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ASU — HIS 132 — Section 1-6: Examinations 1, 2, 3, and 4 — Required Formats 1
Examinations 1, 2, 3, and 4: Brief Descriptions
A. In HIS 132 you will have four (4) examinations.Sample Page
B. Examinations 1 and 3 will focus on selected segments of the
HIS 132 lecture materials.
1. On Examination 1 (Lectures 1) you will be able to choose
fhree (3) essay topics from a list of thirty (30) topics.
2. On Examination 3 (Lectures 3) you will be able to choose
three (3) essay topics from a list of thirty (30) topics
C. 1. Examination 2 will focus on three (3) Detailed Text Outlines (which you
select yourself) that have been prepared by your fellow students and/or by
previous students in HIS 132.
On Examination 2 you CANNOT select your own Detailed Text Outline.
D. 1. Each of your Examination 1, 2, and 3 essays must include
[1] a minimum of three (3) paragraphs (each containing between 3 and 7
sentences) and with a minimum of
four footnotes (4) AND
[2] a minimum of one additional paragraph (containing between 3 and 7
sentences) containing your our personal concluding comments.
2. The total
minimum number of footnotes in Each of these three
Examinations (Examinations 1, 2, and 3) is 12
4 (footnotes in each essay) x 3 (essays) =
12 footnotes
E. 1. Examination 4 you will focus what you have learned in HIS 132.
2. You will write an essay (minimum length: 400 words) in which you do the
a. Discuss a minimum of four (4) assignments / examinations that you have
completed and for which you also have received an evaluation from the
b. At least one final paragraph containing your own personal concluding
comments (with between three and seven sentences).
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
F. You are NOT permitted to select any essays (again) for Examinations 1, 2, and
3 in HIS 132 if you selected them in my HIS 131 class — unless you have
received WRITTEN permission from me to do so.

ASU — HIS 132 — Section 1-6: Examinations 1, 2, 3, and 4 — Required Formats 3
Examination 2 (Detailed Text Outlines): Required Format
A. Each of your three essays in Examinations 1 and 3 must be prepared in the following format:
1. A minimum of three (3) paragraphs that must taken ONLY from content taken from the
HIS 132 lectures. Do NOT use external material. Each paragraph must contain
a minimum of three (3) sentences and a MAXIMUM of seven (7) sentences.
A minimum of four (4) footnotes (with citations) is also required in EACH essay.
2. A minimum of one (1) paragraph that presents YOUR OWN, PERSONAL conclusions.
Here you MUST make it clear that these conclusions are your own.
3. Each paragraph must contain a minimum of three (3) sentences and a MAXIMUM of
seven (7) sentences.
B. 1. You are NOT required to cover all of the information the page(s) in the HIS 132 lectures
that you have selected.
2. (
Compare the SAMPLE Examination 2 Essay (which are receiving from me)
with the Detailed Text Outline that served as the basis for that Sample
Examination 2 Essay.
C. 1. Examinations 1 and 3 containing less than four paragraphs will NOT be accepted.
2. Essays containing any paragraphs having more that seven sentences will NOT be
D. 1. If I discover that two (or more) students have identical or nearly identical text on a given
essay topic, I reserve the right to give any or all of the students involved a zero (0) on that
essay topic.
2. If I discover that two (or more) students have identical or nearly identical text on two
essay topics, I reserve the right to give any or all of the students involved the grade of F
in the course.

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