Evidence-based responses

147 views 10:11 am 0 Comments June 26, 2023

Assignment 1: Legal and ethical ± Downloads 4 C unicanber structure.com/courses/7811/assignments/46616 pps Gonad 0 Y be 9 Map, • Google Scholar Lecture ordings SERRA
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Task description:
• Students are to read each of the three case studies provided below. Collabo ions • For each of the three case studies. students are to provide evidence-based responses which address the following 4 points… Virtual •m 1) Identify the legal and ethical issues that underpin the particular case study. 2) Discuss the international. national. state. organisational and scope of practice legislation/guidelines that pertain to the case Studios) •nline Study He study and wch would inform your work as the registered nurse in such a scenario. 3) Explore what action (if anything) will you need to take as the registered nurse in this case study? Library Re rces 4) How can you. as the registered nurse provide holistic patient and family centered care in this scenario? People

ePortfolio Case study 1: Mia Masterson (No 4 Wellbeing street)

week o
a registered nurse working in a local maternal and child health clinic. New s. • their e oping well. Her height. weight and head circumference are within normal range. Mia is currently receiving formula via a bottle. During your consultation you notice that Mia is due for her first round of routine immunisations. You inform David and Julian of this. David states that Mia will not be receiving any immunisations. David adds that re merely used as toxin-based propaganda for large pharmaceutical companies to make money. Julia you that his niece was diagnosed with autism not long after having one of her vaccines and that he and D me risk with Mia.
Case study 2: Taylah Dennison (No 8 w You are a registered nurse working at Junction Y• Health Service in Civic. One afternoon. Taylah (aged 15) presents wi: her best friend Cass. Taylah informs you that she att -d a party at her friend’s house last month. Taylah adds that her fi – parents were a% .•

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