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FIT2102 Programming Paradigms 2023 Assignment 1: Functional Reactive Programming Due Date: 03/09/2023 Weighting: 30% of your final mark for the unit Interview: Week 7 (week starting from 04/09/2023) Overview: Students will work independently to create a classic arcade game using Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) techniques. Programs will be implemented in TypeScript and use RxJS Observable streams to handle animation, user interaction, and other similar stream behaviours. The goal is to demonstrate a good understanding of functional programming techniques as explored in the first five weeks of the unit, including written documentation of the design decisions and features. Submission instructions Submit a zipped file named <studentNo>_<name>.zip which extracts to a folder named <studentNo>_<name> ● It must contain all the code for your program along with all the supporting files as well as the report. ● It should include sufficient documentation that we can appreciate everything you have done. ● You also need to include a report describing your design decisions. ● The only external library should be RxJS libraries supplied with the starter code. The marking process will look something like this: 1. Extract<studentNo>_<name>.zip 2. Navigateintothefoldernamed<studentNo>_<name> 3. Executenpmrundev 4. Openhttp://localhost:5173inabrowser Please ensure that you test this process before submitting. Any issues during this process will make your marker unhappy, and may result in a deduction in marks. Late submissions will be penalised at 10% per calendar day, rounded up. Late submissions more than seven days will receive zero marks and no feedback. ● Make sure the code you submit executes properly. ● Do not submit the node_modules or dist folders. Table of Contents Assignment 1: Functional Reactive Programming 1 Submission instructions 1 Table of Contents 2 Task description 3 Requirements 4 Minimum requirements 4 Full Game requirements 4 Additional requirements 5 Report 5 Plagiarism 6 AI statement 6 Additional Information: Marking Criteria and Suggestions 7 Marking (30 marks total) 7 Report (4 marks) 8 Functional Programming style (8 marks) 8 Code Quality (8 marks) 9 Observable and RxJS usage (8 marks) 9 Game Features (2 marks) 10 Rubric 11 Marking bands (summary of marking guide) 12 Marking guide 13 How to get an HD or High HD 16 Tips and suggestions 17 Changelog 18 2 Task description In this assignment, we will use the RxJS Observable stream explored from Week 3 to create the classic Tetris game in an SVG image. You will be provided with a starter code bundle similar to the applied sessions, including instructions on usage. The image above and the Wikipedia page is meant to give you an idea of the gameplay, but yours needn’t look the same or work in precisely the same way, especially with regard to graphics. Note that only a subset of the features discussed in the link will be part of the requirements. You will also need to write a report, as described below. 3 Requirements The game must be implemented in a good functional reactive programming style to get marks. A subset of the game’s features will be required to get a passing grade. A greater subset of features will be required to get a higher grade. To achieve the maximum marks for this assignment, you will have to use a little creativity and add some non-trivial functionality of your own choice. Minimum requirements All of these requirements must be reasonably executed to achieve a passing grade – A game board with minimum 10×20 minimum dimensions – Square blocks (2×2) appear at the top of the board and move down in discrete increments – Descending blocks can be moved in fixed increments left and right by the user using keyboard controls (constrained to the board) – Blocks demonstrate correct stacking behaviour ○ There are no overlapping blocks ○ Blocks move down until at least one segment collides with another block below on the same x coordinate ○ Blocks stack as a single cohesive piece – Portions with no blocks underneath float rather than dropping down – Game ends when at least one column of blocks stack to exceed the top of the grid – Full rows of blocks are cleared and add to the player’s current score – Indicate the score for the player – A short 1-2 page PDF report detailing your design decisions and use of functional programming techniques discussed in the course notes Full Game requirements Meets minimum requirements and has additional features – Keeps track of high score achieved across previous rounds – All Tetris pieces that can be built using 4 blocks ○ Note: Since the pieces are no longer limited to 2×2 square blocks, it is now possible to fill single rows – Correct shape rotation, according to chosen rotation system ○ Clearly specify the rotation system you decided to implement – Next shape preview – Upcoming shape is randomly selected 4 – Smooth and usable game play. – Able to restart when game finishes ○ This must not be done by refreshing the page, and must not be done by recursively calling the main function (you should use state management to handle this) – The game increases in difficulty after some number of rows have been cleared ○ Increase block speed, or ○ Board starts with existing blocks/obstacles – See video for an idea of appropriate gameplay Additional requirements See the Additional Information and How to get a High HD sections. Report Your report should be 300–600 words in length, plus up to 200 words for each significant additional feature, where you should: – Include basic report formatting headings/paragraphs and diagrams as necessary – Summarise the workings of the code and highlight the interesting parts (don’t just describe what the code does, we can read the source code!) – Give a high level overview of your design decisions and justification – Explain how the code follows FRP style and interesting usage of Observable – How state is managed throughout the game while maintaining purity and why – Describe the usage of Observable beyond simple input and why – Important: Need to explain why you did things – Do not include screenshots of code unless you have an exceptional reason – This should be concise and straightforward, you may use dot points Your marker will be instructed to stop reading if your report is too long, and only mark the first 600 (+200 per feature) words. 5 Plagiarism We will be checking your code against the rest of the class and the internet using a plagiarism checker. Monash applies strict penalties to students who are found to have committed plagiarism. Additionally, we will be conducting an interview, which gives you a chance to explain your code and help us understand your code better. As long as you wrote your own code, there is nothing to worry about during the interview process. AI statement As per the AI statement on Moodle, use of generative AI in this unit is unrestricted. However, all code generated with AI must be properly cited in the form of code comments stating what has been generated and the scope of its use. You must be able to demonstrate understanding of all code submitted as part of your assignment, inability to explain any submitted code may result in an academic integrity case. 6 Additional Information: Marking Criteria and Suggestions This section is not essential for completing the assignment, and is provided purely for context and additional information to answer common questions students may have. Marking (30 marks total) The goal of this assignment is to assess your understanding of FRP and Functional Programming. The marking has three broad sections: 1. Implementationofgamefeatures 2. Usageandunderstandingofproperfunctionalprogrammingstyle 3. UsageandunderstandingofRxJSandObservable It is important to realise that: ● To can receive a Pass grade by implementing the Minimum requirements, demonstrating application of functional programming ideas from our lectures and applied sessions. ○ You can receive up to a Distinction for perfectly implementing the Minimum requirements and demonstrating an excellent understanding of how to use Observable to write clean, clear functional UI code. ● To achieve a High Distinction, you will need to implement the Full game requirements ● To achieve the maximum possible marks, you will need to implement the full game requirements plus some aspect of additional functionality, as described below. Note that it is essential to follow the submission instructions, as deductions may be applied for failing to follow the submission instructions. We will mark on 5 sections – Report, Functional Programming style, Code Quality, Observable and RxJS usage, and Game Features (including advanced features) – that are individually weighted. Code that does not use Observable will not get a passing grade; games that use imperative, impure, or mutable code will be heavily penalised. The rubric and marking guide are provided here. 7 Report (4 marks) The report is intended to demonstrate your theoretical understanding of functional reactive programming, highlight design decisions, and help your marker appreciate the work that you have put into this assignment. Important considerations for the report: ● Design decisions need to be correct ● Need to display understanding of course material ● Reports must demonstrate knowledge of FRP to achieve a passing mark ● Marks can be awarded for students identifying issues with the code and how they can be addressed ● Avoid filler in the report, but include enough information to show your marker that you have understood the core concepts Functional Programming style (8 marks) This section is about using what we have covered in lectures and tutorials. This involves concepts like: ● Small, granular functions ● Reusable functions, avoiding duplicate code ● Purity / referential transparency ● Fluent interfaces and fluent coding style ● Manipulation of different complex types and generic types ● HOF, curried functions ● Function composition/chaining To achieve the maximum available marks, it is important to not only use advanced functional programming concepts, but do so in a useful way – for example, improving the readability of the code or following a declarative programming style. For example, simply currying all your functions will not receive marks unless they are partially applied somewhere and used appropriately You may also attempt to use Lambda Calculus concepts in your code; however, be careful as they can often just make things hard to understand – it will be important to explain their usage in your report, so your marker can better appreciate your work. Deductions will be applied for improper usage of types, including unjustified “any” types. 8 Code Quality (8 marks) This section loosely covers anything to do with how readable and understandable your code is. Applying a good functional programming style tends to increase the readability of your code. It is important that your code can be easily understood to help your marker appreciate your work. Some examples of what we look at are ● Appropriate line lengths (<80 characters) ● Documentation and commenting (should explain why the code is the way it is) ● Logical structuring of functions and variables, including overall flow of program logic ● Appropriate variable naming ● Consistent and understandable formatting Using a linter and formatter may help greatly with this section. See below for tips and suggestions. Observable and RxJS usage (8 marks) This section covers usage of FRP – did you use Observable well? Some important considerations: ● Must manage game state in Observable, and use the scan and merge operators to get a passing mark (please refer to the Asteroids example) ● Usage of Observable as per discussed in the lectures, applied sessions, workshop, and in the Asteroids example, while maintaining purity, is sufficient for a high mark in this section if implemented very well and without issues ● To achieve the maximum marks available, we want to see interesting and creative uses for Observable and RxJS operators (original work) ○ This can involve implementing custom Observables and research into the RxJS operators documentation ○ Refer to the marking guide for a breakdown of what is required. Other considerations: ● Side effects should be contained as much as possible ● Using additional RxJS operators that are not covered in class, or using the ones we introduce in interesting and novel ways, will be awarded additional marks (given that they are appropriate and useful) 9 Game Features (2 marks) This section is about whether your game fulfils the requirements, and the overall complexity of your game (and thus the implementation). Adding features should not come at the expense of the other criteria – a well implemented game with fewer features may and, often will, achieve a higher mark than a less well implemented game with more features. Important: You will receive marks for implementing game features, but this mark will also cap your total mark. ● The maximum mark possible for implementing minimum game requirements is 70 (Distinction) ● The maximum mark possible for implementing full game requirements is 90 (HD) ● To achieve the maximum available marks (90+), you must implement advanced requirements Some marking considerations: ● Extra features must follow FRP ● Advanced requirements can be not just gameplay but extra FRP features too ● Tests: for full marks, tests need to be comprehensive and not just simple/random test cases – they should guide development ● Bugs and other gameplay related issues will not be deducted from this section and be deducted from the total mark ● The total mark cap will be increased when implementing additional features. It is possible to achieve an HD by implementing the minimum game requirements and some full game requirements To achieve the maximum available marks, features should be significant and change how state is managed in interesting ways. Discussed further below. Bonus marks are available for particularly novel, impressive, or advanced features. Note that marks cannot exceed 100% of the total available marks. 10 Rubric The rubric consists of Marking bands that represent the possible grade values for implementing requirements. This will be a cap on your final mark. The Marking guide is what TAs will be using to mark your assignment, and what will contribute to your final mark/grade for this assignment. 11 Marking bands (summary of marking guide) Code/Report quality Implementation Minimum requirements Full game Full game + extension(s) Any of the following are not acceptable: Use of imperative code, TypeScript compile errors, `any` types, Not using rx.js, No comments, Missing or unreadable report, Missing instructions for how to play the game Not passing. Not passing. Not passing. Pure functional code (except in `subscribe` handlers), no compile/runtime errors, basic comments, basic report covering the implemented features. Uses Observable for state management. P C C Effectively uses Observable for state management, has generic types, and side effects are identified; comments are brief, only describing the implementation. The report demonstrates basic understanding of FRP principles. Functions are used for broad high level behaviour. C D D Small pure functions, immutable data and reusable code exploiting parametric polymorphism, side effects are contained; complete comments explaining the rationale and choices made in code. Advanced usage of Observable, including custom implementations. Detailed report of implemented features that demonstrates strong understanding of Functional Programming and FRP. D HD HD (90+) 12 Marking guide FP Style Code Quality Observable 0 – 1 mark Code is written in an imperative style, use of for/while loops and mutable variables (let/var). Modifies mutable data structures that aren’t declared as read only to handle state management. No use of FP Code is completely unreadable. Contains very large code blocks with complex nested logic and long lines. Excessive use of single letter and/or vague function names. No use of observables. Uses DOM to store state or does not use Observable to store state. 2 marks Some use of FP but has not demonstrated good understanding. Many functions are impure and modify state. Code is difficult to read and requires careful analysis to understand intent. Many poor choices for variable names and many examples of complex nested logic with lack of documentation. Some use of Observables, but does not utilise RxJS operators such as scan to effectively handle state. Observable callbacks contain impure code outside subscribe. 3 marks Demonstrates some understanding of FP. Code contains some impure code. Use of HOF, but not utilised effectively. Reader is able to get a general idea of code, but is difficult to read. Contains long lines and large code chunks. Some attempt at using functions and splitting up complex logic. Uses Observables to handle state management and user interaction. Some Observable methods are not used effectively or not as intended, which demonstrates a lack of understanding. 4 marks Style and structure is adapted from Asteroids example, but is not adapted to fit Tetris. Code is entirely pure. Able to get the general idea of code. Contains many complex structures, and large chunks of code that require refactoring. Minimal documentation Uses observables to handle state management and user interaction. Uses subscribe to handle stream logic; overuse of subscribe callback. 13 5 marks Similar style to the asteroids example, effectively adapted to new context. Code is entirely pure and utilises the state management system introduced in the Asteroids example. Can tell the purpose of each piece of code. Contains documentation, but some comments are redundant. Some long lines and large blocks, but generally minimised. Good use of basic Observables from the unit. Some methods in the Observable stream are overly complex and can be broken down more appropriately. 6 marks Improves the Asteroids example considerably for the new game context. Good use of small modular functions and HOF. Shows great understanding of course content. Code quality is of similar level to the Asteroids example in the notes. Utilises Observable structure covered in unit content effectively. Good use of using observables for state management. 7 – 8 marks Applies FP concepts in original ways beyond the Asteroids example. Great use of HOF, modular functions and a custom type system. Demonstrates fantastic understanding of course content in novel and interesting ways. Code is easy to read, intuitive and flows well. Self documenting (descriptive variable names, easy to follow code flow). Well documented and comments are provided when needed. No long lines, and code is broken into readable chunks. Uses interesting Observable methods not covered in course content. Uses custom Observables/Subject. 14 0 – 0.5 marks 1 mark 1.5 marks 2 marks Report Not written or does not correspond to submission. Provides a summary of the code. Contains some justification, but focuses too much on summarising code. Contains too many screenshots of code. Provides a summary of code with reference to FRP principles followed. Demonstrates some understanding of FRP and how it was used to manage state. Some justification for design choices with some focus on why. Clearly written and concise. Provides a good summary of code. Design choices are justified and considers tradeoffs. Relates design choices to FRP and course content. Good understanding of FRP and pure state management. Clearly written and concise. Highlights only key aspects of the code. Strong understanding of FRP and how it is used to manage state. Design choices are well justified, and considers non-trivial alternatives and tradeoffs. Features Marks Running total Classification Square blocks move down from the top discretely 0.25 0.25 Minimum (≤ 70) Descending blocks can be moved by user 0.25 0.5 Game ends on full column 0.25 0.75 Score 0.25 1 Stacking 0.5 1.5 Row elimination 0.5 2 Random next shape 0.25 2.25 Full (≤ 90) Next shape preview 0.25 2.5 Difficulty increase 0.25 2.75 Restart 0.25 3 All 4 block types + rotation 0.5 3.5

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