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Subject Outline EEL407 – Mentoring/Workplace PD Strategies for VET Table of Contents Subject Summary …………………………………………………………………………………………………….2 Subject Coordinator …………………………………………………………………………………………………2 Subject Coordinator……………………………………………………………………………………..2 Consultation procedures ………………………………………………………………………………2 Subject Overview……………………………………………………………………………………………………..2 Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………………………….2 Learning outcomes……………………………………………………………………………………….2 Subject content ……………………………………………………………………………………………3 Academic Progress Requirements………………………………………………………………….3 Subject Schedule & Delivery ……………………………………………………………………………………..3 Prescribed text……………………………………………………………………………………………..4 Class/tutorial times and location …………………………………………………………………..4 Schedule……………………………………………………………………………………………………..4 Learning materials………………………………………………………………………………………..7 Learning, teaching and support strategies ……………………………………………………..7 Recommended student time commitment …………………………………………………….7 Assessment and Exam Items……………………………………………………………………………………..7 Essential requirements to pass this subject…………………………………………………….7 Items …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8 Mentoring and Workplace Development Strategies……………………………..8 Mentoring Analysis………………………………………………………………………….13 Services & Support …………………………………………………………………………………………………18 Develop your study skills …………………………………………………………………………….18 Library Services ………………………………………………………………………………………….18 Assessment and Exam Information ………………………………………………………………………….18 Academic Integrity ……………………………………………………………………………………..18 Referencing………………………………………………………………………………………………..19 How to submit your Assessment and Exam items………………………………………….19 Easts Assessment – Online submission process …………………………………19 How to apply for special consideration…………………………………………………………19 Extensions………………………………………………………………………………………………….19 Penalties for late submission……………………………………………………………………….20 Resubmission …………………………………………………………………………………………….20 Feedback processes ……………………………………………………………………………………20 Assessment return………………………………………………………………………………………22 Student Feedback & Learning Analytics ……………………………………………………………………22 Evaluation of subjects …………………………………………………………………………………22 Changes and actions based on student feedback ………………………………………….22 Learning analytics ………………………………………………………………………………………22 Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 1 of 23 Policies & Regulations …………………………………………………………………………………………….22 Subject Outline as a reference document……………………………………………………..23 Subject Summary EEL407 – Mentoring/Workplace PD Strategies for VET Session 2 2023 Faculty of Arts and Education School of Education Distance Mode Credit Points 8 Welcome to a new session of study at Charles Sturt University. Please refer to the University’s Acknowledgement of Country ( Subject Coordinator Subject Coordinator To be advised Consultation procedures Your subject coordinator will be available for consultation. Further information about consultation arrangements will be provided in the first week of session. Subject Overview Abstract Mentoring is increasingly recognised as an important strategy in the professional development of teachers and other educational practitioners. This subject looks at the differing modes of mentoring and other workplace professional development strategies which can be fitted to purpose and the conditions and principles that enable both mentoring and being mentored to be a positive contribution to professional growth. The subject takes a practical approach to mentoring and engages students in reflecting on mentoring programs they have been part of, or have researched. Learning outcomes Upon successful completion of this subject, students should: • be able to explain different approaches to mentoring and the role of a mentor; • be able to develop personal strategies to effectively mentor others; Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 2 of 23 • be able to analyse professional development strategies and their use within the workplace; • be able to design and plan for the implementation of an effective mentoring program; and • be able to evaluate a mentoring program. Subject content This subject will cover the following topics: • Topic 1: Introduction to mentoring and workplace learning • Topic 2: Mentoring • Topic 3: Workplace arrangements that enable and constrain teacher learning (includes experiential learning) • Topic 4: Trellis of practices that support learning: A framework for workplace professional learning • Topic 5: Leading learning • Topic 6: So what? Now What? More information about subject content can be found in 2022 Handbook: Academic Progress Requirements To remain enrolled as a student at Charles Sturt University, you must be a genuine student and pass more than 50% of your subjects, along with other criteria set out in the Academic Progress Policy ( If you are identified as a non-genuine student or fail to meet academic progress requirements, the University may remove you from your subject and or course. Being a genuine student means you are actively participating in your learning (e.g. submitting assessment items and accessing Interact2). If you are receiving any type of Commonwealth Assistance, including a Commonwealth Supported Place and/or any type of HELP loan and not actively participating in your learning prior to the census date, you will be contacted by the University to discuss your options. The University will also contact you if you are not meeting academic progress ( requirements and you may be offered support or be required to engage with support services. Subject Schedule & Delivery Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 3 of 23 Prescribed text Find information about required textbooks for your subject on the Current Students ( site. The Library ( provides free access to many textbooks online; check the Library’s catalogue before purchasing your textbooks. The prescribed text is Francisco, S. (2022) Supporting the Workplace Learning of Vocational and Further Education Teachers: Mentoring and beyond. Routledge. Class/tutorial times and location Online subjects are not timetabled. Your Subject Coordinator will provide any online meeting details via Interact 2. Schedule Session Week Date Suggested Study Schedule Zoom sessions and due dates 3rd July 2023 Subject Outline and Interact Sites available. Subject Forum activated and available • Download and read subject outline • Introduce yourself on the forum. 1 10th July 2023 Session begins. Topic 1: Introduction to mentoring and workplace professional development Online Zoom tutorial 1 Thursday 13th July 5.30pm AEST (Sydney) time Introduction to the subject/each other and assignment 1 discussion 2 17th July 2023 Complete Topic 1: Introduction to mentoring and workplace professional development Commence assignment 1 3 24th July Topic 2: Mentoring Online Zoom Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 4 of 23 Session Week Date Suggested Study Schedule Zoom sessions and due dates 2023 • Introduction to mentoring • Nature and purpose of mentoring • Developing structures for a successful mentoring relationship Note, this is more work than for next week, so you might want to do more next week and less this week depending on your personal circumstances Continue working on assignment 1 tutorial 2 Tuesday 25th July 5.30pm AEST (Sydney) time Mentoring and assignment 2 4 31st July 2023 Complete Topic 2: Mentoring • Competencies for mentors • Competencies for mentees Continue working on assignment 1 Census date is 4th August 2023 5 7th August 2023 Topic 3: Workplace arrangements that enable and constrain teacher learning Continue working on assignment 1 Online Zoom tutorial 3 Tuesday 8th August 6.00pm AEST (Sydney) time Workplace arrangements that enable and constrain teacher learning 6 14th August 2023 Topic 3: Workplace arrangements that enable and constrain teacher learning • Experiential learning Finalise assignment 1 Assignment 1 due 21st August 2023 7 21st August 2023 Mid-session break for on campus classes 21st August – 3rd September You could get started on the next topics during the break if you want to. 8 28th August Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 5 of 23 Session Week Date Suggested Study Schedule Zoom sessions and due dates 2023 9 4th September 2023 Topic 4: Trellis of practices that support learning: A framework for workplace professional learning. (Topic 4 is a small one that sets you up well for topic 5). Begin Topic 5 Begin assignment 2 Online Zoom tutorial 4 Wednesday 6th September 5.30pm AEST (Sydney) time Trellis of practices that support learning and assignment 2 10 11th September 2023 Topic 5: Leading learning 11 18th September 2023 Topic 5: Leading learning Online Zoom tutorial 5 Tuesday 19th September 5.30pm AEST (Sydney) Leading learning and assignment 2 Q & A 12 25th September 2023 Topic 6: So what? Now What? Reflecting on what you have learnt Continue working on assignment 2 13 2nd October 2023 Finalise assignment 2 for submission 2nd October: Labour Day public holiday Assignment 2 due 6th October Review subject and complete online evaluation If you’re studying more than one subject this semester you may find each of the subjects has similar due dates for assignments. It’s important you manage your time so you’re able to meet due dates for each subject. One strategy to manage this could be to submit the assignment for Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 6 of 23 one subject a week or two earlier than the due date. Learning materials Details of learning materials that support your success in this subject can be found in the Interact2 Subject Site. Learning, teaching and support strategies Many assignments involve some sort of reflection on students’ workplaces or elsewhere. For example you may be asked to describe the way in which the organisation carries out training of its staff, or you might be asked to discuss workplace communication processes. Sometimes you are just asked to describe and reflect on what you have already experienced, but in other cases you may do some actual workplace analysis which involves interviewing staff or administering a short survey. In such cases you need to be aware of some ethical considerations. Your subject coordinator undertakes that the information you give about companies and people is not divulged to anyone else. This ensures your participants’ confidentiality. However you might consider, both when you are undertaking such small-scale research, and even when simply writing about what you already know about your workplace or other sites, the ethical implications of your discussion of people and their actions. For example, you might wish to ensure that you describe the actions of others in a respectful way even when you wish to critique them. It is your responsibility to de-identify individuals through the use of pseudonyms. Recommended student time commitment This subject is an 8 point subject. The Charles Sturt Course and Subject Design (Coursework) Procedure ( states that a standard 8 point subject should require students to spend up to 160 hours engaged in learning and teaching activities. These activities include the time spent in preparation for assessment, including study for examinations, tests and assignment preparation. Assessment and Exam Items Essential requirements to pass this subject A pass grade is equivalent to a total score in this subject of 50% or above. A total score below 50% is a Fail grade. You are required to adhere to the due date for your assignments. If, for any reason, you need an extension to the date, you must contact your lecturer in writing (ie: email) prior to the due date. Marks given for individual assignments will be based on raw scores. In all cases students obtaining a raw score of 50% of the total marks for any assignment will be deemed to have satisfactorily completed that assignment. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 7 of 23 Note: The work you submit must be your own and all sources must be acknowledged. There are serious consequences for not committing to your academic obligations (Academic Misconduct outcomes can include subject failure and exclusion from the University). Make sure to adhere to academic integrity at all times, and to use correct APA referencing conventions within your assessment items. The University will use similarity checking software to check all text-based assessment work submitted by students (CSU Academic Integrity Policy Section 3 [26]). You can access the policy here ( view.current.php?id=00387) Generative Artificial Intelligence tools, such as ChatGPT, cannot be used in the production of any content for student assessments unless the use of such software is listed as permitted in the relevant assessment item criteria within the subject outline. Students who use a generative Artificial Intelligence tool to generate content for their assessment task when it is not permitted will be penalised under the Student Misconduct Rule 2020 ( Students may be asked to sit additional oral/viva presentations as part of any assessment tasks listed under this section. Items Item No. Title Value Due Date* Return Date** 1 Mentoring and Workplace Development Strategies 50% 21-Aug-2023 11-Sep-2023 2 Mentoring Analysis 50% 06-Oct-2023 27-Oct-2023 * Due date is the last date for assessment items to be received at the University ** Applies only to assessment items submitted by the due date Assessment item 1 – Mentoring and Workplace Development Strategies Value: 50% Due Date: 21-Aug-2023 Return Date: 11-Sep-2023 Length: 2400 words plus references Group Assessment: No Submission method options: EASTS (online) TASK There are two parts to this assignment. It is important you complete both parts, and submit them as one document via EASTS. Part A Mentoring and developing your own mentoring skills 800 words – 30% Arrange to be involved in a mentoring relationship*. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 8 of 23 (i) Explain the concept and role of a mentor, including discussion of different approaches to mentoring. Identify the type of mentoring relationship that you are engaged in. (ii) Outline strategies for developing your own mentoring skills. • In addition to including your response to part (ii) in your assignment, please share your strategies in the relevant discussion forum. In preparation for completing (ii) the following will be useful • Pages 108-109 of the textbook includes an outline of competencies for mentors. Your response to this question should be informed by these. • Developing mentoring skills is one of the learning outcomes of this subject. The first step in further developing these skills is to critically evaluate your present mentoring skills. Do not submit your critical evaluation of your own skills; instead use it to inform the strategies you choose to develop your skills further. • In assignment 2 you will be asked to critically reflect on the use of the strategies in your own mentoring. This means that you will need to put these strategies in place as soon as possible so that by assignment 2 you will be in a position to reflect on how they work, and on changes that might further improve your mentoring. * Ideally you should be a mentor. If this is not possible, you could be a mentee. If you are having difficulty arranging to be in a mentoring relationship contact your subject coordinator as soon as possible to discuss alternatives. Part B Critical review of workplace professional learning strategies, including mentoring 1600 words – 70% Critically review two workplace professional learning (PL) strategies which exist, formally or informally, in your current workplace*. One of these PL strategies needs to be mentoring and you have a choice of the other strategy. For each strategy your assignment should outline: • the nature of the strategy • its purpose • the context in which it exists • who is involved • its current effectiveness in meeting the needs of the organisation • issues involved • the benefits to individuals and to the organisation Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 9 of 23 • any improvements which you consider should be made. Use your textbook, your subject modules, the readings they contain, and other relevant literature to link the practicalities of the workplace to the relevant professional development literature and to support the issues you raise. ** If you can’t find at least one example of mentoring and one example of another professional learning strategy in your own workplace, you can base your essay on another workplace with which you are familiar (such as the workplace of a friend or relative). Please protect the identity of the workplace and people you’re writing about by using pseudonyms where appropriate. Note, attending a development and review meeting (called by various names) with your supervisor is NOT a professional development strategy. Presentation details for this assignment are outlined after the marking criteria. This assignment task will be discussed in detail in a tutorial. I recommend that you attend all tutorials, or watch the recordings. RATIONALE This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to explain different approaches to mentoring and the role of a mentor. • be able to develop personal strategies to effectively mentor others. • be able to analyse professional development strategies and their use within the workplace. • be able to evaluate a mentoring program. This assignment is designed to help you clarify what you have read about mentoring and workplace PD strategies and to link it to real workplace contexts. It is also designed to encourage you to develop your own mentoring skills. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 10 of 23 MARKING CRITERIA AND STANDARDS The following matrix will be used to assess your work Assessment Criteria High Distinction 85-100% Distinction 75-84% Credit 65-74% Pass 50-64% Fail 0-49% Explain the concept and role of a mentor and outline different approaches to mentoring The concept and role of a mentor have been explained succinctly, and different approaches are outlined and underpinned by synthesis of relevant literature. The concept and role of a mentor have been explained succinctly, and different approaches are outlined and underpinned by synthesis of relevant literature. Explanation of concept and role of a mentor is clear and well developed. Different approaches are clearly addressed and there is a clear connection with relevant literature. The concept and role of a mentor have been explained and different approaches are outlined with reference to the literature. The concept and role of a mentor and mentoring approaches are not well defined. There is a lack of clarity and the meaning is unclear. Outline strategies for developing mentoring skills The strategies and their purpose have been clearly defined and succinctly described. The analysis of how these strategies will improve own mentoring skills shows a strong understanding of own needs for skill development as well as how these strategies will meet those needs. There is clear connection with professional literature. The strategies and their purpose have been succinctly described. There is analysis of how these strategies will improve own mentoring skills, and there is clear connection with professional literature. The parameters of the strategies are clearly defined and the description is complete and focused. The strategies and their purpose have been clearly described and there is clear connection with professional literature. The parameters of the strategies are clearly defined and the description is complete and focused. The response outlines a number of strategies for developing own mentoring skills and capabilities. Their purpose has been described and there is clear connection with professional literature. The strategies and their purpose are unclear. There is little or no connection to professional literature Discuss mentoring and one other workplace professional development strategy. Two relevant PD strategies have been succinctly discussed. A synthesis of relevant literature has been used to critically analyse the strategies, and to inform the recommendations for improvements. Two relevant PD strategies have been succinctly discussed. The parameters of the strategies are clearly defined. Response shows a good understanding of the relevant literature, and recommended Two relevant PD strategies have been clearly described and discussed. The parameters of the strategies are clearly defined. Discussion and recommended improvements are Two relevant PD strategies have been described and discussed. The parameters of the strategies are unclear and the discussion is largely descriptive. Up to two strategies have been described rather than discussed. The strategies are unclear Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 11 of 23 Assessment Criteria High Distinction 85-100% Distinction 75-84% Credit 65-74% Pass 50-64% Fail 0-49% improvements are clearly informed by this literature informed by relevant literature Academic skills Succinct and skilled academic writing clearly integrates existing knowledge, professional literature, and own teaching and learning context. APA 7th referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list have been used accurately and consistently throughout the assignment. Demonstrates clarity and fluency of argument through succinct and skilled writing APA 7th referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list have been used accurately and mostly consistently throughout assignment. Arguments are clearly made using an appropriate writing style. Referencing, using APA 7th is largely accurate and consistent. Addresses all sections of the task. Sentence and paragraph structure is clear, and logical. Ideas that come from others are referenced appropriately using APA 7th referencing conventions with few errors Does not address all sections of the task. Poor academic skills in expression, argument, structure, paragraphing, or referencing Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 12 of 23 PRESENTATION Use headings to assist you to complete all the requirements of the task as you draft your assignment. However headings will contribute to your text matching score in Turnitin. so you may consider using the task wording in developing your paragraphs. Please submit as a Word document and not PDF. REQUIREMENTS You need to complete all requirements of the task and include referencing using APA 7th conventions. Assessment item 2 – Mentoring Analysis Value: 50% Due Date: 06-Oct-2023 Return Date: 27-Oct-2023 Length: 2000 words plus references Group Assessment: No Submission method options: EASTS (online) TASK Note: You can choose to do Option 1 OR Option 2. You must do all of the parts in the option you choose. OPTION 1 Mentoring analysis essay There are two parts to this assignment. It’s important you complete both parts and submit them as one document via EASTS. Part A – 1700 words – 80% Interview a mentor, a mentee and a third person involved in an existing mentoring scheme to find out how the scheme is organised, its strengths and weaknesses, and their perceptions of the effectiveness of the scheme. Your essay needs to: • outline the scheme you have analysed; • critically evaluate the mentoring scheme, including discussion of its operation and effectiveness. • identify changes that could be made to the scheme to improve its effectiveness. The scheme you choose may occur in your workplace or another organisation. Many Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 13 of 23 educational institutions such as schools, VET providers or universities as well as professional associations and commercial organisations use mentoring schemes for the induction of new members. The third person may be a manager in the area in which the scheme is operating, a colleague of the mentee you’ve interviewed, or a workplace critic of the scheme. *If you are experiencing difficulty in finding such a situation, discuss this with your Subject Coordinator. Part B – 300 words – 20% Write a reflective piece that addresses the following points: • Critically assess your progress toward the development of your mentoring skills, and your capability to mentor others** • Critically reflect on how you can continue to develop your own mentoring capabilities. ** Note, this critical assessment should be informed by your experiences of mentoring this session. OPTION 2 Analysing Mentoring as a Part of a Trellis of Practices that Support Learning There are two parts to this assignment. It’s important you complete both parts. This option will not be appropriate for all students. It will depend on having access to, as well as a good knowledge of, an appropriate workplace. • Chapters 5 and 8 of your textbook are directly relevant for this assignment Part A – 1700 words – 80% • Critically evaluate the extent to which there is a trellis of practices that support learning (PSL) in your work area. Outline what is included in this trellis, and what practice architectures enable and constrain particular arrangements in your local site that support teacher learning. If there is no trellis of PSL, identify any isolated practices that support learning. • Design an improvement plan outlining the arrangements that could be put in place in your work site to support staff learning in the workplace. Ensure mentoring is included as part of this plan. Refer to the your textbook and other readings throughout the subject modules (and beyond if you wish) to inform this plan. Part B – 300 words – 20% Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 14 of 23 Write a reflective piece that explicitly addresses the following points: • Critically assess your progress toward the development of your mentoring skills, and your capability to mentor others** • Critically reflect on how you can continue to develop your own mentoring capabilities. ** Note, this critical assessment should be informed by your experiences of mentoring this session. This assignment task will be discussed in detail in a tutorial. I recommend that you attend all tutorials, or watch the recordings. RATIONALE This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to develop personal strategies to effectively mentor others. • be able to analyse professional development strategies and their use within the workplace. • be able to design and plan for the implementation of an effective mentoring program. • be able to evaluate a mentoring program. This assignment requires you to demonstrate that you are able to analyse an existing Workplace PD situation to determine its design, implementation process and issues, and to evaluate its effectiveness in achieving its stated purpose. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 15 of 23 MARKING CRITERIA AND STANDARDS The following matrix will be used to assess your work: Assessment Criteria High Distinction 85-100% Distinction 75-84% Credit 65-74% Pass 50-64% Fail 0-49% Critical evaluation of a mentoring program or of Practices that Support Learning (PSL) in a particular site. A synthesis of relevant literature and theoretical frameworks has been used to: • critically evaluate the mentoring program and to deliberate on conflicting outcomes, or • to critically evaluate the PSLs available in a particular worksite A synthesis of relevant literature and theoretical frameworks has been used to: • critically evaluate a mentoring program and conflicting arguments have been identified, or • to critically evaluate the PSL available in a particular worksite A mentoring program has been critically evaluated or the PSL in a particular worksite have been critically evaluated. Relevant literature and theoretical frameworks have been referred to in the evaluation. A mentoring program has been described and evaluated, or the PSL in a particular worksite have been described and evaluated. Relevant professional literature has been used to support a generalised interpretation. Response is largely descriptive rather than evaluative. There is minimal or no use of relevant literature. Designs changes to the mentoring program evaluated or provide an improvement plan to support workbased learning The changes outlined and their purpose have been succinctly described and well informed by the professional literature. The parameters of the strategies are clearly defined and the description is complete and focused. The changes outlined and their purpose have been succinctly described and there is clear connection with professional literature. The parameters of the strategies are clearly defined and the description is complete and focused. Changes outlined are clearly related to the evaluation findings and also informed by the professional literature Changes outlined emerge logically from the evaluation The changes outlined are not clearly related to the evaluation Mentoring capability Discussion of own mentoring practice in relation to professional literature. Critical analysis of own strengths in mentoring and areas for improvement with strategies for improvement clearly informed by this analysis, as well as wide independent reading and/or investigation. Discussion of own mentoring practice in relation to professional literature, showing evidence of analysis of own strengths and areas for improvement, clearly informed by independent reading and/or investigation Discussion of own mentoring practice in relation to professional literature, showing evidence of understanding of own strengths and areas for improvement as well as wider reading and some independently sourced literature Discusses own mentoring practice in relation to relevant professional literature Little awareness evident of own capability in mentoring. Limited strategies for further development of own capabilities. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 16 of 23 Assessment Criteria High Distinction 85-100% Distinction 75-84% Credit 65-74% Pass 50-64% Fail 0-49% Academic skills Seamlessly integrates existing knowledge, professional literature, and own teaching and learning context. An extensive range of relevant literature from scholarly sources has been evaluated and synthesised, substantially supporting the arguments. APA 7th referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and reference list have been accurately and consistently. Demonstrates clarity of argument through succinct and skilled writing. An extensive range of relevant literature from scholarly sources has been synthesised in supporting the arguments. APA 7th referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list have been used accurately and almost consistently. Arguments are clearly made using an appropriate academic writing style. Literature from scholarly sources has been summarised and incorporated, supporting key points. APA 7th referencing conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list are used. Arguments are clearly made showing understanding of academic writing style. Addresses all sections of the task. Literature from a range of credible sources has been used. Attempt made to adhere to APA 7th referencing conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list, but with errors. Does not address all sections of the task. Poor academic skills in expression, argument, structure, paragraphing, or referencing. Referencing is minimal, very poorly done, or non existent. Note: The criteria for the lower grade needs to be met before being eligible for higher grades Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 17 of 23 PRESENTATION Please submit as a Word document and not PDF. Use double spacing and left hand justification. Headings from the task will count towards your text matching score in Turnitin. REQUIREMENTS Ensure you meet all the requirements of the task and marking criteria Services & Support The Student Portal ( has additional information on how you can seek services and support. Develop your study skills Develop your writing, referencing, English language, numeracy, computer, and other study skills with a range of free Academic Skills ( support/academic-skills-help) services and resources, available online and on campus to help you succeed at university. Library Services Access a wide range of scholarly eBooks, journals articles and multimedia through your Library ( Learn how to find the best information to excel in your study. We’re here to help with easy-to-use Library Resource Guides, videos, workshops, individual appointments and online chat. Assessment and Exam Information Academic Integrity Play your part in maintaining academic integrity at our university. Complete your compulsory Academic Integrity at Charles Sturt University ( studying/subject-enrolment/types-of-subjects/academic-integrity) subject. This subject will help you understand our Academic Integrity Policy, our expectations of you, and the support services available to help you meet your academic obligations. You’ll learn how to avoid plagiarism, cheating, contract cheating, and collusion. Charles Sturt University treats breaches of academic integrity seriously. Turnitin is used to check your Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 18 of 23 submitted work for plagiarism or contract cheating. You can also use Turnitin to check for plagiarism ( studying/assignments-and-exams/assignments/plagiarism) in your assessments before submission. Referencing Referencing is an important component of academic work. All assessment tasks should be appropriately referenced. The American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style is the default referencing style to be used in students’ assessment work. If your subject requires a different style to be used, this will be stated in the assessment requirements. Get referencing style guides and help with referencing from Charles Sturt’s Referencing webpage ( How to submit your Assessment and Exam items EASTS ASSESSMENT – ONLINE SUBMISSION PROCESS Access EASTS ( (Electronic Assignment Submission Tracking System) to submit assessment tasks online. Be sure to read the submission guidelines prior to commencing a task; including file types the system will accept, file name and formatting requirements, etc. A comprehensive user guide, FAQs and system support are also available. How to apply for special consideration Academic regulations provide for special consideration to be given if you suffer misadventure or extenuating circumstances during the session (including the examination period) which prevents you from meeting acceptable standards or deadlines. In these circumstances you need to apply for Special Consideration. ( support/special-consideration) Extensions Assessments should be received by the University no later than the due date. You are requested to do all in your power to meet assessment deadlines. If you experience misadventure or extenuating circumstances of a minor nature and need an extension of up to 7 days you should utilse the automatic extension option through the Special Considerations page. Only one automatic extension is available per session. Automatic extensions are not available for exams, intensive schools, workplace learning, laboratory/ field/clinical work or a time dependent task that is not practicable to rescheduled such as expos. In these circumstances you need to apply for Special Consideration ( Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 19 of 23 If you experience misadventure or extenuating circumstances and require longer, additional or subsequent extension you need to apply for Special Consideration ( current-students/studying/support/special-consideration). Late assessments, without having an extension granted, may be returned with no marks awarded. Penalties for late submission In the absence of an approved extension, or a University defined misadventure or extenuating circumstances, the penalty for assessment items submitted after the due date is 5% of the assessment task value per calendar day. Please inform your Subject Coordinator immediately if you are unable to submit your assignment by the due date. Resubmission Resubmission of assignments is generally not permitted. Feedback processes You will receive feedback for all assessments items submitted. Feedback may be limited where assignments are not submitted by the due dates. The following table gives you an indication of standards for each of the mark ranges. This is not an official university document but will be a useful guide: Grade (as a %): General criteria for allocation of Marks 0 – 49% Assigned work has one or more of the following shortcomings not compensated by other strengths: • fails to address this issue/s or addressed it/them only marginally; • is considerably shorter than the required minimum length; • lacks coherence or structure and has serious deficiencies in the quality of the writing; • shows misunderstanding or little understanding of the basic theoretical issues and/or their implications for professional practice; • relates to the subject on a simple, essentially anecdotal level, demonstrating little reading or little capacity to apply concepts to practice or experience and to draw conclusions from that practice; and/or • substandard through a lack of appropriate content, poverty of argument, poor presentation, inadequate length or a combination of these. 50 – 64% Assigned work basically addresses the topic: • is appropriate length and covers topic according to stated criteria; • includes a reference list (where applicable); Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 20 of 23 Grade (as a %): General criteria for allocation of Marks • is coherent and structured and of an acceptable standard of literacy; • demonstrates a basic understanding of the issues and a capacity to relate them to practice/experience/context; and • shows evidence of basic reading relevant to the topic. 65 – 74% Assigned work addresses the topic and in addition to the above also: • demonstrates a sound understanding of the issues and a capacity to relate them or apply them to experience and practice; • shows evidence of wider reading and some independent selection of sources; and • shows evidence of a capacity to be critical, evaluative or to make judgments. 75 – 84% Assigned work addresses the topic and in addition to the above also: • demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the issues and a capacity to relate them to a wider context; • shows evidence of wide independent reading and/or investigation; and • demonstrates clarity of argument through succinct and skilled writing. 85 – 100% Assigned work addresses the topic and in addition to the above also: • shows evidence of initiative and some originality or ingenuity in the approach to the assignment; and • demonstrates superior execution of the essay/assignment. Source: Based on Athanasou, J. (1997). Introduction to educational testing. Wentworth Falls, NSW: Social Science Press. p. 83. The table below indicates the percentage marks in relation to marks out of 40, 50, and 60 for individual assignments: Mark as a percentage (%) Mark out of 40 Mark out of 50 Mark out of 60 0 – 49 0 – 19.5 0 – 24.5 0 – 29.5 50 – 64 20 – 25.5 25 – 32 30 – 38.5 65 – 74 26 – 29.5 32.5 – 37 39 – 44.5 75 – 84 30 – 33.5 37.5 – 42 45 – 50.5 85 – 100 34 – 40 42.5 – 50 51 – 60 Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 21 of 23 Assessment return You should normally expect your marked assessment to be returned to you within 15 business days of the due date, if your assessment was submitted on time. If you submitted your assessment on time but did not receive it back by the return date, you should contact your Subject Coordinator in the first instance. Student Feedback & Learning Analytics Evaluation of subjects Charles Sturt University values constructive feedback and relies on high response rates to Subject Experience Surveys (SES) to enhance teaching. Responses are fed back anonymously to Subject Coordinators and Heads of Schools to form the basis for subject enhancement and recognition of excellence in teaching. Schools report on their evaluation data; highlighting good practice and documenting how problems have been addressed. You can view a summary of survey results via the Student Portal SES Results ( page. We strongly encourage you to complete your online Subject Experience Surveys. You will be provided with links to your surveys via email when they open three [3] weeks before the end of session. Changes and actions based on student feedback The design of the module has changed as a result of student feedback. Also, the assessment tasks have been altered as a result of student feedback in relation to what best supported their learning. Learning analytics Learning Analytics refers to the collection and analysis of student data for the purpose of improving learning and teaching. It enables the University to personalise the support we provide our students. All Learning Analytics activities will take place in accordance with the Charles Sturt University Learning Analytics Code of Practice. For more information, please visit the University’s Learning Analytics ( learning-technology/evaluation-review-and-analytics) website. Data about your activity in the Interact2 site and other learning technologies for this subject will be recorded and can be reviewed by teaching staff to inform their communication, support and teaching practices. Policies & Regulations This subject outline should be read in conjunction with all academic policies and procedures. Please refer to the collated list of policies and regulations relevant to studying your subject(s) Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 22 of 23 ( which includes links to Charles Sturt University’s Policy Library ( publications-policy/policy)- the sole authoritative source of official academic and administrative rules, policies and procedures of the University. Subject Outline as a reference document This Subject Outline is an accurate and historical record of the curriculum and scope of your subject. Charles Sturt University’s Course and Subject Information Procedure expects that you retain a copy of the Subject Outline for future use, including for accreditation and other professional purposes. Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEL407 202360 W D Version 1 – Published 26 June 2023 Charles Sturt University – TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018 (Australian University). CRICOS Provider: 00005F Page 23 of 23

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