are the benefits of working in teams, and outline the ways in which managers mightmake teams effective?

5: Decision Making and Problem Solving (Group 41-50)
Analyse the factors that can impact on the quality of managerial decisions

Individual Components

  1. Categorisation of decisions – reflective vs. reactive; programmed vs. non-programmed processing of information
  2. Analyse techniques you would apply in Group decision making and outline the benefits
  3. Apply four elements of Emotional Intelligence in decision-making
  4. Identify any one decision-making model and show how you might apply it

6: Organisational Culture (Group 51-60)
Determine how a company can apply each of the following types of formal organisation structure to improve performance and outline the likely challenges to be encountered while implementing each. Individual component

1. Networked 2. Matrix

3. Geographic 4. Functional

7: Leadership and Human Resources Management (Group 61-70)
Describe the following leadership style and explain what strengths and limitations are inherent to each aspect.

Individual component

  1. Evaluate the Blake and Mouton Grid
  2. Evaluate the McGregor’s Theory X and Y
  3. Analyse Transactional and Transformational styles and select which one appeals to you.
  4. How would you apply Relationship Orientation style in management?

8: Power and Politics in Organisations (71-80)
Describe the concept of Political Pyramid which results from the accumulation of power as the vehicle for transforming individual interests into activities which influence other people Individual components

  1. Evaluate the concept of Scarcity and competition
  2. Analyse the concept of Constituent and client
  3. Analyse the concept of Power and action

9: Organisational Change (Group 81-90)
Describe the difference between various theories of dealing with Organisational Change. Examine the assumptions under each theory in your assessment and identify which theory appeals most to you and provide reasons why you are drawn toward that one and not the others.

Individual components

  1. Evaluate the Lewin’s Change Model
  2. Analyse the Kotter’s Change Model
  3. Apply the Cooperrider’s Appreciative Enquiry Model (1980s)

10: Communication, Conflict, and Organisational Well-Being (Group 91-100)
Different negotiation styles are applied to make decisions and to solve problems. Describe examples where you would apply the following the following approaches.

Individual components

  1. Analyse the concept of Win – Win / Collaborate approach
  2. Analyse the concept of Win – Lose / Compete approach
  3. Compare and contrast the Compromise Vs Accommodate approach
  4. Analyse the concept of Cooperative vs. Assertive approaches

What should be included in the appendix?

  1. All the group member details-full name, student id numbers, contact phone numbers.
  2. The topic chosen for your group assignment
  3. Allocation of the tasks for each member in the group.

You may utilise this format for the above:

Topic Chosen:
Student ID First Name Family Name Contact Phone


Allocated Task(s)

4. Each student to list at least five references and sources for their chosen part. [Final report must contain these references plus any others that are cited or used].

Student References

Key theme/ reason for choosing





  1. We experienced the following challenges during this assignment:
  2. At the completion of the assignment we have the following insights:

Group Assessment Report Marking Rubric


Excellent (8) Very Good (6 -7) Good (4 – 5) Satisfactory (2-3) Unsatisfactory (0-1)

Executive Summary (8 marks)

Clear evidence of a summary which summaries the entire report

Clear evidence of a summary which summarises the entire report

Some evidence of a summary which summarises the entire report

Limited evidence of a summary of the entire report

No executive summary included

Discussion on allocated general framework (8 marks)

Demonstration of outstanding knowledge of the chosen topic and has included significant research which are beyond areas covered within the lecture

Demonstration of very good knowledge of the chosen topic and has included some research beyond areas covered within the lecture notes.

Demonstration of good knowledge of the chosen topic and has included minimal research beyond areas covered within the lecture notes.

Demonstration of satisfactory knowledge of the chosen topic and has included no research beyond areas covered within the lecture notes.

Demonstration of little or no knowledge of the chosen topic and discussion has little or no relevance to the topic chosen.

Application of theory on Individual component discussion (8 marks)

Your interpretation of theory is accurate and insightful and has included significant research which goes beyond areas covered within the lecture notes. Identification of the author had been identified.

Your interpretation of theory is accurate and has some insight and included some research which goes beyond areas covered within the lecture notes. Identification of the author has been identified.

Your interpretation of theory is somewhat accurate and has included minimal research which is beyond areas covered within

the lecture notes. Identification of the author has

been identified.

Your interpretation of

theory is very general and has included no research which is beyond areas covered within the lecture notes. Identification of the author has been identified.

Your interpretation of theory is missing or not relevant to the topic. No identification of the author had been given

Overall presentation and quality of report

(8 marks)

Report is exceptionally structured with clarity, use of paragraphs and subheadings.

Report is well structured with clarity, use of paragraphs and subheadings.

Report is somewhat structured with clarity, use of paragraphs and subheadings.

Report is structured with some clarity, and use of some paragraphs and subheadings.

presented. Report is not structured with any clarity, and does not use of paragraphs and subheadings

Appendix (8 marks)

Addressed all the 6 steps in the appendix & clearly stated Expectations, challenges and insights from each of the member with some discussion

Addressed all the 6 steps in the appendix and Stated Expectations, challenges and insights with some discussion

Addressed all the 6 steps in the appendix and Expectations, challenges and insights listed without discussion

Addressed all the 6 steps in the appendix and Some Expectations, challenges and insights stated

Addressed all the 0-5 steps in the appendix and

Unclear or no statements

Your final submission is due Friday of week 10 before midnight. The following penalties will apply:

  1. Late submissions -5% per day.
  2. No cover sheet OR inaccuracies on the cover sheet -10%
  3. No title page -10%
  4. Inaccuracies in referencing OR incomplete referencing OR not in Holmes-adapted-Harvard style -10%
  5. Appendix missing or incomplete or not in prescribed format -10%
  6. Completing the group assessment SOLO -20%

Student Assessment Citation and Referencing Rules

Holmes has implemented a revised Harvard approach to referencing. The following rules apply:

1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources that provide full-text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers.

2. The reference list must be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: “References”.

3. The reference list must include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged A-Z alphabetically by author surname with each reference numbered (1 to 10, etc.) and each reference MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.
For example:

Hawking, P., McCarthy, B. & Stein, A. 2004. Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of Information Systems Education, Fall, http://jise.org/Volume15/n3/JISEv15n3p327.pdf

4. All assignments must include in-text citations to the listed references. These must include the surname of the author/s or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of the content, and paragraph where the content can be found. For example, “The company decided to implement an enterprise-wide data warehouse business intelligence strategy (Hawking et al., 2004, p3(4)).”

Non-Adherence to Referencing Rules

Where students do not follow the above rules, penalties apply:
1. For students who submit assignments that do not comply with all aspects of the rules, a 10% penalty will
be applied.
2. Students who do not comply with guidelines BUT their citations are ‘fake’ will be reported for academic misconduct.

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