Epidemiology and Evidence Assessment

121 views 8:13 am 0 Comments June 29, 2023


Instruction Sheet Sem 1 2023

Curtin University School of Population Health

STAT6000 Epidemiology and Evidence Assessment 3 (Case Study Application) Sem1 2023


This assessment is a written assignment and due on Thursday of Week 15, 8th June 2023 by 3pm (AWST).

This assignment has 50 total marks and counts towards 50% of your final mark for this unit.

For completing the assignment

The journal article for this assignment has been available by 3pm (AWST) Thursday 1st June 2023 under Assessments àAssessment 3: Case study application (CSA). You need to read it thoroughly before you start to do this assignment.

Step 1: Download both Instruction Sheet and Question Sheet of this assignment.

Step 2: Read this Instruction Sheet carefully. Sign/type the Declaration in the Question Sheet electronically.

Step 3: Answer all questions in the Question Sheet. Each question response should be no longer than 300 words. Bullet points are acceptable.

Step 4: Save your completed Question Sheet as one Word document (other format will not be accepted for marking) by a name of “SURNAME_StudentID_CSA.docx”. For example, George Smith will save his Question Sheet as “SMITH_12345678_CSA.docx”. Now you are ready for submission.

For submitting your assignment (the completed Question Sheet only)

Step 1: Submit your completed Question Sheet to Turnitin (plagiarism detection software) via submission portal “Assessment 3_CSA_Sem 1 2023: Draft”. For students with CAP/Extension approvals, you will find a separate submission point in the same site.

Step 2: Make revision according to the Originality Report from Turnitin in Step 1. You need to resubmit a revised assignment to “Assessment 3_CSA Sem1 2023: Final”. This is the final version for marking. For students with CAP/Extension approvals, you will find a separate submission point in the same site.

Please note

Late penalties will be applied in this unit (if a student does not have an approved assessment extension from School: details can be found from unit outline). Please do avoid a late submission!

The assignment will not be accepted unless the Declaration in the Question Sheet is signed (or typed).

Please do make sure you always avoid plagiarisms!

You are required to keep a copy of the completed assignment for your own record.


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