HFS371 Risk Assessment and Management Assignment

130 views 10:28 am 0 Comments October 16, 2023

Question 1
This end-of-course project aims to gauge your ability to (1) illustrate concepts of risk and risk management; (2) analyze risk perception and how this affects risk management; (3) examine the purpose and aims of risk control; (4) carry out risk assessment using the appropriate tools and techniques for a hazardous work process; (5) propose and design appropriate risk treatment measures to eliminate or minimize the associated risk; and (6) apply risk management methods and principles in the selected industry sector.

As the warehouse manager, you are the chairman of the site’s Risk Management Team. You are to assist the corporate-level supply chain director, to oversee operational risks relating to the site’s routine operations. Show your understanding of the overarching risk management approach with the following:

(a) Outline the structures of the company’s executive organisation chart, corporatelevel management risk committee, site-level risk management team, and shop floor-level risk assessment teams within the company’s overall risk management framework.

(b) Select a work process that involves the use of fork trucks (forklift) at your

(c) Organise the risk assessment team appropriate for the selected work process.

(d) Search and review related past incident history within the company and industry sector. Supplement your findings with literature reviews, historical case studies and/or incident investigation reports.

(e) Carry out qualitative risk assessment of the selected work process by applying the Job Hazard Analysis tool and 5×5 Risk Analysis techniques to identify and analyse the associated hazard-risks. Evaluate the associated hazard-risk with respect to the current risk management benchmark. Tabulate the risk assessment (RA-Tables). (*Note that a comprehensive risk assessment table must be included in the Annex (see below) and will constitute 30 marks of this assignment.)

(f) Search and review current good practices and safety/control technologies
relevant to your selected work process. Supplement your findings with literature reviews, seminar or communities of practice sharing, and/or emerging technology.

(g) Examine the impact of the associated hazard/risk and appropriate risk treatment. In your discussion, state the advantages, disadvantages and illustrate why and how the associated risk can be managed. Propose the appropriate risk treatment. In your recommendation, state the advantages, disadvantages and explain why your recommendation is most appropriate.

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