GSP165: The Law and You

98 views 10:47 am 0 Comments August 23, 2023

Question 1

  • Marco, who was a senior director of renowned social media company Tweety has recently resigned, claiming that Tweety had failed to pay him (and other employees) $33,000 in promised bonuses. In Jan 2022, Tweety promised its employees that they would receive 50% of their target bonuses, however, Marco never received that money. State and elaborate what are the key elements that need to be present for Marco to prove that there is a legally binding contract between Tweety and him.
  • The promised bonus was made for sales targets that Marco had achieved in 2021. Explain whether there is sufficient consideration in this case.
  • Tweety was later bought over by billionaire Elan Mask. Elan posted a social media post on Tweety, directed at Marco, that if he can continue to keep up with his sales target in 2022, he will indeed be given the promised bonus. Marco replied to that post with a poop emoji. Explain whether Marco is likely to successfully claim this bonus assuming he does hit the 2022 target.
  • When Elan Mask took over Tweety, he conducted mass layoffs of the majority of the staff. List and explain what possible remedies these retrenched staff can claim from Tweety.
  • Sim Tia, one of the retrenched staff, was severely depressed as a result of this. She believed that Elan Mask fired her because he is sexist. As a result, she hates all men and decided to call off her wedding with her fiancé, Inn O’sen. She now wishes to sue Tweety for damages for all the resulting losses including $200,000 that was paid to the hotel for the wedding dinner. Evaluate and explain the chances of her success.
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