Guide & Assessment

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Henderson MCQ Guide & Assessment

Student’s name:

For your assessment to be marked you must complete and upload all tasks and this cover sheet via the AAMC Training Group portal. Your assessment tasks must be uploaded in an electronic format i.e. Word, Excel, PDF or Scan. A maximum of five (5) attachments (maximum 20MB each) can be uploaded for this assessment. Please see the step-by-step instructions in your Member Area on how to upload assessments.

Once your assessment has been uploaded it will be pending review with your nominated course assessor and marked within 5-10 working days. You will receive an email advising that you have been marked as “satisfactory” or “additional information required”.

I certify that this work is my own, that I have not duplicated the information from another source. I also state that I have referenced appropriately all information that I have gathered from other sources.

I understand that plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is taking and using someone else’s thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as my own. I also understand that plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a student’s exclusion from a module or a course.

Checklist of attachments:

Task 1 – PART 1: SOCA document – Questions 1 and 2

Task 2 – PART 1: File Notes – Questions 1 and 2

Task 3 – Completed loan application

Please indicate style of course undertaken:

☐ Online Virtual Class

If you have queries relating specifically to your assessment please log an ‘Assessment Query’ under the HELP tab on your Members Area dashboard and a Student Support officer will respond.

Alternatively, if you have an administration query please go to ‘Admin Query’. For example: I am having trouble with uploading my assessments and require assistance – can you please help me with this?

If you need to speak to someone during office hours, please contact us by:

Phone | +61 (03) 9391 3643 or +61 (0)8 9344 4088

Email | [email protected]


You may be able to claim credit transfer for a unit/s of competency that you have previously completed with AAMC Training or another RTO. If you have been awarded a record of result or statement of attainment for any of the units detailed below then please go to the Credit Transfer tab in your Learning Centre and follow the prompts.

This assessment relates to the following units of competency:

FNSFMB411 Prepare loan applications on behalf of clients

FNSFMB412 Identify client needs and present broking options

FNSINC412 Apply and maintain knowledge of financial products and services

FNSCRD401 Assess credit applications (Certificate IV students only)

FNSFMB511 Implement credit contracts in preparation for settlement (Certificate IV students only)

FNSSAM413 Identify and provide initial information to potential new clients (Certificate IV students only)

Please refer to AAMC Training’s full Recognition Policy for further details.

This assessment is to be completed in three parts and submitted as one assessment.

Task 1 – Statement of Credit Assistance (SOCA)

This SOCA has been designed for training purposes only. A SOCA found in many workplaces will be more comprehensive. There are two parts to the SOCA.

Part 1 has two questions to answer within this document and upload along with Tasks 2 & 3.

Part 2 is laid out like a SOCA but the 30 questions are completed online in the Henderson SOCA MCQs multi-choice assessment system in your Learning Centre. There is no time limit in completing the multi-choice assessment.

Open the embedded Henderson Case Study Scenario on Cheryl Ann Henderson and Alan Jacob Henderson. We strongly advise you have this document open and alongside whilst answering the Henderson SOCA MCQ questions. On some occasions we will refer you to certain areas of this document and/or the Learning Guide.

If you are unable to open the embedded documents in this assessment, go to your Resources tab in the Learning Centre where you will find all assessment resources.

Part 1 – SOCA

Question 1 – Fees and Charges

Referring to the fees and charges table in the Henderson Case Study Scenario, select the correct fees and charges payable by the client.

Statement of Credit Assistance for Cheryl Ann Henderson and Alan Jacob Henderson

Credit Proposal Disclosure



Application Fee




Settlement Fees




Establishment Fees


Valuation Fees


Other Upfront Fees


Government Fees (payable at settlement)

Stamp duty

Govt. Mortgage registration

Govt Transfer fee

Govt. Mortgage registration



Govt Transfer fee



Estimated Legal Fees

$ 1,197.39

Lender Custom Fee


Lenders Mortgage Insurance


Broker Fee


Total Fees (Payable by client)


Total Fees (Payable from Loan)




Question 2 – Loans for Construction

Refer to the Case Study, ‘Research provided by the broker’ and ‘How do progress payments work’.

You would provide the Hendersons with information of the progress payment stages.

Put the construction progress payment stages in the correct order. 1 is the first stage, 2 is the second stage and so on.

Information shared by the credit representative

Loans for construction

Order Number

The correct order of the building stage

Communicate and follow up with the Henderson’s

Frame stage

When the builder has completed the frame. 

Fit out or fixings stage

When the builder has completed the fit out or fixing.  

Slab or base stage

When the builder has completed the base stage. 

Completion stage

When the builder has completed the build. 

Lockup stage

When the builder has completed the lock up stage.

Part 2 – Multi-Choice Assessment

Using the Henderson Case Study Scenario you used in Part 1, complete the Henderson SOCA MCQs assessment in your Learning Centre. Use the following information to understand the context of the questions and see the flow of information used in a SOCA. Where the instruction says ‘Answer…’ you need to go to the question in the multi-choice assessment and complete it. There are also places where it says, ‘Information Only’, these areas are not being assessed but support the structure and the flow of the SOCA.

Statement of Credit Assistance for Cheryl Ann Henderson and Alan Jacob Henderson

Information about the credit required

Answer multi-choice questions 1 and 2

Henderson’s circumstances, goals and priorities

Answer multi-choice question 3

Henderson’s financial awareness and habits

Information Only

As a broker you would feel comfortable knowing that the Hendersons have a good level of financial awareness so this is the point where you would be asking them to explain to you what they understand so far in the process.

Foreseeable material changes

Answer multi-choice question 4

Financial information

Answer multi-choice questions 5 – 10

Maintaining updated information

Information Only

You must use the latest version of your broker software and compliance documents to ensure you are constantly up to date to ensure you are offering your clients the best product options you can.

Product comparison report

Comparison between the product and features

The Product Comparison Report in the Henderson Case Study Scenario has been produced using current industry software for the Hendersons’ circumstances, requirements, goals, objectives and the features relevant to them. The Hendersons will need to choose their desired product before the broker can complete the SOCA. The broker cannot complete the loan application until the clients have signed the SOCA (ensure the clients sign and date the SOCA).


Based on the Hendersons’ circumstances, requirements, objectives and the features relevant to their goals and objectives, we recommend that they apply for the credit product(s) below. Refer to the Product Comparison Report to answer some of the following questions.

Answer multi-choice questions 11 and 12

Reasons for recommendation

Answer multi-choice question 13

Interest rate

Information only

You would provide an explanation of why the other lender options’ interest rates wouldn’t meet their needs.

Loan amount

Use this table to answer Q14

Loan for $522,150 87.03% LVR, with LMI

Loan for $480,000 80% LVR, no LMI


Total Payable (inc. Fees)




Total Time (Yrs)




Total Principal Paid




Total Interest Paid








Variable repayment estimate





Answer multi-choice question 15

Loan structure

Answer multi-choice question 16

Specialist advice

Answer multi-choice question 17

Preferred Loan Features

This is a summary of the specific loan features the Hendersons have requested. Please ensure you have read and understood the characteristics associated with each feature.

Answer multi-choice questions 18 – 21

Information Only

Before making your final recommendation to your clients you would have reasoning as to why the other products in the Product Comparison Report are not suitable for their needs and priorities.


Answer multichoice question 22

Signing and acknowledgements

Information Only

In this part of the SOCA you would also be checking that the Hendersons’ names and signatures match their I.D.

Answer multichoice question 23

Answer multichoice question 24

Credit assistance provider details

Information only

In this section of the SOCA you would also be providing your client with your company’s and your own details e.g. name, credit representative number, contact details, ABN/ACN, licensee name and number and lender accreditations.

Answer multichoice question 25

Information shared by the credit representative – Construction loans

Answer multichoice question 26

Answer multichoice question 27

Answer multichoice question 28

General Questions

Answer multichoice question 29 – Refer to the BID Report in the Henderson Case Study Scenario

Answer multichoice question 30

Task 2: File Notes

The following File Notes task is to be completed in two parts.

Part 1 consists of two questions to be answered within this document and uploaded along with Tasks 1 & 3.

Part 2 is completed in the multi-choice assessment system in your Learning Centre (Henderson File Notes MCQ) and is made up of 19 questions. There is no time limit in completing the multi-choice assessment.

Open the embedded Henderson Case Study Scenario on Cheryl Ann Henderson and Alan Jacob Henderson. We strongly advise you to have this document open alongside your assessments so that you can answer the following Henderson File Note MCQ questions.
We will refer you to particular areas of this document and/or the Learning Guide on occasion.

If you are unable to open the embedded documents in this assessment, go to your Resources tab in the Learning Centre where you will find all assessment resources.


Answer questions 1 and 2 following the instructions within the questions and upload within this document.

Question 1 – Servicing estimator

File Notes


Supporting documents collected and serviceability checked.  

Please open the Helia Servicing Estimator web page link below. This should open in your browser. Scroll down the servicing estimator page to Applicant Details.  

Servicing estimator | Helia

You will see fields under the heading of Applicant details and Loan Commitment Details. Please enter the correct information into each of the fields: 

Applicant details 

Total annual gross income ($) – Add both applicants’ joint income

For the purposes of this servicability question only, Cheryl has been promoted to Senior Solicitor at her firm, which increased her gross income to $170,000.00. Alan is on the same salary as in the scenario.

Number of applicants  

Number of dependents  

Loan and commitment details 

Loan amount ($) 

Loan term – enter 30 years  

Total monthly commitments (ensure you add the declared monthly expenses to the monthly car payment found in the assets and liabilities statement and add estimated Virgin credit card expense of the $221.00)  

Total monthly commitments 

Declared monthly expenses $Click here to enter amount + monthly car payment $Click here to enter amount + Virgin credit card expense $221.00 = Total monthly commitments $Click here to enter amount 

Tick the box “I have read and agree with the Privacy Policy and Disclaimer” and then click calculate to produce your report.  

Once the report is on your screen

take a screen shot and insert below OR

right click and select print – select save as image and insert below.

Question 2

File Notes


Lender chosen and reason given 

Refer to the Henderson Case Study Scenario.

Provide four features and the reasons they met the Henderson’s needs using professional language, in the file notes below. Remember, file notes can be used in Court so must always be written to present a professional determination.

Example: The Henderson’s approved the Virgin product because LMI is available on construction loans.





Part 2 – Multi-Choice Assessment

Using the Henderson Case Study Scenario you used in Part 1, complete the Henderson File Notes MCQ in your Learning Centre. Use the following information to understand the context of the questions. Also, this file notes template has been designed to show you the dated order of tasks to be completed from beginning to end and to highlight that you would put supporting notes in these sections. The greyed out rows are not being assessed but are there for your information only.


File Notes


Cold Calling

Once a week you allow two hours of cold calling in your day-to-day operation, as DNZ Financial Services Pty Ltd purchased a database to allow their credit representatives to prospect for new clients. Before calling you check the client is not on a do not call register and that you are calling during a working day. In order to gain Mr Alan Henderson as a client and prospect for any financial opportunity in relation to products and services you undertook a cold call to him.

Answer multichoice question 1

Answer multichoice question 2

Answer multichoice question 3

Answer multichoice question 4


Initial interview – Privacy and Credit guide

The initial interview with the Hendersons requires you to explain your background, qualification/s, role and the complaint handling and resolution procedure.  

This has been covered in a conversation with the Hendersons. The conversation will be followed up with an email outlining what was said. The credit guide and the privacy form will be attached to the email. 

Answer multichoice question 5


Client Needs Review

Answer multichoice question 6


Supporting documents collected and serviceability checked

Answer multichoice question 7


Costing sheet completed


Product Comparison Report sent to client


Lender chosen and reason given 

Answer multichoice question 8


Lender Chosen and reason given – also assessed in File Notes Part 1 Q2


SOCA – Preliminary credit assessment sent to client


SOCA – Credit Proposal/Disclosure


File Notes


Conflicts of interest

Answer multichoice question 9


SOCA – Best Interests Duty (BID) met and any educational materials provided to clients. 


Serviceability calculator completed and printed for file


Valuation ordered

Answer multichoice question 10


Valuation report back $600,000


Application form completed 


Loan submitted and supporting docs faxed or emailed 


Conditional and formal approvals and notifications

Answer multichoice question 11

Answer multichoice question 12

Answer multichoice question 13


Solicitor advised


Mortgage documents

Answer multichoice question 14

Answer multichoice question 15


Mortgage docs returned 


File certified

Answer multichoice question 16


Settlement booked 


Settlement figures reconciled 

Answer multichoice question 17

Answer multichoice question 18


Settled (Land)



30/10/20XX 20/11/20XX Final 16/12/20XX

Construction drawdowns


Survey / gift sent


File archived 

“At DNZ Financial Service Pty Ltd files are to be archived and ready for audit. The file audit checking process for DNZ Financial Service Pty Ltd is as follows:

Completion of all required paperwork

Client’s data gathering, requirements and objectives were satisfied

Appropriate lending options were provided in line with client requirements and lending policy

Lending options negotiated with duty of care

Sufficient and orderly file notes in chronological order

Adequate notes to the lender supporting the loan and mitigating any concerns All documents signed and dated correctly

All supporting evidence correctly checked and verified

Archive all NCCP documents uploaded to the system, along with all the supporting documents, loan application and notes to the lender and stored in the system for a minimum of 7 years.

All files are to be cleansed, returning any original documents to the clients.

Hard copy files to be shredded after internal audit checks are done.”

Answer multichoice question 19

Task 3 – Henderson Loan Application


This loan application is an assessment tool but has been designed to resemble a real-world application form. The Henderson Case Study Scenario provides you with all the details required to accurately complete this Loan Application. The greyed-out sections have been pre-populated as you will have already provided this information in either the Statement of Credit Advice (SOCA) and the Serviceability Calculator.

The following questions/sections (in blue) require the information to be filled in or boxes checked. These will be subject to assessment and will require 100% correct responses to achieve a Satisfactory outcome.

To help you find the questions/sections of the loan you need to complete, it is recommended you come back to the table below and tick the check box under the DONE column as you complete it to make sure you have addressed everything prior to submitting your assessment.

When marking, the Assessor will only highlight the ‘NO’ column under ‘IS IT CORRECT?’ if the answer is incorrect and return this form to you for you to resubmit your correct response/s.

Example of what the request for resubmission will look like:






Tick the Personal Identification required


If you don’t tick the boxes in the DONE column, this is not an error as the Assessor is not assessing this; it is just a support for you to remember where you are up to and to make sure you don’t miss a section.




(Assessor only)


Personal Identification


Tick the required options for this loan


First Home Owners Grant


Registered builder or owner builder/subcontractor




Closest relative for 1 applicant only


Financial history statement


Security – Tables (A) to (E)


Evidence of Assets


Questions (A) – (E)




Disclosure Authority


Lender Notes



Henderson Loan Application

Questions 1 – 4

Select the correct information required for this loan application based on the Henderson case study scenario.

1. Select three forms of identification required

2. Select the two options for this loan.

Birth certicate

Driver’s licence

Photo ID card
Marriage certificate


Purchase established property Land Construction

An investment Owner occupied

3. Select the correct option for FHOG.

Are you eligible for the First Home Owners Grant (FHOG)? Yes No

4. Select the one which applies to the requirements of this loan.

Registered builder

Plans and specifications (e.g., council approval plan, building permit)

Signed fixed price building contract

Copy of builder’s insurance

Owner builder/subcontractor

Plans, permits and licences (e.g., council approved plan, building permit)

Work timing schedule

Expenditure budget

Building and indemnity insurance

Quotations and estimates

Soil test and quantity survey

Financial objectives for seeking credit

To obtain a loan to fund purchasing a block of land and construction costs. Property Address is 47 Queen Street, CANLEY HEIGHTS, NSW, 2166.

You also require loan facilities such as 100% offset account, redraw, internet banking, ability to make additional repayments, standard variable interest rate, monthly loan repayments.

Apply for FHOG, LMI to be capitalised.

5. Complete the Costings as provided in the case study scenario.

Land & construction costs

*Est cost of legal fees, stamp duty etc.

Total Cost

Personal contribution + FHOG

TOTAL Amount of loan


Enter amount



Enter amount



Enter amount


Enter amount



Enter amount

*You can calculate the Stamp Duty and other costs of buying your home by using the financial calculators

☐ *To refinance from which financial institution?

Current Balance/Limit


☐ To increase my existing home loan

☐ Consolidation

Account number



☒ Other (specify type)

To obtain a new loan




Details about You (read only, designed and pre-populated for authenticity)

Applicant/ Borrower 1

Applicant/ Borrower 2

Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other

Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other





Given name/s

Alan Jacob

Given name/s

Cheryl Ann

Date of birth


Date of birth


Driver’s licence number


Driver’s licence number


Permanent Australian resident Yes No

Permanent Australian resident Yes No

Are you an Australian resident for tax purposes?
Yes No

Are you an Australian resident for tax purposes?
Yes No

Marital status

Marital status

Married De facto Single Other

Married De facto Single Other

Number of financial dependants


Number of financial dependants


Contact details

Contact details

We may use your contact details to communicate the progress of your application to you

Home telephone number

02 8764 3210

Home telephone number

02 87643210

Email address

[email protected]

Email address

[email protected]

Work telephone number


Work telephone number


Mobile number

0419 999 999

Mobile number

0416 667 901

Home address

17 Capital Court, Canley Heights, NSW, 2166

Home address

17 Capital Court, Canley Heights,

NSW, 2166

Postal address – if different to above

Postal address – if different to above

Residential details

Residential details

Owner with mortgage Owner no mortgage Boarding

Supplied by employer Living with relatives Renting

Owner with mortgage Owner no mortgage Boarding

Supplied by employer Living with relatives Renting

Name of owner/agent

Flying High Estate Agents

Name of owner/agent

Flying High Estate Agents

When did you move to the above address?

4 yrs. ago

When did you move to the above address?

4 yrs. ago

Previous home address – if under 3 years at present home

Previous home address – if under 3 years at present home



Full-time Part-time Self-employed Casual


Full-time Part-time Self-employed Casual


Employer name

Hi-Temp Gas

Employer name

Smiths Legal

Employer address

21 Alwyn Street, Canley Heights, NSW, 2166

Employer address

Suite 14, 12 Flinders Street, Canley Heights, NSW, 2166

Employer telephone number


Employer telephone number


Occupation/Job title

Marketing Manager – National Clients

Occupation/Job title


Date commenced with this employer

6 years ago

Date commenced with this employer

6 years ago

If Self-employed, please provide Accountant’s details

If Self-employed, please provide Accountant’s details

Accounting firm

Accounting firm

Contact name

Contact name

Telephone number ( )

Telephone number ( )

Previous employment if under three (3) years with present employer

Previous employment if under three (3) years with present


Full-time Part-time Self-employed Casual

Other Worked there years months

Full-time Part-time Self-employed Casual


Employer name

Employer name

Work telephone number

Work telephone number

Occupation/Job title

Occupation/Job title

6. Complete this section based on the information provided in the case study scenario.

Applicant 1 – Closest relative NOT living with you

Applicant 2 – Closest relative NOT living with you


Click and type name




Click and type relationship




Click and type address



Telephone number

Click and type telephone number

Telephone number



Contact name

Louise Stratton

Company name

Lightning Settlements


Suite 3, 4 Business Ave, Canley Heights

Telephone number

1000 4000

7. Select the correct answers from the information provided in the case study scenario.

Your Financial History

Your Financial History

Applicant / Borrower 1

Applicant / Borrower 2

Has there ever been or are there now any financial judgments, bankruptcy notices, attachments or legal proceedings against any applicant?

Has there ever been or are there now any financial judgments, bankruptcy notices, attachments or legal proceedings against any applicant?

No Yes N/A No information provided

No Yes N/A No information provided

Have you had any difficulties in making your loan repayments in the past 2 years?

Have you had any difficulties in making your loan repayments in the past 2 years?

No Yes N/A No information provided

No Yes N/A No information provided

Do you foresee any major change to your employment, income &/or expenses over the next 12 months that will make it difficult for you to meet your financial commitments?

Do you foresee any major change to your employment, income &/or expenses over the next 12 months that will make it difficult for you to meet your financial commitments?

No Yes N/A No information provided

No Yes N/A No information provided

Security Details

8. Select the correct security details in tables (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) based on the case study scenario.


Walls: Brick Timber Fibro Other

Roof: Tile Aluminium Steel OtherClick to type detail

Levels: 1 2 3 Other


Type here

Land area (m2)

Type here

Garage/car space

Type here


Type here

Dwelling (m2)

Type here


Type here

Family/living rooms


Perimeter fence (m2)




Type legal names

Type address

Estimated market value $ 600,000

Purchase price $600,000

Purchase date

Type date

Settlement date

Type date

Proposed occupants Self Tenants



House Townhouse Unit *Serviced apartment Student Accommodation

Apartment – is the apartment one of six (6) or less? Other – Click to type detail


Type address of security property

Assets & Liabilities

9. Select the four forms of evidence required for this loan application based on the case study scenario.

Recent council rate notices

Details of Superannuation

Recent PAYG slips

Receipt of deposit paid

Most recent transaction/savings account statements

Current vehicle registrations

Most recent credit card/ loan statements

Proof of any other assets listed

Accounts (Bank, Credit Union, Building Soc., etc.)

App 1

App 2


Other (Specify)

Financial Institution name



$ 944


$ 52,000


Motor Vehicle/Boat/Caravan



Year of Manufacture

Present Value

1 Mitsubishi (Alan)



$ 27,000





All other assets Shares, Managed Investments etc. (except usual home contents)

Present Value

1 Shares (Cheryl)

$ 25,000

2 Collectibles (Alan)

$ 40,000



Total value of your assets

$ 144,944

Sundry assets – do not add into total assets

Home contents (Insured value)

$ 95,000

Superannuation (Estimate your current payout)

$ 267,001

Personal Loan

App 1

App 2

Financial Institution


*Current limit/original loan amount

Amount now owing


Car Loan

$ 27,000

$ 21,000

Credit/Store card/s (include even if balance is nil)

App 1

App 2

Financial Institution

Current type

Credit limit

Amount now owing




$ 5,000

$ 0




*Current limit is the amount now owing plus any available redraw

Monthly Budget




Gross salary

After tax salary

Loan repayments/proposed

Pre loan

Post loan

App 1 income

$ 9,250

$ 6,677

Proposed home loan

$ 0.00

$ 2,313.92

App 2 (if joint loan)

$ 10,000

$ 7,134

ANZ Car Loan

$ 539.88

$ 539.88


$ 0

$ 0

Credit/Store card/s

Self-employed applicants


$ 221.00

$ 221.00


Previous fin. year Net profit

After tax profit

Previous fin. Year Net profit

App 1




Total loan repayments (B)

$ 730.88

$ 2,853.80

App 2 (if joint loan)




Rent Expenses (C)

$ 2,058.33

$ 0.00

Total net income/mth


$ 13,811


Basic Housing & Property




$ 500

$ 500

Communications & Media

$ 300

$ 300

Food & Groceries

$ 1,500

$ 1,500

Recreation & Entertainment

$ 500

$ 500

Clothing & Personal Care

$ 300

$ 300

Medical & Health

$ 100

$ 100


$ 450

$ 450

Education & Childcare

$ 310

$ 310


$ 500

$ 500




Total monthly living

expenses (D)

$ 6,518.33

$ 4,460.00

Funds (A – B – C – D) = $

$ 7,292.67

$ 6,497.20

Home and contents insurance

10a. Select the appropriate response based on the case study scenario.

Would you like an obligation free quote for home and contents insurance? * Yes No N/A

Personal insurance

10b. Select the appropriate responses based on the case study scenario.

Would you like an obligation free quote from a Financial Planner for personal insurance to pay your loan repayments in the event that you become disabled, unemployed or pass away? *

Applicant 1 Yes No Ask me again in 6 months

Applicant 2 Yes No Ask me again in 6 months

* Specific events covered and the conditions and exclusions applicable are set out in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) of the personal protection products offered. The relevant PDS is available.

Specialist Advice

10c. Select the appropriate responses based on the case study scenario.

Would you be interested in speaking to a specialist or would you like information about any other products or services?

Specialist Advice Applicant 1 Yes No Applicant 2 Yes No

Other: Applicant 1 Yes No Applicant 2 Yes No

Account Opening

10d. Select the appropriate responses based on the case study scenario.

Would you be interested in opening a 100% offset account?

Applicant 1 Yes No Applicant 2 Yes No

Select the type of account: 100% offset account, with fees 100% offset account, with no fees

Sharing and handling your personal information

10e. Select the appropriate responses based on the case study scenario.

If you go ahead with this application, we can either correct and/or give some of your personal information to:

Select the one correct option where your personal information could be both corrected and/or provided to a third party.

Credit reporting bodies

Land titles office

Local council

Australian Taxation Office

Your employer

Marketing Information

11. Select the correct response based on the case study scenario.

If you tick the box you consent to receiving marketing offers on new products and services available to you or other businesses with whom we have a relationship. Your consent to our providing this information will be implied unless you notify us that you do not wish to receive this information.

Do not mark if the client wants to receive marketing material.

I/we do not wish to receive marketing information.

Acknowledgment and consent

By signing below, I acknowledge and agree as follows:

THE BANK may obtain personal information about me from a credit reporting body

THE BANK may exchange personal information about me with other credit providers

The Bank may exchange personal information about me with joint package holders/joint borrowers/joint applicants

THE BANK may give personal information about me to others to check information

THE BANK may give information about me to my representatives

THE BANK may give information about me to THE BANK’s service providers

THE BANK may give personal information about me to THE BANK’s related companies

THE BANK may provide information about me to THE BANK’S related companies


By signing below, you agree with the following statements:

Contents of the Loan Application

I have read through this application and am sure that the information in it is complete and accurate before signing. THE BANK will rely on this information to assess this application for a loan or loan increase. If I do not understand anything in this document, I will ask The Bank before signing.

Insolvency, bankruptcy

Other than disclosed above, I have never been insolvent or committed any act of bankruptcy or entered into any composition or arrangement for the benefit of creditors.

Application for a Credit Card account

THE BANK may collect and use the information in my application and do any of the things set out in this section of the application form, to assess any credit card application (including any additional cards) made by me or any other person named in this application form.

Declaration of Tax Residency

I undertake to advise THE BANK within 30 days of any change in circumstances that affects my tax residency status and to provide THE BANK with an updated self-certification within 30 days of such change in circumstances.

Signature of Applicant 1 Signature of Applicant 2

Alan J Henderson Cheryl Henderson

Date: 22/06/XX Date 22/06/XX

Authority to Disclose Information to THE BANK

To be completed by all applicants authorising THE BANK to contact your employer and/or Rental Provider for confirmation details specified in the form.

To whom it may concern


Alan Jacob Henderson and Cheryl Ann Henderson (insert customer name/s)

hereby give consent for The Bank to contact representative/s of the parties named below, who are referred to in my/our application

12. Based on the case study scenario:
a. Provide the name and contact details of person/s to authorise disclosure of personal details.
b. Choose the correct reason for disclosure for each applicant.

c. Provide name and address of landlord/agent

(a) Applicant 1

(a) Applicant 2

Click and type Employer name and contact details

Click and type Employer name and contact details

(b) Applicant 1 – Select one correct option

(b) Applicant 2 – Select one correct option

to confirm my/our employment details (including salary amount, length of employment etc.)

to confirm my/our employment details (including salary amount, length of employment etc.)

to confirm details of my/our income and financial position

to confirm details of my/our income and financial position

(C) Name and address of landlord/agent

Click and type name and address

Name and address of Accountant – if self employed

Name and address of Accountant – if self employed



And I/we consent to them providing the information requested to The Bank providing them with a copy of this authority.

Alan Jacob Henderson and Cheryl Ann Henderson (insert name/s)

Signature and Signature

Alan J Henderson Cheryl Henderson

Date 22/06/XX Date 22/06/XX

13. Write clear notes to the lender about the clients to support their application.

Lender Notes

Loan amount

Click and type loan amount

Term of the loan

Click and type loan term

Product name (refer to the SOCA to use the correct product name)

Click and type product name

Provide two reasons why the loan can be serviced

(refer to the servicing estimator in File notes)

Click and type reason 1

Click and type reason 2

LVR percentage – %

Click and type LRV percentage

Provide a minimum of 2 additional features that support loan product recommendation

Click and type additional feature 1

Click and type additional feature 2

14. Have the clients signed and dated the following sections?

Privacy Yes No

Authority to Disclose Yes No

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