Executive Summary

155 views 10:09 am 0 Comments June 28, 2023

77 St. Georges Road,
Preston Vic 3072


Mr Stephen Richards

CEO- Food 2 You Pty Ltd.

Dr Stephen Richards,

Hope you are doing well. I am Usama Ahmed, Project Manager for following Project, and I am obliged that you accepted our expression of interest. I am writing you to enlighten with the details of the project. For your consideration, I have attached the project plan.

The project plan outlines the details in every aspect of the project. It includes the project scope, product breakdown structure, resource requirement and sprint details.

I have also attached “Project on a Page” which includes detail understanding of the project.

We are looking forward to work with you.

Yours Sincerely,

Melbourne Polytechnic

Bachelor of Information Technology

Capstone Experience 1


VPN and Monitoring System

Team Members:

29 May, 2023

Executive Summary

Food 2 You Pty Ltd is an online food management and delivery company which focus on enhancing their customer’s quality by ensuring productivity for people who want to achieve a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Services provided by Food 2 You Pty Ltd are food selection; food delivery; Dietary and allergens and food proportion customisation. Customer information is stored on the database which is run through a program that produces an output package

Recently, Food 2 You Pty Ltd has engaged in the operation of upgrading their front and back-end IT infrastructure within the business. The upgrades incorporate a variety of IT hardware such as servers, switches, routers, racks, access points, caballing, and end-user devices, among other technology. After the successful installation several recourses within the newly upgraded system are displaying significant signs of performance degradation and load balancing issues which have led to bottlenecks of data throughput. The overall result is a system performing dramatically below its expected output.

Food 2 You Pty Ltd has welcomed our team to initiate a new project which will foresee the installation and configuration of both a hardware and network monitoring system which will support IT system infrastructure recourse processing. Food 2 You require their senior IT engineers to have remote access to the monitoring system during business and non-business hours. To establish this, we must develop a VPN for the IT engineers which will then be utilised during monitoring alerts, check-ups or after-hours support and configuration. The VPN must incorporate a strong focus on security by encrypting the connection between the IT engineer’s remote devices and the monitoring system.

In this report our team will be presenting Project Plan which will thoroughly discuss each phase of implementation and planning. Project background and justification will provide insight to the primal events which led to the requirement of project. Project objectives will cover certain areas of our project which will lead to the fulfilment of our project objectives. Project Scope will include project goals/ deliverables and tasks. Followed by Product Breakdown Structure for documenting and analysing our project outcome. Assumptions, constraints, and risks will be discussed and explained further. At the end appendix which is sub divided into three parts i.e., Sprint details, logical diagram, and Project on page.


Title: – Food 2 You Pty Ltd


The purpose of the following document is to outline the process of development of VPN and Monitoring system for the IT engineers and their remote devices. This document outlines the Minimum Viable Products based on the business requirements.

This document includes the background, key objectives, success factors and scope. It also provides details on the sprints and resources required.

Team Members


Project Leader


Network Architect


Network Administrator


Network security Officer

Key Stake Holders

Client –

Stephen Richards – Food 2 You Pty. Ltd Owner


Dr. Tony – Project Lecture

Dr.saz – Project Supervisor

Project Background and Justification

Food 2 You Pty Ltd is a food delivery company whose main aim is to provide quality food and improve the lifestyle of their customers by providing them with good and healthy food choices. After the recent upgrade in the company infrastructure, they have faced several issues including CPU throttling, hardware overheating, Inefficient use of RAM. Food 2 You Pty Ltd staff and the production departments are being directly affected by this performance hindrance.

To resolve this issue, they require an interconnected network which needs to be point to point VPN encrypted, so IT engineers could access Food 2 You Pty Ltd IT infrastructure from their remote devices for after hour configuration and monitoring alerts.

Project Objectives

Main objectives of this project are:

To assist in the reduction of overheads respective to problem-solving technical issues within the business, and support business processes, flow, automation, and support to IT engineers through Monitoring system.

To build a complete interconnected network between Food 2 You IT infrastructure and IT engineer’s remote devices.

Virtual Private Network installation between IT engineer’s remote devices and Food 2 You IT Infrastructure.

Establish Virtual Private Network encryption between remote devices.

This will allow IT engineers to access Food 2 You Systems from their remote devices for After Hour support and configuration.

Minimum Viable Product

This project will plan, design, and deploy an Interconnected point to point VPN encrypted network between Food 2 You’s IT infrastructure and IT engineer’s remote devices. This interconnected network will allow IT engineers to access IT infrastructure for after hour configuration and support. Specifically, it will

Determine the requirements for the network based on user requirements.

Plan and design network architect for establishing connection between IT infrastructure and remote devices.

Research the specifications and capabilities of network equipment to find the appropriate devices for the Food 2 YOU’s needs.

Install network hardware such as switches, routers, firewalls, and VPN servers.

Configure hardware/software firewall and VPN in both IT infrastructure and remote devices.

Configure and Establish VPN encryption between IT infrastructure and remote devices.

Configure and install software firewall and VPN on remote devices.Product Breakdown Structure

Work Breakdown Structure

Sprint Details


Project Deliverable

Reporting Requirement


Week 5

Initial Project Evaluation for Food 2 You Pty. Ltd and expression of Interest

Expression of Interest submission

Week 9

Product Breakdown Structure and logical Diagrams

Progress Presentation

Week 13

Network requirements selected

Network Monitoring services selected.

Network implemented

Project Plan and Presentation


Week 1&2

Designing Interconnected Network System and installing switches, routers and WAPs.

Sprint 1 Report, Outline of next Sprint

Week 3&4

Interconnecting remote devices and IT infrastructure with point-to-point VPN.

Sprint 2 Report, Outline of next Sprint

Week 5&6

Project Progress Report

Sprint 3 Report, Outline of next Sprint.

Week 7&8

Implementing and installation of firewall protection.

Establishing WireGuard encryption in between devices.

Draft Progress Presentation

Week 19&10

Evaluating all automated test by writing and running Scripts

Sprint 5 Report, Outline of next Sprint.

Progress Presentation

Week 11 &12

Show progress and demonstration of initial prototype.

Final Presentation Draft

Week 13

Final Project Report

Final Project Presentation



Project Team Members

1 – Project Manager

2 – Network Architect

3 – Network Administrator

4 – Network Security Officer

Initial requirements for software and hardware include:


Wire Guard VPN Software (Remote Devices)

Software Firewall (Remote Devices)



Network Switches

VPN Server (IT Infrastructure)

Hardware Firewall (IT Infrastructure)

Assumptions, Constraints and Risks


It is assumed that:

Project Supervisors will be available for consultation whenever required.

Recent hardware upgrades were successful and won’t cause any hardware issues in IT infrastructure.


The following factors limit the scope of the project:

Project must be completed in 26 weeks.

Hardware upgrades were recently completed and can-not be changed.


There is a risk/chance that:

Injury or Illness of a team member can have an impact on the Project.

In such case workloads will be equally divided between remaining team members. Team members will have to work on weekends till ill team member recovers.

Appendix A: First Sprint Details






Network Architect

Interconnected network architecture design

Configuring routers

Configuring switches



2 days

Yet to start

Hardware/Software Install

Firewall installed.

Firewall implemented.

Firewall configured.

Firewall tested


1 day

Yet to start

System Services

Network client software installation

Wire-guard encryption installed and configured

Network monitoring services installed and configured

Network monitoring system is tested

VPN tested


1 day

Yet to start

Complete interconnected network

Whole Network Testing


2 days

Yet to start

Appendix B: Project on a Page

Description and scope

Food 2 You Pty Ltd is a food delivery company whose main aim is to provide quality food and improve the lifestyle of their customers by providing them with good and healthy food choices. After the recent upgrade in the company infrastructure, they have faced several issues including CPU throttling, hardware overheating, Inefficient use of RAM. Food 2 You Pty Ltd staff and the production departments are being directly affected by this performance hindrance.

To resolve this issue, they require an interconnected network which needs to be point to point VPN encrypted, so IT engineers could access Food 2 You Pty Ltd IT infrastructure from their remote devices for after hour configuration and monitoring alerts.

Sprint Details


connecting network and configuring switches


Firewall and hardware installed


Wireguard and VPN encrypted and installed


Networks interconnected


Network tested


Main objectives of this project are:

To assist in the reduction of overheads respective to problem-solving technical issues within the business, and support business processes, flow, automation, and support to IT engineers through Monitoring system.

To build a complete interconnected network between Food 2 You IT infrastructure and IT engineer’s remote devices.

Virtual Private Network installation between IT engineer’s remote devices and Food 2 You IT Infrastructure.

Establish Virtual Private Network encryption between remote devices.

Key stakeholders


Stephen Richards – Food 2 You Pty. Ltd Owner

Dr. Sazia Parvin

Dr. Tony Wang


Network systems, wire guard software, personal laptops and internet providing routers

Appendix C: Logical Diagram



Cisco Systems. (n.d.). Remote-Access VPNs: Business Productivity, Deployment, and Security Considerations. Retrieved February 27, 2022, from http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/collateral/security/asa-5500-series-next- generation-firewalls/prod_white_paper0900aecd804fb79a.html

Microsoft Support. (n.d.). What are the different wireless network security methods? – Windows Help. Retrieved February 27, 2022, from http://windows.microsoft.com/en- us/windows/what-are-wireless-network-security-methods#1TC=windows-7

Miller, L. (2015). Wireless Security Protocols: WEP, WPA, and WPA2. Retrieved February 27, 2022, from http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/wireless-security-protocols-wep- wpa-and-wpa2.html

Robinson, S. (2011, August 9). Examples of Cryptography used in Business and Government Applications. Retrieved February 17, 2015, from http://www.brighthub.com/computing/smb-security/articles/80137.aspx

Tugend, A. (2014, March 7). It’s Unclearly Defined, but Telecommuting Is Fast on the Rise. Retrieved February 12, 2015, from http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/08/your- money/when-working-in-your-pajamas-is-more-productive.html? _r=0

Acohido, B. (2015). Public Wi-Fi use raises hacking risk. Retrieved February 27, 2022,

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