Evaluating the barriers to the adoption of mobile banking in Dublin

144 views 9:53 am 0 Comments July 18, 2023


The aim of my study is to assess Dublin’s adoption of mobile banking. I, therefore, intend to collect data from 100 respondents from an online survey. Participants were questioned about their use of mobile banking, their worries, and preferences, as well as their demographic data. The findings indicated that the primary obstacles to the uptake of mobile banking in Dublin were security worries, a lack of faith in technology, and a preference for conventional banking procedures. The use of mobile banking was also shown to be significantly influenced by age, income, and education level. Based on these data, it is advised that banks in Dublin concentrate on fixing security issues, fostering technology trust, and offering mobile banking education to improve client uptake. Overall, this study highlights the need for banks to understand the barriers to mobile banking adoption and take steps to overcome them.Sample Page


Numerous digital services have emerged because of the quick development of technology, with the goal of revolutionizing the way we go about our everyday lives. Mobile banking is one such invention that has gained popularity all over the world. Mobile banking is the use of portable electronics like smartphones and tablets to access and manage financial services (Shaikh and Karjaluoto, 2015). Mobile banking has been a vital instrument for carrying out financial transactions during the past few years, allowing customers to access numerous banking services right at their fingertips (Batiz-Lazo and Woldesenbet, 2016).

The banking sector has seen a substantial transformation toward digitization in recent years, with many banks making large investments in technology to provide digital services to their clients. With more people utilizing their smartphones to conduct a variety of financial activities, mobile banking has grown in popularity (Chong et al., 2013; Duan et al., 2008; Karjaluoto et al., 2002). Nevertheless, there are still obstacles to the widespread use of mobile banking, particularly in areas like Dublin. The adoption of mobile banking is influenced by several issues, including security concerns, faith in technology, and a preference for traditional banking techniques, according to an earlier study (Chong et al., 2013; Duan et al., 2008; Karjaluoto et al., 2002). However, there is very little research on the adoption of mobile banking in Dublin. To help banks, enhance client acceptance of mobile banking, this study will examine the obstacles to adoption in Dublin and offer advice.

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