GSBS6040 Human Resource Management Assignment.

193 views 8:37 am 0 Comments November 19, 2023

PBL 2: The purpose of this assessment is for students to apply the HRM concepts and theories they have learned to practice. In addition, students will demonstrate an appreciation of the ethical challenges in managing people.


PBL 2: Case of your choice.

You can choose the case you find inspiring and relevant (for instance conducting a web search, looking into newspapers, blogs, etc…). You can also use the library website, databases by titles, and then look for “news” (e.g., ANZ Newsstand (Proquest) or Newspaper source plus).

Ideally, the case you choose would allow you to demonstrate your knowledge related to week topics 6 (ethics, health and safety, 5 and 7 (job design, attraction, selection,  and, diversity), 8 (retention and development), 9 (performance management), or 10 (rewards and equity) and your ability to integrate critical thinking related to some ethical issues.

See also the forum thread related to PBL 2 cases for those who want to share their case or find one. While you are looking for your perfect fit, you may come across other relevant cases. You could then share yours and/or the others you won’t need to help those who got less lucky during their search. Of course, if you are not sure, please send me your case for me to check and validate it.

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