139 views 10:51 am 0 Comments June 30, 2023

Question 2 – Delivery performance measure

  1. From the perspective of buyers, define at least TWO delivery related performance measures

Delivery Performance is the level at which an organization’s provision of products and services meets the criteria anticipated by its consumers. To achieve maximum client happiness, service providers must focus on quality. The top 2 approaches performance measure to evaluate their food deliver related services is service quality, and the ultimate aim of food delivery services should be maximum customer satisfaction rather than profit. The habit inspires the most unending use intention, followed by performance likelihood and societal influence. Furthermore, this validates the relevance of information quality, performance expectation, customer pattern, and social impact as variables in persuading users to have a positive intention to use meal delivery apps on a consistent basis. Customer loyalty is a continuous influence of food quality on online, but not online service quality. Furthermore, it reveals the fractional bargaining function of customer happiness and perceived value on the link between both food quality and online service quality, which is critical for online food service delivery systems. The top 2 approaches performance measure to evaluate their food deliver related services is on time delivery. On-time delivery measurements give a simple yes-or-no survey of the delivery service’s quality. Knowing which orders were delivered late assists operations managers in determining the cause of the problem and resolving it. As a result, it’s worthwhile to pay closer attention to when your agents and drivers finish their deliveries, and the easiest method to do so is through the on-time delivery KPI.

In order to evaluate the two performance measures of FoodPanda as above, which are service quality and customers satisfaction, we conducted four experiment runs on finding the service quality and customers satisfaction as perceived by four people. Service quality and customers satisfaction in FoodPanda was looked at empirically to find out how the four people perceive service quality in food delivery providers on their recent orders by identifying different dimensions of expectation. The dimensions of expectation mean that the expectations of what the buyers experience from food delivery service providers. In the field of service quality, the dimensions are availability of multiple options of food and service quality of food deliverer. Availability of multiple options of food shows buyers’ perception on the diversity of food choices provided by FoodPanda and Service quality of food deliverer shows customers’ perception on the service the deliverer provides, such as are they polite. The dimensions of customers satisfaction are delivery speed and food quality. Delivery speed shows the customers’ perception of whether they are on time and food quality shows the customers’ perception on the freshness or perfection of food.

However, there are several sub-factors will affect the performance measures, such as some FoodPanda does not provide delivery services for some restaurants that customers might want, and the weather may affect the delivery speed. Although FoodPanda provides delivery service for a lot of restaurants, but there may be some restaurants that customers like or prefer and FoodPanda does not provide the delivery services for them. This may affect customer’s perceptions of FoodPanda’s service quality and reduce the likelihood of customers to use FoodPanda. In addition, customer satisfaction is highly depending on the delivery speed, if it rains heavily on the day the customer places an order, the heavy rain will largely affect the speed of delivery and may result in delayed delivery of food.

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