Fractions and decimals

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TABLE 12.1
(con tYrueo)Marketing Research and Data Analysis
Year level Content description
Year 5
Fractions and decimals • Compare and order common urn fractions and locate and represerrt tnem on a number line lACMNA1021. • In erstigate strateges to solve problems nvoiving addition and subtraction of fractions with tne sane denornirator lACMNA1031. • Peccgrise that the place value system can be extended beyond rundredths IACMNA104). • C,cripare, order and represent decimals (ACMislA105: Patterns and algebra • be :orttnue and create patterns with fractions. dec rrals and whole numbers resulting tram addilim and subtraction OCA4NA1071. Statistics and probability • List outcomes of crence experiments In volvng equally likely oLtcornes and represent ixobadollitles of those outcomes using fractions rACMSP116).
Year 6 Fractions and decimals • Compare tractions with related Conomnators and locate and represent teem on a number line ps,CMIstAi • Scere problems Involving addition and subtraction of tractions with the same or related denominators tACMNAl2e4. • Find a simple traction of a quantity where the result Is a whole runner, with and without clgItal technologies (ACiitNA1 271. • Add and subtract decimals, with and without digital technologies, and use estimabon and rounclng to check the reasonableness of answers (AC$14Al2i3). • Multiply decimals by whole numbers and parionn divisions by non-zero .A11010 numbers where the resins are terminating decimals, with and without dlgtal technologies IACMNAl29}. • Multipty and divide decimals by powers 0110 (ACMNA130). • Make connections between °Violent fractions, decimals and percentages IACNINAi 31:1 Patterns and algebra • Continue and create sequences Involving whole numbers, fractions and decimals. DescnbE !re rule used to create tre sequence (ACMNA134 Measurement and geometry • CorneC derma representations to tne metric system (ACMMG135).
Statistics and probability • Descnbe probabilities usng fractions. decimals and percentages tACMS13144
Year 7 Real numbers • Compare fractions using eq.tholence. Locate and represent positive and negatme fractions and fixed numerals on a number ire (ACAINA152). • Solve problems Implying addition and subtraction of tractiors. inducing those vent) drrelated denominators IACMNA153f. • Multipiy and divide fractions and decimals usng ercient written strategies and diqtal technologies (ACMNA154). • Express one quantity as a fraction of another, witn and witncut the use of digital technologes IACMNA1551. • Round decimals to a specified number of decimal places tAC•i4A156t. • Corneci fractions. decimals and percentages and carry out simple conversions (ACMNA157).
Source: C. Auslraliao Curriculum, A$44:flaunt and Rcpart•r, Auritarny. 2015.
As you will sec. the concepts associated with fractions and decimals are complex: however. two rather simple but powerful ideas — partitioning and equivalence — can help tic many of the concepts together. Partitioning refers to sharing equally (sharing a cake equally among eight people means partitioning the cake into eight equal portions: sharing six chocolate bars equally among four people means partitioning six chocolate bars into four equal portions). Equivalence focuses on different representations of the same amount (three-quarters of a cake is the same amount as six-eighths of that cake. so three-quarters is equivalent to six-eighths). Keep in mind that equivalence is not just a relationship among fractions but also among decimals and fractions. For example. 4. jb and 0.5 are all equivalent ways of representing the same amount: one-half. Decimals are just another notation for fractions. but fractions can represent any
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