Evidence for communication with assessors

145 views 8:23 am 0 Comments July 18, 2023

Sample PageLevel 4 Certificate Leading Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice

Unit 2 – Internally Assure the Quality of Assessment

Evidence for Unit 2 -evidence for communication with assessors

The Learners Names and identifying information

Word Count: –

275 words

IQA Students Name: –

Saad Al-Shehrie.

IQA Observer Name: – Dennis Muriuki.

Professional Discussion# 1 Subject: –

Staff Management.

Word Count: –

275 words

IQA Assessors Name: –

Turki Abu-Hulail.

IQA Observer Name: – Dennis Muriuki.

Professional Discussion # 2 Subject: –

SHE Procedures.

Word Count: –

275 words

IQA Assessors Name: –

Abdullah Khalid

IQA Observer Name: – Dennis Muriuki.

Professional Discussion # 3 Subject: –

IT support

Word Count: –

275 words

IQA Assessors Name: –

Ahmed Saleh

IQA Observer Name: – Dennis Muriuki.

Professional Discussion # 4 Subject: –

Logistics Supply

– I need each report in in the format of a table ended by the IQA observer and Assessor names, date & signature blanks.

You will find a Professional Discussion Form along with this Assignment Brief.

– The main points of commencing the Professional Discussion are included at this Professional Discussion form.

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