Foundations to Nursing

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NRS20006 –
Foundations to NursingMarketing Research and Data Analysis
Assessment 4 – Essay – 2000 Words
Due: Monday 14th September 2020 (Week 11) – 11pm
Weighting: 50% of overall mark
In this assessment, you are required to create and submit an essay on the subject:
Australia has a rapidly changing population profile. Considering the Social Determinants of Health, and the
vulnerable population groups who are most like to require health care, look at one population group (think those
from low socio-economic situations, refugees, migrants, rural and remote populations, Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islanders etc.), and consider:
1. What population group you have chosen and how the Social Determinants of Health relate to this group
2. What impact the care of this group has on nursing in Australia (how is care delivered? Where?) .
3. Consider, how is nursing care of the diverse Australian population provided,
4. How do the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice inform the care nurses provide for vulnerable
population groups? (E.g. Cultural safety, Respectful delivery of care, Ethical decision making, Scope of
Practice etc.).
This activity provides the opportunity for you to examine how the population profile of Australia is changing, and
how this impacts nursing care we provide. Further, this task allows you to develop your research skills, read and
understand this academic research, and apply it to your arguments on this topic area. Remember to use the skills we
have built upon this session, to closely analyse your resources, to determine if they are suitable for this subject area.
It is strongly encouraged that you make a one on one appointment with the academic skills development unit, to go
over your draft essay, well before submitting this task. This will allow you to make changes as necessary, and get
advice on your draft work.
This academic activity will address the following learning outcomes and graduate attributes:

LO2 Analyse the impact of current trends in Australian
health care
LO3 Discuss the statutory and professional governance
requirements that regulate Nursing practice
LO4 Demonstrate and understanding of the principles of
academic integrity and writing including knowledge
of relevant policies

1. You are to select a minimum of 7 journal articles, as well as any additional academic sources you can find,
that address your topic. Your journals and analysis on this subject must be from an Australian perspective.
You can use articles from overseas journals, so long as they have an Australian context and focus.
2. The journals that you select for this task must be published within the last 10 years. So this means that you
can only use journals published from 2009 onwards. Using articles outside of this time frame, no matter how
well they address the topic area, may result in significant deduction of marks. Exceptions exist for pivotal
research that has not been updated (such as Marmot’s sources).
3. Your overall work will be 2000 words. You are given 10% +/- for this work; however, words over this will not
be marked, and may result in loss of overall marks (see rubric). Please be aware of the sections of the
assessment that are not included in the word limit when it comes to your final word count. This extra word
count is generally considered to be for your in-text referencing. Note: we stop marking at 2250 words.
4. You must use the structure outlined at the end of this document.
5. This must be submitted in word format only (doc, docx
NO PDFs), and must not use headings/bullet points.
6. You must submit your finished document via Turnitin on the BlackBoard site. No assignments will be
accepted in any other submission format (i.e. email, hardcopy, handwritten).
7. Any assessments submitted after the due date, and without a special consideration in place, will have marks
deducted as per the university assessment guidelines, found on the SCU website (-5% per day).
Formatting Instructions:
1. You must have either a header or footer with your name, student number and include page numbers.
2. You must use size 12 font throughout and you must have 1.5 spacing for your body (double spacing for bib).
3. You must use APA 6
th ed. referencing format. Information on this can be found on the Library Home Page.
4. The full APA 6
th ed. bibliographic content in your reference list not included in your word count.
5. You in-text referencing
is counted in your word count.
6. The reference list for this task must be on a separate page, and titled
Reference List.
7. If journals are deemed inappropriate, do not follow the assessment instructions, or do not meet the
requirements of the assessment, you may incur significant loss of marks, up to 100% for each of the sections
on the marking criteria.
Prior to commencing this task, you should access the various essay writing guides from the BlackBoard site, and
familiarise yourself with these resources.
1. Your essay should start with an introduction. This section introduces your paper, to your reader (the
marker), and should tell them what they will read in your paper (
approx. 200 words).
2. Your body is where you make your main arguments and deliver your research findings. This is where you
spend the majority of your word count. You must have in-text referencing for your essay. Please ensure you
are aware of the use of paraphrasing v’s quotes for your body (
approx. 1650 words).
3. Your conclusion is where you finalise your thoughts, and where you summarise your paper for the reader.
You should not introduce any new topics, or ideas in this section. This should be a recap of what you wrote
in your body (
approx. 150 words)
4. Your bibliographic information for your essay, should following APA 6
th ed. referencing format, and should
be presented on a new page, titled reference list. This section is
not included in your word count.
5. You should not use headings for this essay task.
6. You should not use bullet points or tables/graphs for this task.
7. You should not use the first person for this essay task.

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